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Walking By Faith Blog Blog

Walking by faith blog is an inspirational website where christian teachings that transforms lives are done.
Thank you for this new day and this new month. We are grateful for your love and care. The Bible says in Psalm 118:24, “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in… Read More
What Is The Quote For Ascension Sunday?
What is the quote for Ascension Sunday?Introduction:Ascension Sunday marks a significant event in the Christian calendar, commemorating the moment when Jesus ascended into heaven after his… Read More
What Is The Main Purpose Of Evangelism?
Introduction:In the world of Christianity, one question often arises: What is the main purpose of evangelism? Evangelism, at its core, is the spreading of the good news of Jesus Christ. But… Read More
22 Evangelism Scriptures
22 Evangelism scripturesAre you a Christian looking to spread the message of love and salvation? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore 22 powerful scriptures from… Read More
12 Reasons Why Evangelism Is Important
12 reasons why evangelism is important Dear Christian Brothers and Sisters,In the tapestry of Christian faith, the act of evangelism threads a vital narrative, weaving together the stories o… Read More
Biblical Meaning Of A Good Shepherd
Introduction:In the Christian faith, the concept of a Good Shepherd holds profound significance. Rooted in biblical teachings, the image of a shepherd caring for and guiding his flock serves… Read More
How Does God Review My Destiny?
How does God review my destiny? The concept of how God reviews one’s destiny is deeply rooted in religious and philosophical beliefs, and interpretations vary widely across different f… Read More
How can a Christian fastIntroduction:Fasting holds a special place in Christian practice, viewed not just as abstaining from food, but as a spiritual discipline aimed at drawing closer to Go… Read More
8 principles of church growthThe growth of a church is an aspiration shared by many congregations and leaders worldwide. It’s a journey that requires more than just hope; it demands a… Read More
10 principles Of Christian givingThe essence of Christian giving is not merely a transaction or an obligation but a reflection of one’s faith, love, and gratitude towards God and His c… Read More
17 Ways Having a Budget Glorify GodThere are many verses in the Bible about money. There are more verses about money than about heaven and hell combined. Jesus cares about every area of our… Read More
7 ways to connect with GodIntroduction**Connecting with God is an essential part of a Christian’s life. It’s not just about attending church services or reading the Bible; it&rsq… Read More
7 ways to overcome temptationIntroductionEvery Christian, at some point, faces the challenge of temptation. Whether it’s a nudge to act against our moral beliefs or the enticement to s… Read More
5 types of Christian prayerIntroduction to Christian PrayerPrayer is the heartbeat of Christian spirituality, a profound way believers communicate with God. It’s an expression of faith… Read More
3 duties of a ChristianIntroduction**In the journey of faith, being a Christian involves embracing certain responsibilities and duties. These obligations are not merely for personal growth… Read More
8 ways to grow your spiritual giftAs Christians, we are all blessed with various spiritual gifts. These gifts are special abilities given to us by the Holy Spirit, meant to be used for the g… Read More
3 enemies of a ChristianIntroduction**Dear Christians, our journey in faith is often described as a walk, a pilgrimage fraught with both joy and challenges. Throughout the ages, theologians… Read More
10 ways to know you are a Christianrelationship with God is a journey that often requires reflection ANF insight. If you’re exploring your faith or seeking confirmation of your Christi… Read More
20 things every Christian should knowIntroduction:**Dear Christians, our journey in faith is filled with learning and growth. Understanding the core aspects of our beliefs strengthens our re… Read More
How can a Christian influence the worldIntroductionIn a world teeming with diverse beliefs and perspectives, the question of how a Christian can influence the world holds particular signific… Read More
5 basic principles of ChristianityIntroductionDear fellow Christians, in our journey of faith, it’s crucial to revisit the core beliefs that form the foundation of our spiritual lives… Read More
9 types of evangelismIntroductionEvangelism is a cornerstone of the Christian faith, an act of spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth. While the goal of evangelism… Read More
21 meaning biblicalIntroduction to the Biblical Meaning of 21**In the tapestry of biblical numerology, where numbers carry profound spiritual and prophetic meanings, the number 21 emerges wi… Read More
21 ways to be a better ChristianIntroduction**Dear Fellow Christians,As followers of Christ, we all aspire to live lives that reflect His teachings and embody the principles of Christianity… Read More
17 ways the holy Spirit help usIntroduction**As Christians, we often hear about the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives, but it can be challenging to understand exactly how He operates. The… Read More
19 things Jesus never saidIntroduction:In our spiritual journeys, understanding the words and teachings of Jesus is pivotal for many Christians. Often, we come across sayings attributed to J… Read More
Gospel meaningIntroduction**In the heart of Christianity lies a word that resonates deeply with believers around the globe: the gospel. This term, rooted in ancient texts, embodies the core… Read More
faith oyedepo biographyIntroduction:In the realm of Christian leadership and devotion, certain names resonate with unwavering faith, immense contribution, and a life of exemplary service. On… Read More
2 corinthians 4:5-12 childrens sermonIntroduction:**Hello, wonderful children of God! Today, we’re going to talk about something really cool found in the Bible, specifically in 2 Corin… Read More
summary of joshua 23Introduction**In the journey of faith, there are milestones marked by profound insights from the past, lessons that have the power to guide and shape our spiritual walk… Read More
Adam age when he diedIntroduction**In the journey through biblical history, the lifespan of Adam holds significant interest for Christians around the world. The narrative of Adam’s lif… Read More
2 corinthians 4:5-18 sermonIntroduction:Dear Christians,Today, we delve deep into the profound words of Paul in his second letter to the Corinthians, specifically 2 Corinthians 4:5-18. Throu… Read More
how did james the brother of jesus die Dear Christians, Today, I want to share a powerful story that is not just a cornerstone of our faith but a testament to unwavering belief and the… Read More
Why is spiritual growth importantIntroduction to Spiritual GrowthAt the heart of the Christian journey is the concept of spiritual growth. It’s an ongoing process of becoming more like… Read More
Why do Christian fast for 40 daysIntroductionFasting for 40 days is a spiritual practice deeply rooted in Christian tradition, offering a period of reflection, prayer, and self-discipline. T… Read More
lessons from gideon in the bibleIntroductionIn the tapestry of Biblical narratives, the story of Gideon stands out as a beacon of inspiration and a rich source of lessons for Christians. Fou… Read More
15 hindrances to worshipWorship is a vital part of a Christian’s spiritual journey. It’s an expression of our reverence and adoration towards God, showing our gratitude and ackno… Read More
16 ways to break a heartIntroduction:Heartbreak is a universally understood emotion, yet its intricacies and outcomes vary significantly from one person to another. In our Christian journey… Read More
5 principles of ChristianityIntroduction:**Christianity, a faith rich in history and diversity, anchors itself in fundamental principles that guide the lives of its followers. These principl… Read More
10 principles of ChristianityIntroduction:Christianity, one of the world’s major religions, spans continents and cultures, embracing believers from diverse backgrounds. At its heart, t… Read More
12 ways God speaks to usIntroductionAs Christians, one of the most profound mysteries and blessings in our spiritual journey is understanding the ways God speaks to us. Often, we may find ou… Read More
How to give myself to GodIntroduction**Many Christians yearn to deepen their relationship with God, seeking ways to surrender themselves more fully to His will. Giving oneself to God isn&rsq… Read More
abraham blessings are mine versefoundational truths we hold dear is found in the Scripture: the blessings of Abraham. But what does it truly mean when we say, Abraham’s blessings are m… Read More
what was jezebel known forJezebel is a name that echoes through the ages, often synonymous with wickedness, seduction, and idolatry. Her story is primarily found in the First and Second Book… Read More
Christian family podcastDear fellow Christians,As believers, we know that family is at the heart of God’s plan for humanity. God has designed the family unit as a foundation for love… Read More
Christian parents divorceIntroduction:Divorce is a journey that many would prefer not to embark on, especially within the Christian community where the sanctity of marriage is held in high r… Read More
Christian and familyIntroduction**In the hustle and bustle of modern life, finding time for faith and family amidst our daily commitments can sometimes feel like a challenging task. However… Read More
How to navigate an open relationshipIntroduction:Open relationships are a complex and often misunderstood form of partnership. It’s a topic that stirs various emotions and opinions, es… Read More
Bible topics to studyIntroduction:Dear Christians,Embarking on a journey through the Bible isn’t just about reading a historical document; it’s about discovering life-changing tr… Read More
Transformation in the bibleAs Christians, we believe that the Bible is the Word of God. We believe that through reading, studying, and meditating on its teachings, we can grow closer to God… Read More
Transformed by christIntroductionDear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,In a world that constantly changes, one truth remains steadfast—our transformation through faith in Jesus Christ. T… Read More
peter death in the bibleIntroduction:Peter’s death is an important aspect of early Christian history and provides valuable lessons for Christians today. In this message, we aim to expl… Read More
6 things God createdIntroduction:I am writing to you today as your fellow Christian, bringing you a message from our Holy Bible that showcases the wonder of God’s divine creations. The… Read More
3 things a Christian should not doIntroductionGreetings, my brothers and sisters in Christ. Today, I would like to talk about three important areas where, as Christians, we must always be vi… Read More
10 qualities of a good ChristianAs I sit down to pen my thoughts, I reflect upon my journey as a Christian and realize the profound ways in which my faith has shaped me. As followers of Chri… Read More
10 things a Christian should not doIntroductionI bring this message with a sense of urgency, duty, and heartfelt love for all Christians globally. My objective is not to put forth a doctrine… Read More
Spiritual needs meaningIntroduction:We are living in complex and challenging times that could result in our physical, emotional, and above all, spiritual needs being unfulfilled. To all Chri… Read More
Christian book imperfect biblesAs a fellow Christian, I deeply acknowledge the importance of the Bible in our faith. It’s a spiritual compass that guides us in our journey towards unde… Read More
Perfectly imperfect ChristianPerfectly Imperfect ChristianIntroductionToday, I am reaching out to all Christians across the globe, united by our shared faith and shared human condition. I co… Read More
Conquering fear of flyingIntroduction:Dear brothers and sisters in Christ around the world, I am here today to discuss something personal that I believe affects a great deal of us – th… Read More
Valentine quotes for himIntroductionThe essence of Valentine’s day is expressing our deep-seated feelings of love and affection for the special people in our lives. More specifically… Read More
16 tenants of faithAs a fellow Christian, I deeply cherish my faith and I feel a profound responsibility to share the same with those who are interested in understanding the core beliefs tha… Read More
Valentine quotes for boyfriendIntroductionValentine’s day is often seen as the epitome of love, the day when people across the globe express their feelings to their significant other i… Read More
Valentine quotes shortsIntroductionValentine’s Day, the day of love and affection, is often celebrated with an exchange of gifts, romantic dinners, or intimate getaways. However, one t… Read More
Valentine wishes for friendsIntroductionWhen the season of love dawns upon us, our hearts overflow with affection not only for our romantic partners but also for the priceless gems of our li… Read More
Valentine quotesIntroductionAs we navigate through the profound emotion of love, sometimes we find ourselves at a loss for words. This is particularly true during the season of love –… Read More
Valentine quotes for businessIntroduction:Love is in the air! Valentine’s Day is not only for those head over heels in love. It’s also a great opportunity for businesses to expre… Read More
Valentine quotes for friendsIntroductionValentine’s Day, a day mostly known for celebrating romantic love, is also a great occasion to celebrate all kinds of love – family love… Read More

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