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Magick Words Glossary Everything you Need to know Now

Magick Words, if you are fascinated by the world of the occult and want to learn Magick terminology this post is for you! Here we go over various words related to the practice of magick. If you want to learn new terminology this post is for you!


A Magick Terms

There are variations of Gardnerian witchcraft practiced by Alexandrians. They are followers of a tradition by Alex Sanders and Maxie Sanders to practice British witchcraft. Traditionally, Alexandrians follow Gardnerian witchcraft practices.


A witch’s altar is a space designated explicitly for performing spells and rituals. They decorate it with anything they wish. Altar decorations include sacred objects, magick tools, flowers, and even crystals associated with certain sabbats.

Astral Body 

Some people describe it as the soul, but the astral body is the psychic or spirit form we take when we travel. A subtle body made of fine material, the celestial body, is thought to be a bridge that intertwines the brilliant soul and the mental body. It comes from Plato’s philosophy, according to many recensions. There have been similar ideas since Plato’s time: it’s about an astral plane, which consists of the planetary heavens of astrology. Neo-Rosicrucians and Theosophists adopted the term in the nineteenth century.

Astral Plane 

You get to the astral plane when you project or do astral magick. You enter altered states of consciousness where your celestial body separates from your material body. Some people say astral planes and dream spaces, where you lucid dream, are the same, but others say they’re different.

It’s also called the heavenly plane or astral world, postulated by classical, medieval, oriental, and mystery religions. It’s the world of angels and spirits that the soul passes through during birth and death. It’s a place where immaterial things live. Neo-Rosicrucianism and Theosophy popularized the concept.

Magick – astral plane


Celestial bodies tell us what’s happening on earth and how people behave. It’s a practice about stars, constellations, zodiacs, and planets while making predictions in astrology. The worlds, the Sun and the Moon, are observed along with their positions. The practice of astrology is a form of divination.


You can read auras by training yourself to be able to detect them. Auras are subtle Energy fields that surround objects, places, and living things.

According to spiritual beliefs, the aura is an emanation of colored energy that surrounds a person, animal, or object. According to some esoteric positions, the aura is a subtle body. It’s common for psychics and holistic medicine practitioners to see auras.

In some cultures, chakra centers are included in the aura, representing health and well-being. 

B Magick Terms 


Generally, banishing is a way to eliminate non-physical influences like spirits and adverse effects in ceremonial magic. It’s okay to do banishing rituals without accompanying rituals, even though they’re often part of more complex ceremonies. 


During Beltane, the separation between our material world and the world of the fae is thinnest, marking the halfway point between the spring equinox and summer solstice. In the northern hemisphere, celebrated on May 1, and in the south on October 31. 

Birth Chart 

The birth chart shows what position and house all the planets were in when you were born. Many people don’t know that – not just the sun has signed! 

Magick – black magic

Black Magick 

A black magick practitioner doesn’t have to be wrong because karma sends back whatever they put out three times as hard. People who used black magic in the past don’t always mean they’re evil because the concept of ‘good’ and ‘evil’ is relative. ‘A ye harm none, do what ye will is the Wiccan Rede.

Traditionally, black magic or dark magic, or the use of supernatural powers for evil or selfish purposes, or as magic associated with demons, selfish gains, or evil spirits. The left-hand path is also known as the “left-hand path” (while the right-hand path is known as the white magic of benevolence). A modern interpretation of black magic has been distorted by those who wish to disapprove of magic or ritualistic practices. 

One cannot practice magickal practices that go against their own or others’ will.


Book of Shadows 

Witches keep records of their experiments, opinions, and rituals in the Book of Shadows, which serves as a journal. Book of Shadows are spellbooks in which witches keep notes about magick, paths, and discoveries. Some are more valuable than others because of their content; they vary in shape and depending on the witch. The owner with the right spell can only read the contents. To protect witches’ identities and ensure the survival of the Old Ways, the Book will travel to Samhain after the witch’s death.

C Magick Terms


By the first century CE, the Celtic peoples primarily lived in France and the British Isles, despite initially spreading throughout much of Europe. A Celtic religious worldview associated groves of trees, bodies of water, and elevated landscapes with gods, goddesses, and faeries. These became important places of worship. Neo-Paganism is reviving these beliefs and practices.

Celtic Paganism, or ancient Celtic religion, was a religious tradition among the ancient Celtic peoples of Europe. Since the ancient Celts didn’t have writing, archaeology, Greek and Roman accounts (some hostile and uninformed), and early Christian literature provide evidence. Several polytheistic religions in Europe during the Iron Age, including Celtic Paganism. Despite regional differences and changes over time, Celtic peoples shared “wide structural similarities” and “basic religious homogeneity.”

ceremonial magick

Ceremonial magick

Ceremonial magick is full of ceremonies and many essential accessories to aid the practitioner of ritual magick. Ceremonial magick (ritual, high, or learned magic) encompasses many magical acts. This form of magic is an extension of ritual magick and is often associated with it in many ways. Hermeticism and esotericism contribute to ceremonial magick. As Aleister Crowley explained in his definition of magick, it is the science and art of causing a change to fulfill one’s wish, including both mundane and ritual acts of will. Crowley revived the term to distinguish the occult from performance magic, defined as the science and art of doing so. Crowley believes that Magick is essential for a person to understand himself properly and act following one’s valid will, which he saw as a reconciliation between free will and destiny. Crowley describes this process in Book Four of Magick Without Tears.


In the body, chakras are energy wheels that flow energy. Seven main chakras – crown, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral, and root – correspond to different power and color. The chakras in your body are your energy centers, so we have to keep them balanced to be spiritually and physically healthy. Each of these spinning disks corresponds to a nerve bundle or an organ.

Chakras need to remain open or balanced to function at their best. If they are blocked, you might feel physical or emotional symptoms.

Several different chakras exist in the body, but seven main ones run along your spine.


Usually, a circle refers to the people gathered for a ritual. Everyone can see each other as a group, with no one having privilege over anyone else, all are equals in a circle. At a ritual, a circle is present so the energy raises to separate the ritual space from reality. This practice promotes egalitarianism and community.



Casting a circle is done to banish negative energy and create a sacred space in preparation for a spell or ritual. However, casting it creates a calm space for meditation or work.

 Circle-casting refers to the practice of setting up a temporary space for magick or ritual. It is, by definition, round. Circle-casting is a term in Wiccan traditions. Still, other magick users may cast circles, as well. The magick circle is a mobile temple, apart from the ordinary world, where magickal happenings can more easily occur.

Generally speaking, the circle is put up at the beginning of the rite by the leading priest and priestess. Solo practitioners cast circles, too, and the circle is released at the end of the ritual. 

A circle is a psychic boundary. You can’t see it with your normal five senses. However, someone with those skills detects a properly cast circle energetically and clairvoyantly. The magick circle is said to extend through the worlds—not just the physical plane, but the astral planes.


In general, cleansing can is a way to get rid of unwanted energies that build up over time from people, objects, or places. This build-up can be from past rituals, unintentional rituals, or any other energy accumulated from past practices. Cleaning is simply a way to eliminate unwanted energy from people, places, or objects. It is usually a gentler way of getting rid of things than banishing, which is a more forceful way of getting rid of stuff. When you transmute energy, it is not forceful; it is energy that is free from its bonds and becomes something neutral.

Magick- consecration


The act of consecrating is to purify and dedicate an object to a specific use. Usually, witches bless new wands or tools to make them sacred. In many modern Pagan traditions, magical tools get consecrated before use. This ritual achieves a couple of things: purifying the item before it interacts with the Divine. Secondly, it removes any negative energies from the tool. Cleansing is convenient if you aren’t sure of a tool’s history or who owned it before it came to you.


The word coven originally meant a group of people who shared the same interests and performed rituals or celebrated the sabbats together. A coven is a group of witches in Wicca, Stregheria, Feri, and other neopagan witchcraft, like affinity groups, engagement groups, or small covenant gatherings. When practitioners gather to do rituals like drawing down the moon or celebrating the Sabbats, they call it a covenstead.

Crystal Elixirs

A crystal elixir is a water infused with crystal energies. That’s right; you soak your crystal in water to make a crystal elixir. You can drink the mixture or use it in rituals.

A gemstone elixir is a liquid imprinted with the vibrational energy of a particular stone. The body responds to the power of this stone by absorbing this liquid.

Magick -crystals


It’s a rock or mineral with different properties you can use in spells or rituals. There are a lot of religions and cultures that use crystals as part of their spirituality. Some use them to channel and amplify the sun’s or moon’s power (and) some use them to purify relics.



Curses are damaging spells to bring bad luck or energy. Any wish for misfortune can be a curse.

It can be a wish or pronouncement made by a god, gods, spirit, natural force, spell (usually black magic), witchcraft, or hex or jinx. Usually, a curse is a spiritual or supernatural wish made to come true.

 There’s a lot of belief out there that curses (or rituals) cause things to happen. When you remove or break a curse, you must dispel the spell, which often requires elaborate rituals or prayers.

D Magick Terms


In some circles, practitioners of the Dianic Pagan religion are women only. Named after the Greek goddess Diana, they worship only goddesses. Dianic Pagans say single-gender groups share unique energy that attracts other women to their religion.

Dianic Wicca 

There’s a witchcraft path for women called Diana, who stands for female empowerment. Dianic Wiccans aren’t matriarchal but rather a tradition that emphasizes and explores feminine energy through creating an environment designed for women. The ultimate source of all life, life arises and returns to her in perfect harmony with nature. This is why all goddesses worship a single goddess holding all the goddesses from all cultures in her hands.



In the Oxford Dictionary of English, a deity or god is either a god or goddess or something revered as divine.

The eclectic nature of modern Paganism means that some people who worship Greek or other mythological gods don’t necessarily believe these gods exist. As a result, it isn’t straightforward. According to this definition, gods are usually supernatural beings. These people live in a world beyond what they can experience with their five senses, though they often interact with the world around them. This type of deity is usually part of a pantheon of gods, other gods that people worship in a polytheistic religion. There’s typically a natural element associated with each of these deities.


By interpreting omens, divination tells the future or uncovers knowledge. The practice of divination involves using various natural, psychological, and other techniques to determine the hidden meanings or causes of events, sometimes even foretelling the future. Horoscopes, astrology, crystal gazing, tarot cards, and Ouija boards are typical in contemporary mass society and ancient civilizations.

Draconic Witch 

Those who follow dragon deities have a slightly different set of ethics, which they use to honor their deities. Like the gods and goddesses other witches follow, draconic witches also follow dragon deities. Draconic Wicca is a nature-based spiritual path incorporating the principles of Wicca and the Draconic way. You can do it however you like.

Similarly to Wiccans working with Gods and Goddesses, these Wiccans deal with dragons. They have to deal with each dragon’s unique personality.

The dragons are deities in Draconic Wicca and may still do Wiccan Sabots. Still, they’ll concentrate on dragon deities more.

Magick -dream journal

Dream Journal 

This book lets you write down all your dreams. You use it to decipher messages from your subconscious or to familiarize yourself with your dreams so you can get a lucid dream or astral project. Dream journals are books that you keep recording your dreams. In a dream diary, you write down your nightly dreams, reflections, and waking dreams. They’re suitable for dream studies. Some people use dream diaries to help them dream lucidly.


Druids were priests in Ireland, Britain, and modern-day France before the Romans conquered Europe in the early centuries CE. Trees, water, and elevated landscapes became important places to worship. They were closely associated with various gods, goddesses, and spirits in their religious culture.

Druids or Celtic reconstructionist Pagans are Pagans who revive practices and beliefs from these parts of Europe.

Since druidism relied on a combination of spirit contact and holistic medicine to treat (and sometimes cause) illnesses, it is a shamanic religion. Some of their knowledge of the earth and space may have come from megalithic times, as they induced insanity in people and were accurate fortune tellers.

E Magick Terms

Eclectic Witch 

Witches who practice eclectic witchcraft combine traditions, religions, and magickal paths to make their own highly personal practice. Witches can be diverse and work with gods and goddesses from different faiths or secular witches who don’t. Some call it universalist Paganism or nondenominational Paganism. Still, it’s a form of modern Paganism in which practitioners mix Paganism with other religions or philosophies. A Pagan who practices eclectic Paganism doesn’t go by any set path. Diverse pagan ways are especially popular in North America and the British Isles. They believe in ancient gods, magic, stewardship, and nature spirits.

Magick -egregore


A non-physical entity created by the collective thoughts of a group of people is called an egregore. An egregore is a group thought to form in the occult world. It’s an autonomous entity created either intentionally or unintentionally. Families, clubs, political parties, churches, or countries can make egregores, for better or worse, depending on their thoughts.

Eight High Holidays

With eight High Holidays, Neo-Pagans get in touch with the cyclical nature of time: the summer and winter solstices, spring and fall equinoxes (which mark four quarters), and Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasadh, and Samhain, which are the midpoints (cross-quarter days) between them in Celtic tradition.

Energy Work

Energy work or healing, also known as energy medicine, includes Reiki, Qi Gong, Tai Chi, Healing Touch, and many other modalities. Acupuncture is also an energy-healing technique. Originates from the idea that “disease comes about because our body’s vital energy gets imbalanced or blocked.” It’s supposed to help our body heal by removing the blockage or stimulating the flow of energy.

Reiki is a Japanese technique that uses lightly placed hands to remove blockages and improve energy flow in the body.


During the late 16th century, John Dee and Edward Kelley wrote journals about occult or angelic language. Kelly was a spirit medium who worked with Dee on his magical investigations. They said they learned the language from Enochian angels. It’s part of Enochian magick. 

Enochian Magick

Known as Enochian magick, in the 16th century John Dee and Edward Kelley received their information directly from angels, including the Enochian language. 

Magick -evocation


Traditionally, it evokes something to be present with you.

Evocation is an act or ritual for summoning spirits, demons, deities, or other supernatural agents, in the Western mystery tradition. Such practices may involve the use of mind-altering substances, uttered or unuttered, as well as the use of words.


There are two equinoxes yearly when the sun crosses the celestial equator, making the day and night the same length. Spring begins with the vernal equinox, and autumn begins with the autumnal equinox. In the southern and northern hemispheres, each equinox occurs on a different day, derived from the Latin words ‘equal’ and ‘night.’ 

Ostara, the second spring festival in the northern hemisphere, is also observed by witches at the spring equinox. Many modern Pagans celebrate Ostara as a time of renewal, balance, and rebirth. Take the time to celebrate nature’s renewal. Feel the earth’s awakening energy while standing in nature, lying in the grass, or hiking.

F Magick Terms


As part of Celtic Paganism, faerie is an Irish tradition based on lore about little people, tree spirits, and other supernatural beings. Legends and meanings about Fae lived out of sight long before the internet. It was often said that Fae were nature spirits or tricksters who would trick humans. 

There are generations of folktales and myths about the Fae that have been told. The Fae were depicted as shadowy figures with magical powers and humanlike beings.

Magick -faerie

Faery witch 

Faery witches practice Faery magick. Instead of dealing with gods and goddesses, they prefer to work with mythological creatures like fairies and nymphs for guidance. It is also possible to use draconian deities in Fairy Witchcraft, a separate path known as draconian witchcraft. In a new approach, the older beliefs associated with the Fairy Faith blend into a modern neopagan tradition. A nondenominational belief system centered on understanding and dealing with the Otherworld and its inhabitants, Fairy Faith uses a lot of folklore. In respecting these beings, we must understand that they can be dangerous or helpful, blessing or cursing, but they deserve our respect too. Fairy witchcraft also combines traditional fairy faith with neopagan mysticism.

Folk Magick

There are lots of different types of folk magic, but they are all united only by the fact that they are the magic people practice instead of the ceremonial magic the elites do.

There are many things folk magic can do: heal the sick, bring love or luck, drive away evil forces, find lost items, bring good harvests, make fertile, read omens, etc. It’s generally pretty simple and changes over time since most workers are illiterate. Materials include plants, coins, nails, wood, eggshells, twine, stones, animals, feathers, etc.

Magick – folk Magick

full and new moons

The different phases of the moon’s cycle are significant in some Pagan traditions, especially in Wicca, where the moon is associated with the Goddess. A full moon, according to Wiccans, brings out the most spiritual power in nature. They gather to work magick related to fullness, prosperity, and fruition. On new moons, Wiccans often meet up for rituals associated with the unseen or for goals that need time to develop.

There’s a fresh start at a new moon when the moon can barely is barely visible, and the sky looks dark. Magick might be literal, so when the moon isn’t visible, it’s an excellent time for shadow work or acknowledging the dark sides that we usually keep hidden.

Moons get bigger and brighter during the waxing phase. In the waxing phase of the moon, the moon grows, gets more luminous, and is an ideal time to do sympathetic magick. Magick that works through symbolic resemblance is sympathetic magick. You’re getting a brighter moon, so let’s use that energy to improve your career, self-esteem, and love life.

Full moons are powerful. Emotions run high at full moons, and everything is extra intense. This intensity can be used in any spell you like, and with the knowledge that you’ll have a bright ball of shining power to help you. People usually charge their crystals at full moon by placing them in the sunlight. You can also make full-moon water by setting a goblet of water on top of a letter of intention under the full moon’s light. Let the full moon charge the water, and then drink it up. You can do magick under a full moon with extra potency. Psychic abilities increase during a full moon. Don’t doubt your instincts, even if your emotions run high under a full moon. Meditation in the full moon’s light is one of the easiest and best ways to get clarity.

In sympathetic magick, the waning moon is an excellent time to perform banishing work or cut cords with a past lover. It occurs when the moon gets darker again, moving from a full moon to a new moon. A person does not always have to be banished entirely. You can cast spells to remove insecurity, self-doubt, or feelings for someone who you know is harmful to you to eliminate them. The best way to empower me is to empower rather than try to change others’ wills (some would argue ethically). Get rid of the negativity that keeps you from living the life you deserve.

G Magick Terms

Gardnerian tradition

It’s a form of religious witchcraft based on the writings and teachings of Gerald Gardner (1884–1964), published in England in the 1950s. The Pagan community divides on how much Gardner was influenced by tradition and how much he created himself. Gardner claimed to have found and initiated a group that practiced ancient indigenous British religion. Gardner’s books have been influential, and many groups follow the ritual guidelines he taught to his initiates in the United States. A variation of Gardnerian witchcraft, the Alexandrian tradition was founded by Alex Sanders and Maxine, who initiated many followers personally.

Visit to learn more about the Gardnerian tradition.

goddess magick


In the singular form, Goddess refers to the supreme divine reality, or in the plural, one of many specific or localized feminine deities. Historically, the Goddess can be Durga, Kali, or Devi. It refers to a mighty, even supreme Goddess.

Today’s Pagan traditions call the Goddess Diana or Isis or the universal and supreme Goddess known by many different names. She’s a female deity. The Goddess is often associated with pregnancy or imagined feminine roles that shape how women and girls are viewed or expected to behave in many known cultures.

This behavior includes spinning, weaving, beauty, love, sexuality, motherhood, domesticity, creativity, and fertility (like the mother goddess cult). Many significant goddesses are associated with magic, war, strategy, hunting, farming, wisdom, fate, earth, sky, power, laws, justice, and more.

Some goddesses are also associated with negative themes, like discord or disease.
There are multiple goddesses and gods in polytheistic religions. These deities might be part of a pantheon or be associated with different regions.

Goddess spirituality

Worship and spirituality dedicated to female deities, goddess spirituality, refers to the worship of a single goddess, to whom the mythological goddesses are aspects.

In goddess spirituality, you experience and express the divine feminine energies in the universe with reverence. It started in Africa during the Paleolithic Age and is still around today because it meets many needs in psychospiritual life. 

With the agrarian revolution and emphasis on fertility, Goddess spirituality played a big role during the Neolithic Age. Here Artemis of Ephesus is wearing a necklace with zodiac signs and a costume with animals, bees, and flowers, a late expression of the Goddess. As people voted, she was Great, Magnificent, Queen, Commander, Guide, Advisor, Legislator, Spreader of Light, Savior, and Controller of Fate.

green witch magick

Green Witch 

Their practices usually involve using nature, including forest, mountain, and beach spells and rituals, and growing their own herbs. They are interested in botany and strive to protect the planet and the environment to the best of their abilities. 

A green witch embraces nature’s power. She draws energy from nature. Communes with the land; thrives using stones and gems. Naturally experiments and heals with plants, flowers, oils, and herbs; the green witch relies on nature for guidance, and she respects everything. As you learn the way of the green witch, you will be able to make potions, oils, and crystals through herbs, plants, and flowers, as well as find balance within by using crystals, gems, stones, and twigs. 


Pagan worship has historically been centered around sacred groves. Druids believe that trees have specific attributes that make the place where they grow more meaningful. Some rural communities protect sacred groves as abodes of their deities, referred to as “groves” by contemporary Druids. People who believe in ecosystems draw their livelihood from nearby resources and value nature for its ecological services.

What does a grove represent?

Cultures worldwide have long associated sacred groves with secrecy and initiation rites. Forest patches that were separate and untouchable from the rest were considered groups of trees.


Connecting to the energy of the Earth physically and spiritually is grounding. Grounding can be practiced by sitting in the grass or walking barefoot outside. Whenever a person is grounded and connected to the Earth, electrons naturally flow between the Earth and the human body, which reduces free radicals and eliminates static electricity. Connecting to Earth’s natural energy is a great way to come back after a very intensive meditation. It is also great for stress management and overall wellbeing. Like the sun, the Earth provides essential energy, nutrients, and vitamins that contribute to optimal health.

H Magick Terms

Hedge Witch

As hedge witches, we are interested in working with various spiritual planes and realms. Lucid dreaming, astral projection, and astral travel are among their most regular magick practices. Herbalism and shamanic experience are the focus of this modern witch. A hedge witch can be described as a combination of Shamanism and the art of a seer. In rural European areas, hedge witchery originated from folk traditions. The traditions of hedge witches are rooted in Anglo-Saxon, Greek, and Celt cultures. Witches are healers, seers, and spellcasters. Someone, such as a family member or a wise person, taught her the craft. 


A reconstruction of early Greek religion, Hellenismos. Practicing rituals based on the Greek pantheon is heavily influenced by historical and archeological texts. 

There are some Hellenic Pagans who value historical accuracy; there are others who think innovations are needed to keep their religion alive.

Reconstructionists are common among Hellenists. By reconstructionism, ancient religions can be revived and practiced in the modern world. 

Traditions have survived time and space according to reconstructionists. In modern times, it is possible and desirable to practice ancient beliefs, albeit with some modifications.

Other reconstructionist religions include Celtic and Druidic groups, and Nova Roma among others.



A system of utilizing herbs for healing based on both the art and science of herbalism. A foundation for traditional medicine is herbal medicine, which focuses on pharmacognosy and medicinal plants. 

Herbalism is a system of medicine based on the art and science of using herbs for healing. The practice of herbalism traces back to ancient times when people first began using plants for medicinal purposes. Over the centuries, herbalism has evolved and now encompasses a wide range of therapeutic modalities.

Herbalism is a holistic approach to healing which considers the whole person – mind, body, and spirit. The goal of herbalism is to restore balance and harmony within the individual. Herbalists use various tools and techniques, including diet and lifestyle changes, tea and tincture making, and aromatherapy.

Hereditary Witch

Witches are born into a family of witches who practice magick and has passed down their traditions through generations. Rather than any genetic link, this is a family tradition based on practices and beliefs. For many modern pagans, including those from hereditary families, witchcraft is either a skill set they develop over years of training or a belief system they dedicate their lives to. A combination of the two may be the case for some people.

Hereditary witches come from families where the practice of witchcraft is passed down from generation to generation. This type of witchcraft is based on traditions and beliefs rather than any genetic link. 

There are many different types of witches, and not all come from families with a history of witchcraft. Some witches are self-taught, while others learn from mentors or books. Some witches follow a specific tradition, while others create their own unique path. There is no one way to be a witch; anyone can learn how to practice witchcraft if they feel called to do so.


Hex spells are quick spells that can cause mischief, much like curses or jinxes. Hexes are like spells or bewitchments. This word was borrowed from the Pennsylvania Dutch name for a witch, Hexi. Hagazussa (“hag”) comes from Old High German.

According to the Pennsylvania Dutch, a hex is considered an evil spell or curse. A professional witch casts the spell for a donation, which is paid to her. Charms are also broken and protected against by witches.


As represented by the two triangles that make up the Star of David, the Hexagram is often seen as a symbol of unity between males and females. Males are represented by the upward-pointing triangle, while females are represented by the downward-pointing triangle. As Above, So Below is also represented by the two triangles. The triangles resemble consciousness ascending towards Godhead through one triangle and descending towards the material and mundane through the other.

high magick

High Magick

High magick is Ceremonial magic and generally involves calling upon the spirit world through specific rituals and invocations. A blend of older occult teaching is used in ceremonial magic, such as Thelema, Enochian magic, Kabbalah, and other occult philosophies. High magick is learned and formal in nature; the practitioner must perform rituals in a specific manner. High magick comes from the higher self of the practitioner. It communicates with celestial beings like arch angels, alters reality, and invokes them. Magick itself is, it is neither good nor bad.

High Priestess

High Priestess and/or High Priest are terms used by some Pagan traditions to describe their ritual leader. High Priestesses and High Priests are typically trained and initiated and have extensive experience. Different priestesses or priests rotate as High Priests or Priestesses in some Pagan groups, and there is no one High Priest or Priestess. A High Priestess or High Priest has typically formal training, has been initiated, and has a great deal of experience. Various priestesses and priests rotate as high priests and priestesses in some pagan groups.

I Magick Terms


The first signs of spring are celebrated on this Sabbat. In the northern hemisphere, it’s celebrated in February, while in the southern hemisphere, it’s in August. Among Christians, St Brigid’s feast day marks the beginning of spring. During Neolithic Ireland and Scotland, the spring equinox and midwinter solstice coincided at Imbolc. Pagan-influenced religions, such as Wiccans and Neopagans, celebrate this holiday. Pre-Christian holidays celebrate winter, sunshine, and the changing seasons, and Imbolc is just one of them.


Philosophers and theologians define immanence as being wholly within an object rather than transcending it. As opposed to deism, which posits God as separate from and above the universe, it allows God to exist throughout the universe. There are many ways in which this concept can be expressed, including pantheism and theism. Pagans believe divinity is either present in the physical world or that it is immanent. Some Pagans believe everything has a soul or spirit, while others hold that only one divine force pervades everything. Because Pagans believe in inherent divinity, they think that the human body is holy. According to Wicca, divinity exists in Nature as matter and physical energy, emphasizing its immanence in Nature. Immanence and spiritual transcendence are compatible for Wiccans.


Various religious traditions use invocation, including Paganism, Shamanism, and Wicca. The term refers to drawing a spirit or spirit force into the individual’s body instead of evocation, which refers to calling on a spirit or energy to appear at a particular location. According to Aleister Crowley,

Invoking means calling in, just as evoking means calling forth. An essential difference between invocation and evocation is that the macrocosm floods your consciousness. Invoking allows you to be infused with the spirit. In evocation, the magician becomes t

This post first appeared on Esoteric Tea, please read the originial post: here

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