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The Cosmic Empath: A Short Guide For Empathy Blog

A blog dedicated to my personal opinions and instructions about being an empath, psychoanalysis, tarot, magick, kabbalah, mysticism, and the golden dawn.
Relaxation and patience through pain without seeking any cures will resurrect our self-object. With the self-object intact, you will gain the ability to care for, understand, protect and lov… Read More
When In Doubt: Relax
Relaxation is the most important tool of the Aspirant in making progress on the Path. Face all the unconscious material that surface during relaxation, and do not change focus due to pain or… Read More
The Work Of An Adept (5=6 Grade)
The work of an Adept is centered around meditation. To get into a meditative state is the rejection of the mundane Self, which many authors refer to as the 'ego', in order to squeeze out the… Read More
The Two Worlds - Part II
 The continuation of my hypotheses on the Theory of Magic.The Organized WorldI don't want to sound like a control freak, but there really is a Divine Will that gets reflected on the Wor… Read More
 I am now in a position to state some important Theses, thereby propose an update to our Ethics.Family and EducationLove is a palliative cure. We need Love in our Society because of the… Read More
The Two Worlds - Part I
 I offer my opinion of the subjective experience of the Portal and magical powers.The Two WorldsThe inner and outer orders exist together within the same Spiritual field. Initiated and… Read More
Magic And Socialism
Following the Ritual lifestyle will eventually land the aspirant in the Inner Order. In this post, I comment about the nature of Consciousness in the Inner Order.Affinity and AnalysisFew min… Read More
 What is a Ritual?A ritual is an activity of the Will. Any action that takes root from the Will is a ritual. More rituals will bring the aspirant closer to newer Initiations. Every day… Read More
The Portal
The Portal is envisaged by many aspirants as the gate for the daily consciousness to extend towards deeper realities. This is very flawed thinking. Taking the desire body together with the a… Read More
The Inner Order Of The Golden Dawn
 My opinions about the Inner Order of the Golden DawnAchievement or Appointment?The Inner Order beyond the 5=6 (Adept) grade is the powerhouse of the World. It is the contact space of t… Read More
 I offer my opinions on the hidden traps surrounding the definition of Adepthood by various authors.Adepthood: What to ExpectAn important aspect of Adepthood is to be able to keep the m… Read More
The Art Of Living
 My opinion about navigating Life as an InitiateThe Source of ErrorThe Source of Wisdom is a grand and mystical subject. We can include psychoanalysis, Kabbalah, and life itself in our… Read More
The Law Of Mis-Attraction
 I share my observations about the expanding Consciousness and undesirable magnetic consequences.The Law of Mis-AttractionThere is a good deal of giving up on social validation and gran… Read More
The Goal Of Magic
 I share my opinion about the goals of Magic.Why Spirits Descend into Matter?Apparently, for various reasons. It is reasonable to assume that the Spirit is well aware that other Men may… Read More
The Limits Of Magic
Some thoughts on the limits of Magic.A Summary of MagicI have dealt with the nature and mechanism of Magic. In this post, I would like to discuss some limitations of Magic. However, a concis… Read More
The Magical Lifestyle
Some thoughts on the Magician's lifestyle.Psychic PainThe Qliphoth have the ability to conceal Light. When the Initiate is brought to the vicinity of The Profane, he will experience fear, lo… Read More
The Cup - Entry To The Practicus Grade
Some thoughts on The Cup, magical weapon of the Practicus (3=8).The Tribal ManThere is a specific situation in life that is very painful, which is the presence of an individualistic Soul in… Read More
The Zelator - III
 The series of confessions and advice from a Zelator continues.Magic wands of the Golden Dawn (source:… Read More
The Zelator - II
In this continuation of advice / confessions regarding the Zelator grade, I would like to thread upon some additional observances.Gas, 1940, E. Hopper (source:… Read More
The Zelator - I
Automat, by Edward Hopper (source: Wikimedia Commons)The Zelator Initiation is marked on the Tree of Life as 2=9, one counted from Malkuth and the other from Kether. It might be as well call… Read More
 Can you inflict harm upon yourself? No, that would hurt. The only way it would hurt less than your current situation is if your anger towards the world is hurting you more than how muc… Read More
Life's Problems
* You have a problem, and you seek a solution. A secondary problem is generally associated with the definition of the proble… Read More
 The truth about self-love is that it is boring. A developed Spirit can access the Divine Light, and time wasted on recuperating from useless pursuits is a pity. The generative energy o… Read More
Here are some observations regarding True Will.- Observing your True Will makes you stronger, doing otherwise will invite demons.- You cannot be who you Want to be, you can only be who you W… Read More
Lucifer: Lucifer literally translates as the 'Light Bringer'. The weak point of an Empath is the tendency to help people in a language they cannot understand. The Empath has a unique knowled… Read More

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The Cosmic Empath: A Short Guide for Empathy
