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Cursed, Possessed, or Haunted: Can Inanimate Objects Be Evil?

Cursed, Possessed, Or Haunted: Can Inanimate Objects Be Evil?

Can an inanimate object be evil? A person can be evil. They can behave in ways most of us would label as evil. But what about an inanimate object that has never and will never live? Can that be evil too?

When I was a believing Christian, I would have said "yes." I don't remember anybody telling me that some inanimate objects were evil. I do recall plenty of people acting as if some were. Heavy metal records and Ouija boards were two popular examples. Many Christians seemed to fear these and other objects. Messing with them could lead to demonic possession or worse.

This post first appeared on Atheist Revolution, please read the originial post: here

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Cursed, Possessed, or Haunted: Can Inanimate Objects Be Evil?
