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Indian Church works on final draft of document for ‘continental stage’ of synod

Indian Church Works On Final Draft Of Document For ‘continental Stage’ Of Synod

The Catholic Church in India has started on December 28 a three-day meeting to decide on the final draft of the document for the “continental stage” of the synodal process.

The six-member drafting committee, which is meeting in Bangalore, is expected to come up with a 10-page synthesis from the 101 syntheses collected across the country.

Cardinal Filipe Neri Ferrão, president of the Conference of Catholic Bishops in India, earlier said that the synthesis “has to be the work of the Holy Spirit, not of the individuals present.”

He urged the members of the committee to take care “not to put our own opinion into the text.”

The “continental stage” of the Synod for a Synodal Church began in October 2022.

Father Yesu Karunanidhi, national coordinator of the synod in India, said the message of the synod is that “we are learning to walk together and to sit with one another to break the one bread, so that everyone can find their place.”

“Everyone is called to take part in this journey, no one is excluded,” he said, adding that “We feel called to this so that we can credibly proclaim the Gospel of Jesus to all peoples.”

“This is the road we seek to continue along on the continental stage,” said the priest.

The Document for the Continental Stage (DCS) is the result of “listening and discernment” and aims to enable “dialogue between local Churches and between the local Church and the universal Church.”

The 10-page synthesis will be sent later to the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences that will convene the “continental stage” of the synod in February 2023.

The document that will come out will help the general secretariat of the synod to create a working document for the first session in October 2023.

This post first appeared on | Catholic News In Asia, please read the originial post: here

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Indian Church works on final draft of document for ‘continental stage’ of synod
