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The Faith Cafe Blog

A Christian blog exploring how we can find evidence of God's love all around us: in our daily lives, in nature, even in the kitchen! The Faith Cafe is a warm, inviting space to share God's love (and a few dessert recipes, too!).
The Chocolate Doctrine
Photo by Jean Beaufort One of the wonderful things about chocolate (and there are many), is how well it pairs with other foods. Chocolate seems to go well with… Read More
Get With God’s Program!
Photo by Jill Wellington on Pixabay I don’t seem to have much luck getting birds to cooperate with me. Years ago, I bought a Victorian-style birdhouse, and painted it light blue… Read More
How Can We Sum Up God?
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.” Some of you might recognize this sentence from typing tests in school. It’s an examp… Read More
The Throne Of Grace
Image by Ralph from Pixabay What does your favourite chair look like? Is it a ratty recliner held together with pieces of duct tape, like the one used by Marty Crane on the TV sitcom … Read More
The Other Side Of The Window
Image from PIckpik While walking in my neighbourhood the other day, I saw something mysterious. On one person’s front lawn there stood a jumble of foot-high letters of the alphab… Read More
When Nature Sings, Sing Along!
Image of crocuses by Annette Meyer from Pixabay No matter where you live, spring is a time of joy. In my part of the world, shy white snowdrops are the first flowers to bloom in spring… Read More
It’s Raining Diamonds!
Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay If diamonds are a girl’s best friend, I’m on the wrong planet. I’ve just discovered that there are planets on which it rain… Read More
Jesus Has An Open Door Policy
Image by Lori from Pixabay When building a birdhouse for your feathered friends, the size of the “front door” is crucial. You must create the right-sized entrance hole or t… Read More
When The Underdog Becomes Top Dog
Image by Neel Shakilov from Pixabay Don’t you love it when an underdog turns the tables? We’ve all cheered at movies in which the little guy triumphs over impossible odds a… Read More
Why Is The Universe So Big?
Image from Pixexid Have you ever wondered why the universe is so immensely big? Astronomers at NASA suggest that the most distant objects in the universe are about 47 billion light yea… Read More
Fooled You, Satan!
Image by Marco Verch on Flickr What is the best April Fool’s prank in history? Many believe that a BBC TV hoax from over 60 years ago takes the cake. In 1957 the news show Pan… Read More
What Love Looks Like
The incomparable Taj Mahal, India The Taj Mahal, in Agra, India, is considered to be one of the world’s most beautiful buildings, and rightly so. Built from white marble, it was… Read More
God Will Provide
Image by tlparadis from Pixabay If you live in eastern North America, you might be lucky enough to have seen a gorgeous bird called the northern cardinal. The male is especially distin… Read More
The J-Turn
Image by Kahl Orr from Pixabay I’ll bet that for many of us, car chases on TV shows or in films are a guilty pleasure. There’s invariably a suspenseful moment where it look… Read More
Spring Is On Its Way!
Public domain from PXfuel The shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere is the winter solstice, which occurred last year on December 21st. From that day on, the days begin to le… Read More
Are You At The Breaking Point?
“Ice Cathedrals” photo by Daryne Rockett on Flickr CC-BY-NC-SA 2.0 If you live in a cold climate, have you ever woken up to discover that there had been an ice storm overnight… Read More
Do The Math
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay Life is sort of like math class. How so? Let’s assume I’m in school and have to take a math test. There’s an equation at the… Read More
The Cleanest Place In The World
Image of Intel factory. From the Carol M. Highsmith Archive, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, via Picryl. What is the cleanest place on Earth? If you guessed a roo… Read More
The Polar Bear’s Secret
Image by flickrfavorites on Flickr Pop quiz: What colour is a polar bear’s skin? Did you guess “white”? It’s the obvious answer, isn’t it, because thei… Read More
The Stand-In
Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter. Photo by longplay on Flickr. If you’re a Harry Potter fan, this post might have special resonance for you. While much media attention has focuss… Read More
The Greatest Miracle Of All
Image by Chil Vera from Pixabay What would you pick as Jesus’ greatest miracle? Feeding the 5,000 with just five loaves and two fish? Yes, that definitely rates as one of Jesu… Read More
The Ultimate Makeover
Photo by Neriman Özaydın via Pexels We all love before-and-after transformations, don’t we? The dramatic TV makeover that transforms a Plain Jane into a femme fatale… Read More
Merry Christmas!
Image by Dorothée QUENNESSON from Pixabay Welcome to the cafe! Come on in and take a seat! I’m so glad that you’ve chosen to spend a small part of your Christmas her… Read More
Last-Minute Christmas
Image of Lafayette department store in Paris by Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke from Pixabay Do you leave your Christmas shopping until the last minute? Surveys show that many of us do… Read More
Easter Eggs At Christmas
Image by Annette from Pixabay At Christmas, do your thoughts turn to Easter eggs? Probably not, unless you’re an avid player of video games or a fan of certain movie franchises… Read More
Explaining Rituals
Image by Terren in Virginia via Flickr, CC BY 2.0 While I was raking up fallen leaves in the yard recently, a passerby stopped to talk. This lady was from India, and was curious about… Read More
Nip Sin In The Bud
Image by mouad gnnoni from Pixabay Is it possible to limit yourself to just one piece of chocolate? I’ve never been able to. I find that having the first piece simply whets my… Read More
Shine Your Light!
Image by StockSnap from Pixabay If you’re fumbling around in the darkness, what should you do? Turn on a light, of course. But there are places on earth where this truism can… Read More
Forgive And Forget? Not!
Image by John Liu on Flickr CC BY-2.0 I know you’ll love these wise insights on forgiveness from my friend Veronica Gerber. We’re very fortunate to have her as our guest blogg… Read More
How To Pack For Eternity
Image by Irina L from Pixabay The way you pack for a trip says something about you. Some people are super-organized, and that’s reflected in their packing behaviour. They crea… Read More
The Cure For Seasickness
Image by Manfred Richter from Pixabay Ever been to sea? If you have, you just might have experienced a bout of seasickness. For landlubbers, the first time on a boat that is rolling an… Read More
Who Floats Your Boat?
Image by Bernd from Pixabay Today we have a special treat—a guest post by my dear friend Veronica Gerber. Be encouraged by her insights into the story of Jesus stilling the storm!… Read More
Multiply Your Thanksgiving
Image by Sabrina Ripke from Pixabay Is it ever possible to be too thankful? Not in my books. Especially when Thanksgiving Day involves your favourite foods; roast turkey with all th… Read More
Turning Minuses Into Plusses
Image by Tumisu from Pixabay In math, as in sports, mistakes count as permanent marks against your score. These setbacks are always a lag on your performance, and you struggle to overc… Read More
Life On Mars
Image of Mars by WikiImages from Pixabay Is there life on Mars? For generations, we earthlings have conjectured about the possible existence of alien life on the planet next door to us… Read More
Jesus, Our Fellow Astronaut
Image by WikiImages from Pixabay When you’re an astronaut about to set foot on a new world, you don’t want an amateur at the helm back at Mission Control on Earth. That&rsq… Read More
Islands Of Hope
Image of lighthouse on the coast of Newfoundland by Felix Dilly from Pixabay Transoceanic plane travel has always been fraught with potential problems. Fuel could run low or a plane co… Read More
God Is Always A Step Ahead Of You
Image by kariwil from Pixabay Don’t you love it when someone anticipates your needs? You feel good when someone makes provision for something you’ll require before the need… Read More
Marinate In God’s Word
Image courtesy of Pixabay Are you planning on firing up the grill to barbecue some meat this summer? Many people believe the key to success is to marinate the meat beforehand. When… Read More
Master Of Deception
Peacock butterfly on a flower. Image from Pixabay If you’re out for a walk in nature, you may not realize how much you’re being tricked. You may think you’ve got an a… Read More
The Wrong Idea Of Dessert
Image of sweet red bean soup by Roland from Flickr, CC BY 2.0 Do you like brownies? How about chocolate cake? If you do, then you and I are on the same page when it comes to sweets. We… Read More
Dressing Up Animals
Image by Robledo Rafael Andrade on Pexels Do you enjoy dressing your pet in clothes? I won’t tell anyone if you do. There’s something undeniably appealing about seeing a… Read More
The Company We Keep
Tony and his mustachioed friend Frank. But which is which? Image by Tony Alter on Flickr. They say that sometimes spouses eventually start to resemble one another. Some husbands and wi… Read More
Cna Yuo Raed Tihs?
Image by WOKANDAPIX from Pixabay I’ll bet you can! I’m sure most of us immediately deciphered the title of this post as “Can You Read This?” But how was your… Read More
The Burning Question
Image by Anelka from Pixabay Are tomatoes fruits or vegetables? I might have opened up a can of worms just by asking, because disagreement has surrounded this issue for generations… Read More
In The Shadow Of His Wings
Image by Radovan Zierik from Pixabay Sometimes there can be something very powerful right above you, and you’re not even aware of it. I’ve found this out a few times while… Read More
Turning The Bitter Sweet
Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay “Go suck a lemon!” Have you ever heard anyone say that? It means they’re annoyed with you and want you to experience somethin… Read More
Eternity In Our Hearts
Image by Szabolcs Molnar from Pixabay They say elephants never forget; I think the same may be true of cats. A friend of mine recently downsized by moving into the lower level of her o… Read More
Conspicuous Camouflage
Image of blue tang fish by Tewy via Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-2.5 Whenever I did something wrong as a little girl, I thought I had a surefire way of escaping my parents. I would hide be… Read More
God Takes Us “As-Is”
Image by Paul Brennan from Pixabay When choosing a new place to live, we like things to be move-in ready, don’t we? We want a home where we don’t need to make any repairs… Read More
Check In To The Grace Hotel
Image by Andrea Piacquadio via Pexels. As any traveller knows, hotel staff can make or break your stay. Especially the staff at the front desk, because they set the tone immediately. W… Read More
The Missing Epitaph
Image by Neil Chappell on Pixabay What would you like written on your tombstone? Maybe you’ve already given some thought as to what your epitaph should be. Perhaps you’d li… Read More
New Life From Broken Eggs
Image by Kornelia Thor on Pixabay There is often great beauty in simple things. Take the egg, for instance. Even a plain white egg is pleasingly shaped, adorably sized, and a perfect b… Read More
All You Can Eat
Image by Chris from Pixabay When it comes to yummy treats, children often don’t want to share. When my father was a little boy, he and his brother would almost come to blows when… Read More
Welcome To Your Spring!
Satellite captures moment of spring equinox. Image by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center via Flickr CC BY-2.0 Welcome to Spring! If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, today marks the v… Read More
Message In A Bottle
Image by Antonios Ntoumas from Pixabay Have you ever put a message in a bottle and then thrown it into the ocean? More importantly, has anyone ever come across it years later? Belie… Read More
The Inside Scoop
Image by Dan Fador from Pixabay What do you see when you look at a tree? Probably the same things I do: its pleasing shape, the attractiveness of the leaves, its height, or the welcomi… Read More
The Slippery Slope
Image by Hermann Kollinger from Pixabay As in many northern climes, a favourite pastime of Canadian children in winter is tobogganing. I did my share of barrelling down snowy slopes on… Read More
The Storms Of Jupiter
Image of Jupiter from NASA/ESA’s Hubble Space Telescope, via Wikimedia Commons CC 4.0 Can storms be beautiful? Yes, if you’re far enough away from them! The most distinc… Read More
The Ultimate Love Story
Image by lillaby from Pixabay Valentine’s Day is just around the corner! On this beloved day of the calendar, we celebrate our love for that special someone in our lives. Many of… Read More
God’s Complaint Department
Image by Life As Art on Flickr. CC BY NC-ND-2.0 The people who staff the complaint department at various businesses must have the patience of Job. They have to deal with endless custom… Read More
See What You’re Missing!
Image of the Milky Way by Evgeni Tcherkasski from Pixabay Have you seen the Milky Way recently? If you have, you can count yourself among the fortunate. Astronomers say that light p… Read More
The Beauty Of Redeemed Brokenness
Image of parrot tulip by Coanri/Rita via Flickr CC BY-NC-ND-2.0 What’s your favourite flower? Even though I certainly love roses, the tulip holds a special place in my heart. It… Read More
Running Away
Image by lisa runnels from Pixabay If you want to know how to get into a proper snit, ask a four-year-old. I would know. When I was around that age, I got in a snit about something… Read More
God Has You Surrounded!
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at “We’ve got you surrounded!” This is always a thrilling moment in an action movie: when the authorities announc… Read More
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
Image courtesy of Hippopx CCO 1.0: Public Domain What’s your favourite Christmas carol? “Jingle Bells” seems to be at the top of many lists of the top Yuletide songs… Read More
God With Us
Image by Dorothée QUENNESSON from Pixabay I’m so pleased to share with you another guest post by my friend Veronica Gerber. I know you’ll be blessed by her wisdom! W… Read More
Unsung Heroes
Image by Myriams-Fotos from Pixabay Ever had a time when all your plans were upended? Joseph certainly did. The man who would become the earthly father of Jesus probably had his lif… Read More
The Wrong Yardstick
Image by Ariel from Pixabay Do you have a friend who’s a bit of a screw-up? No? You’ve got to get one! Friends who make a shambles of things are amazing, because they ma… Read More
Accept No Substitutes
Image by StockSnap from Pixabay I have a special treat for visitors to The Faith Cafe today: a guest post by my dear friend Veronica Gerber. I’m sure you’ll be as impressed as… Read More
Keep Your Eyes On The Son
Image by mbll from Pixabay Why don’t trees freeze to death in winter? After all, if you or I stood outside naked for several months in sub-zero temperatures, we’d soon be t… Read More
Label Jars, Not People
By Frank Vincentz, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0 What’s the difference between a tart and a torte? For that matter, what’s the difference between torte-with-an-e and tort… Read More
We Grow Better Together
Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay As gardeners know, some plants need their best buddies nearby in order to flourish. It’s been known for centuries that planting certain comb… Read More
Put On The Right Costume
Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay It’s amazing what a cape can do. Ask any child who puts on a superhero costume for Halloween. They suddenly feel braver. Their confi… Read More
The Things That Bug Us
Image by Ralf Kunze from Pixabay Do you ever think that you could have designed this planet a bit better than God did? Don’t get me wrong. I love the beauty of God’s Creati… Read More
You Were Meant To Soar
Image of European swift by Kev from Pixabay What is the ultimate flying machine? The Concorde? A high-tech fighter jet? I’d suggest to you that the holder of this title belong… Read More
Straight Out Of Left Field
Image by Pexels from Pixabay Have you ever had a time in your life when God did a work for you that came straight out of left field? The blessing, provision or miracle he bestowed on y… Read More
God Always Leaves A Light On For You
Image of Border Collie by Jacqueline Galand from Pixabay When you come home late at night, isn’t it nice when a family member has left a light on for you? It shows they care abou… Read More
A Perfect Fit
Image of tailorbird by hartono subagio from Pixabay There’s nothing quite like a perfect fit, is there? When you buy a piece of clothing that hugs you where it’s suppos… Read More
Don’t Get Used To It
Image by Tumisu, please consider Thank you! from Pixabay How would you feel if you won the lottery? Pretty amazing, I’d imagine! And the feelings of joy and gratitude at you… Read More
The Fires Of Life
Image of giant sequoia by LoggaWiggler from Pixabay Forest fires are fearsome things. They can lay waste to hundreds of square miles of mature trees and displace wildlife. If they spre… Read More
All Hands On Deck
Image by Dirk Wouters from Pixabay Do you ever feel like God couldn’t use you in His service? Do you think you’re not qualified, because you don’t have any unique gif… Read More
You CAN Get There From Here!
Image by sdmacdonaldmiller from Pixabay Have you ever heard the phrase, “You can’t get there from here?” Said to have originated in the US state of Maine, it’s… Read More
See You Again Soon!
Image by David Mark from Pixabay Just a note to my readers that The Faith Cafe will be taking a short break for the next while. I’ll look forward to reconnecting with you later i… Read More
Start As You Mean To Go
Image by morzaszum from Pixabay Have you ever heard the phrase “start as you mean to go on”? Maybe your parent or teacher taught it to you. But what exactly does it mean?… Read More
Stay With The Tried And True
Old family cookbooks of the author’s. Do you have a collection of old family recipes or cookbooks? Many of us are fortunate enough to have such treasures, lovingly passed down to… Read More
They Walked Away Winners
Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay What would cause you to walk away from your greatest success? It would have to be something pretty compelling, wouldn’t it? Because people don… Read More
Get In Tune With God
Image by Christine Morton from Pixabay Before musicians play a piece of music, they get their instruments in tune. But how do they know which is the true pitch to align with? The pi… Read More
Get Ready For God To Act
Image by webvilla from Pixabay When you read a cake or muffin recipe, it will usually instruct you to preheat your oven and get your baking pans prepared before describing how to make the… Read More
Saved By The Blood
Image of ground squirrel by Roy Buri from Pixabay In a match between a ground squirrel and a deadly rattlesnake, whom would you bet on? Remember, this is a ground squirrel: it can&rsqu… Read More
Blessing Or Curse?
Image of lawnmower by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay Sometimes, it’s hard to tell if a circumstance is a blessing or a curse. You’d think it would be easy to know if something w… Read More
God Knows How To Get The Word Out
Image of milkweed pod and seeds by HeungSoon from Pixabay Plants are ingenious things. They have numerous ways of dispersing their seeds to grow new plants, methods that go far beyond… Read More

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