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The Mechanics of Coherence

Tags: heart brain body

Are you connected to your own Heart? 

Do you know its language and the ways it speaks to you?

I observe many people say: “I’m very rational”, as if the Heart is a territory to be outlawed, or at the very least put in a hermetically sealed box. To function optimally we need to have both Heart and Brain in coherence.  The Heart and Brain are connected by ascending and descending pathways. Around 90% of connecting nerve fibres ascend from Heart up to Brain. They are connected through the Vagus Nerve up to the Thalamus.  So when the Heart goes into coherence, the brain will follow suit. The brain waves entrain with the Heart’s rhythm. This is the most potent state for wholeness, balance and regeneration of body, mind and Spirit. Using Heart Rate Variability Analysis (HRVA), and with about 75% accuracy, Scientists can predict how someone is feeling just by looking at the beat activity of the Heart. When our Heart becomes coherent our nervous system responds by increasing the energy in the brain for creativity and intuition, as well as having a positive effect on every organ, cell and system in the body. It also has an effect on the electromagnetic field around us, which many call the Biofield.

We have an incredibly eschewed view of strength in our world.  It has been programmed into us that if we are unemotional and operate only from the brain/mind that somehow that is the definition of strength.  When in fact the opposite is true. 

When we are able to process and move through trauma, setbacks, disappointment, upset, conflict, mistakes and actually completely process those emotions, that is the  evocation of true strength. It is a Matrix Program to constantly be in the brain/mind, thrashing around, searching for solutions to our problems with only the rationale of thinking.   Because the coalescence of Heart and Brian as a perfect team holds the key to inner peace, joy, acceptance, detachment from eternal grasping, self-love,  balance, creativity, true expression embodiment, surrender and connection to Source.

When the brain is in disorder, through looping, rehashing old scenarios, trying to force or constantly thinking about solutions to our problems,  it sends incoherent signals through the central nervous system to the rest of the body, which lowers our voltage and affects cells, organs and systems.  We are usually trying to predict the future based on the past.  According to Neuroscience the brain is a ‘prediction machine’ that constructs an elaborate simulation based as much on expectation and previous experiences as the new data hitting our brain and senses.  We create what we predict rather than from a neutral blank state.  Our view of the world comes from the inside out, rather than the other way around.

In Cell Biology when a cell is in an environment where there is conflict or stress then it will not replicate, divide or repair itself.  It doesn’t have enough voltage to do this because it is in effect frozen. Nothing works effectively when we are in stress:  we cannot digest, or process information and unfortunately the list goes on.  As sentient beings it’s more about the internal environment of our own body and what emotions/thoughts are lowering the voltage of cell repair. Cells are designed to run at 25MV (millivolts) but they need 50MV to make a new cell.  When the voltage drops the cells cannot do their important work. Dis-ease on all levels occurs in a low voltage state.

We can blame whatever we like on the outside world, recession, financial crashes, the Elites/Controllers, the lack of availability of decent partners, bosses, co-workers, friends,  lovers, ex-partners and family. But it makes absolutely no difference because when we are in coherence with something it is magnetised to us no matter what the external conditions are. If we believe with our whole being that we will have an abundance of health no matter what is thrown at us from the Matrix Controllers then our body will regenerate regardless of external factors.  If we believe we are susceptible to every germ, bug, parasite, bacteria, virus chemical, energy weapon , 5G technology and nanoparticle, then we have effectively become prey, and the predator – whatever that is – will certainly get us in some form or another.  Do what you can to mitigate the above and then strengthen the Mind, this is the best form of protection. Because we will certainly get exactly what we believe or predict/expect.

Our Consciousness at any given point in Time and our thoughts/feelings about any given subject are affecting the behaviour of atomic particles within and the field around us. These particles, which are really packets of information, are either attracting or deflecting the things we desire.  You can state something like “I am trusting the universe will bring me my desires”, which is important of course but the problem is very few of us are actually in this true place of total trust and surrender because this is a neutral space. It means the Heart is wide open and that creates a space of knowing that even if that thing we want never happened (detachment) then we would still be complete, joyful and happy (wholeness). All this would be generated from a genuine peaceful place, not the bullshit we constantly spout about being okay with things not working out or pretending nothing affects us.  Mostly our subconscious is filled with varying degrees of low self-worth, doubts, anxiety, fear, sadness, anger, shame, guilt and the list goes on.  These are the dominant frequencies that are being broadcast 24/7 so the Universe is bringing us exactly what we are putting out. So unfortunately it’s just more of the same situations to invoke the myriad of emotions that are wailing beneath the veneer of our carefully constructed reality, not to mention the looping thoughts of disaster, doom and hopelessness that many are wrangling with.

When we think (or have a memory), a biochemical reaction begins in our brains causing the brain to release certain chemical signals, activating well-worn neural networks and neurotransmitters. We feel the way we think and think the way we feel. These chemicals make our body feel a certain way: sad, angry, happy, ashamed, guilty, joyful, content, anxious and so on. So our body feels the exact way we were just thinking about. These are the molecules of emotions, (Neuropeptides). It’s a feedback loop.  Feelings and emotions are the chemical end-points of past experiences.  When we think the same thoughts, and feel the same doubts, fear, anxiety, disappointment, anger, grief, over and over again (even if we are not aware of this).  This is effectively what we are broadcasting and televising through our Electromagnetic Field, and thus we attract more of the same disappointing, difficult and conflicting scenarios and mixed signals into our Life. The body is always following the Mind.  The body is an encyclopaedia of every event/feeling/thought we have ever experienced

We can neutralise powerful emotions through the Heart Space that can effectively put to rest those emotions that are running the show behind the scenes.  But the point is that the body is following the mind.  If the Mind believes finding coherence is slow, excruciating or arduous – or that success is hard, finding the right partner is never-ending, or you have to be in the right situation to create money, art, creativity or whatever you want – then that’s the emotion it will evoke in the body, changing the particles within and around it to reflect the thoughts and feelings that are now hard-wired into it.  

It does take a high degree of awareness to change these patterns and programs because we really do have a surfeit of suitcases filled to the brim with them. We have emotional states that are hardwired into the body, so it takes practice and diligence to disentangle from those (especially epigenetic states that have been handed down through the generations).  Our bodies and mind are also addicted to those stress hormones so often it is uncomfortable to be in gratitude or peace for too long because the body isn’t used to it and will try to distract us and bring us back to what it is familiar with, the physical discomfort or the unresolved emotions or lack consciousness. This is often the time that self-sabotage will kick in. We feel good about our practice for a few days, even a week if we are diligent and then we get distracted, dis-heartened or depressed and say “Oh it doesn’t work for me”, or “It’s too hard”. That is just the body/mind acting out from old patterns of stress and familiarity.  This is when the rubber really hits the road because to be consistent takes a certain amount of willpower to overcome these old patterns and addictive stress hormones and states of being. And many give up before the new state has been allowed to take root.

 From about 2-7 years old we are in Theta state which is the most hypnotic state. We are more malleable and programmable by the Matrix we live in. That’s why it’s incredibly important to be mindful about what we tell children, especially about our own experiences or projections about life, money, relationships, work, play and the world in general. Of course we cannot shield children from all programming. The Matrix works its insidious spells regardless of proper parenting or instruction but we can at least be conscious of the words we tell children and what we reveal to them about the world. We don’t have to lie to children and tell them the world will only bring them beautiful peaches and that darkness doesn’t exist, But teaching children to innerstand their own gut instinct and intuition is far more effective than instilling a foreboding sense of wariness and imminent danger about the world we live in.  Yes, the world can definitely be scary and challenging but if children have proper instincts in place and activated intuition  they will avoid potential dangers as much as possible by leaving a situation or event or choosing not to go at all, even before a potential danger or catastrophe happens because their inner promptings instructed them to do so. This is what it means to be in tune with oneself and have the antenna working to its full capacity.

Tribes who lived in dangerous areas where predators roamed or poisonous creatures could strike at any moment, or other tribes could descend upon them, would always be completely alert to their surroundings. They would  also follow their intuition and instincts, they would not just rely on their 5 senses.They would also rely on their inner GPS, which like all beings in this realm  is aligned with the magnetic fields of the Earth.   We have lost this in the modern world, we are often out in the world, zoned out, lost in our thoughts or feelings, melded to our phones, texting, chatting or listening to something on our devices. Our natural instincts are shut down. We are rarely present, alert or conscious of our surroundings. If we are not even conscious of our surroundings then how can we be conscious of what we are creating or attracting onto us? 

If we taught children Heart and Brain coherence,even in the modern world of technology and distraction, then they would have a foundational awareness about themselves and how to fully interact with the world around them in a more embodied state so that they were more in tune with how to navigate potential challenges. Their brains would be wired differently, they would not be as prone to anxiety and ADD and the myriad of mis-wiring conditions that plague the modern Earth dweller. Many branches of the global Military teaches its soldiers how to be in Heart and Brain Coherence  Along with the standard training they also receive and undergo exercises to be able to go into Heart/Brain Coherence in an instant so that they can make more effective choices and decisions under duress.  This can mitigate PTSD and trauma responses before they have taken hold. They are also making decisions from a whole body perspective, rather than just the brain.

We are meant to be in coherence with the Heart.  We were never meant to just use our brains to solve problems and to just rely on our rationality.  Whole brain thinking not only utilises the left and right hemispheres but also the Heart through these synchronised pathways and electrical currents. We are meant to be in dialogue with and continually exchange information with the Heart.  

The Heart is a Neural Network and its vibration resonates at 0.1Hertz when in coherence. In 1991 it was discovered and now widely recognised, that there are 40,000 specialised cells in the human Heart called ‘Sensory Neurons’.  This forms a neural network that thinks, feels and remembers independently of the Cranial Brain.  Everything we have experienced in life is recorded in both the Brain and the Heart.  So we actually have 2 Neural Networks, which is an advantage for humans because we have the power and capacity to self-regulate our biology by our thoughts and feelings. Conversely as we already know we can create more destruction with what we think and feel both within us and the actions we take in the world at large. Peer Reviewed Science discovered that the Heart speaks a language to our body through electromagnetic waves. When the Heart and Brain become fully harmonised they operate as a single system and this is where the essence of wholeness resides in this 0.1Hertz of coherence.

Gratitude and feelings of Love are the number 1 mechanics of becoming a whole functioning Being. They donate more electrons than any other states of being, even more than joy, inspiration or freedom.

Gratitude harmonises and balances.  

Gratitude releases dopamine and serotonin. 

Gratitude synchronises activation of multiple brain regions for more effective thinking and processing of information and memory recall and retention.

Gratitude increases the capacity for Wisdom and converting that to Gnosis.

Gratitude calms the nervous system and relieves cortisol, adrenaline, blood sugar spikes.

Gratitude increases resilience in the face of adversity. It allows the nervous system to rest and digest (parasympathetic), re-directs away from anxiety (sympathetic),  and conserves energy by slowing heart rate, thus creating levels of calmness and peace.

Gratitude changes our relationships and the way we perceive others  (obviously we are not misconstruing abusive behaviour and continually allowing it in the name of gratitude). But it allows us space to be more magnanimous and forgiving.

Gratitude provides a much greater clarity, less victim-hood and hopelessness with more capacity to activate powerful action.  

Gratitude increases voltage, magnetism and electromagnetic potential both for the body and the biofield.

Gratitude generated in the Heart for 10-15 minutes a day during studies increased the levels of IgA (Immunoglobulin A), which is the marker of the Immune System.  Gratitude causes our atoms to spin faster, so they broadcast a stronger energy voltage, which in turn affects our physical bodies and the way our bodies process nutrients, glucose and other integral body processes.

Gratitude doesn’t take away life’s challenges, that would be erroneous and foolish to believe. Invariably, challenges will always be presented to us to deepen our awareness and consciousness but it does reframe and redirect vital life force toward coherent solutions, rather than just brain/mind based solutions that have not seen the whole picture with the eyes and ears of the Heart.  We mostly see things how we are – not how they actually are because we are clouded by mis-wired reactions, perceptions, programs, beliefs  and triggers from our past and the eschewed incoming data from the present.  

Becoming coherent in Heart and Brain can assist us and give us the space to use more of our unseen senses, gut instinct, intuition, inner GPS and increase our voltage potential. It can also assist us to forgive ourselves for all our wrong turns, repeated mistakes, distractions etc.  And it also helps us to forgive those in our lives who have behaved less than optimally. We are all dealing with a misfiring and miswiring of our Brains and Hearts.  We are doing the best we can with what we have at any given time, which is mostly varying degrees of incoherence, chaos, repressed and suppressed emotions, high cortisol, low voltage, dis-ease, muddled and muddied thinking, anxiety, depression, aggression and the list goes on.  Heart and Brain coherence takes effort –  it takes a fortitude of will and a certain amount of force to face one’s own ingrained, hardwired reactions and thoughts/feelings.  It will not just happen on its own without intervention from ourselves.  It’s our task to become aware and monitor our thoughts, process our emotions so they are not running the hardware in the background. This is what becoming the Observer means.  It means becoming conscious of the unconscious.  

And whilst we may not be broken in the largest sense of the word, many of us have been fractured from past experiences. We have hairline fractures in the fabric of our Heart and Brain systems that need our conscious awareness to act as a sealant and balm.  We have outdated programs held in place by incoherent wiring and electrical networks that need deleting. We have been detached from who we really are and have totally forgotten that we hold the Power within. That we can recode our Binary Computer by our singular choice to do so. We only determine reality by observation and awareness.  And that requires us to really see, hear and be present with what is going on within and around us. In this age of information and distraction it can take a Herculean attempt to change one’s Mind and Heart but it is ultimately the only task we can undertake if we want to really live from that level of wholeness that we know is waiting to be fully activated.

***I have a YouTube channel called:’ REVERSE ENTROPY’ with several videos. My latest one accompanies this post. It is a Heart Brain Coherence Meditation/exercise.  Check it out

This post first appeared on LunaBellaRoses, please read the originial post: here

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The Mechanics of Coherence


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