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I have always had a fascination with the spaces between things. The space between Space/Time itself. The space between a blink. The gaps between the out-breath and the in-breath. The space between the percolation of an idea and the actual creative manifestation of that idea. The spaces between the beat of our hearts and the beat of a drum. And isn’t Life itself a space that we fill with experiences and memories for however long we are here?

Spaces themselves are a Paradox, they are seemingly Empty, but are never actually empty. They are, in fact, teaming with forces known and unknown. As human feeling beings we are innately afraid of these Liminal Spaces because it can trigger an avalanche of abandonment, rejection, boredom and loneliness programs within us that we invariably try to find ways of covering with as many layers as strategically possible. We overwhelm ourselves with constant doing, achieving, controlling, forcing or – at the other end of the spectrum – lazing around, ignoring, gaslighting and beclouding ourselves into a space that is more familiar. We mostly don’t feel safe in the unknown and therefore we persistently avoid it.

To allow ourselves to be comfortable and sit in those Liminal Spaces generates a sate of recalibration, a reset of our broadband frequency. Our brains and DNA transmit and receive radio waves, which are Wireless Signals. We have an in-built Wi-Fi system. This is not hyperbole or ‘woo-woo’, this is the latest in Neuroscience and Quantum Physics. We are quite literally The Internet. We are a web of entangled atoms, a wave field of Energy or Light refracting and reflecting itself along our progression through Space. In fact it has been proven that we are mostly space – 99.99999% Space and less than 0.0000% density. It is postulated that if we collected the sum total of all the density of humans on this planet it would only take up the space of a sugar cube.

The emptiness is where all the potential of Life exists. Forcing and efforting are programs of this Time Matrix, an old paradigm that is steadily crumbling. We were taught that it is only through being busy and constant doing that we create. We were taught that we only make change from matter to matter. When in actuality the fundamental Law of Quantum Mechanics is that Energy comes first and Matter comes second. That Cause and Effect is the Newtonian Model of Reality that states that something has to happen before I can……… happy, be successful……..FILL IN THE BLANK! Quantum Mechanics shows us that we are the Consciousness causing the effect. We are collapsing Electrons into a new experience by whatever we think, feel and do. When our energy is diffused, we are often hanging and banging about in chaos frequency, on that eternal treadmill wearing out shoes and often not reaching that desired goal or dream. And as a side note of course we have to do the work to create on the outside world, action is a required motion. But being in a state of power and not force is an entirely different electromagnetic signature. When we have created ourselves anew in these empty-filled spaces we have directed Energy to affect Matter and not the other way around which can take an extraordinarily long amount of Time to affect Matter to Matter, whereas Energy to Matter can often (but obviously not always) be instantaneous. But is definitely a more seamless and energetically coherent dialogue with the all that it within and around us.

Languishing in the empty spaces is where we merge with the frequency of the thing that we want to create – whether consciously or unconsciously. There is a poetry, a wordless elegance to these spaces, a perfect symmetry of patterns and intelligence that illuminates and informs our Life, if we allow it. The empty spaces encode and download information that is beyond our five senses. It is the place where our consciousness is the most malleable to openly structure the activation of our desired evolution. Space is inside of us. We can be conscious of that 99.99999%, the second we close our eyes. The inside of our Mind is not in our body. We are an oscillating body of Space, burning thermodynamic energy, moving through the aether of Space. There is no separation between the Space within us and the Space around us – that’s not New Age hokum, that’s Quantum Mechanics! And before the appellation of Quantum Physics was handed out, every Culture and Indigenous Nations knew and innately understood and innerstood this. We are the dumb ones who often need convincing of the Unified Field. The deeper we go inside ourselves the more we have direct access to the Universal Mind. The more we merge with the Consciousness of Creation, the more we come to know ourselves.

In Physics the Law of Entanglement states that relationship is the defining characteristic of everything in Space and Time and it is independent of distance and requires no physical link. We are all just a sea of moving waves and atoms, linked by the very fabric of Space. Scientists have conducted a plethora of experiments with high-tech equipment on moving 2 entangled atoms at vast distance from one another and whatever you do to one of them, it simultaneously has the same effect on the other, despite distance and circumstance. This is the principle of distance healing and non-local energetic exchange or prayer.

Everything and everyone is linked by the Quantum Field of Information. We are not just moving through space we are using Space to move through because its alive and dynamic. Everything exists as pure potential until observed. Atoms and particles, and waveforms of Light are all consciously aware, shifting geometry and structure in a dance of coherent shapes and curvatures. Once these atoms are observed they then have the potential to coagulate into matter and the ‘things’ and spaces in our lives we wish to create. This is how we be-come, how we merge with Life, instead of chasing Life around and begging for it to bring us our dreams and goals. Begging or petitioning is only ever orchestrated from a state of lack and incoherence. We can only be-come when we embrace the space within because it holds vital information pertinent only to us. It is deeply personal but also paradoxical because it also a deeply Universal Truth.

To be aware in any kind of state, whether that’s a favourable or a less than favourable state, takes a level of consciousness. We can do all the energy work in the world but if we are not ‘consciously’ aware of what our thoughts and feelings are doing, not just once a day but moment by moment, then energy work has a hard time ‘sticking’. It is just an amorphous stream, running right by us, while we are dazing and hazing through our Life. Thoughts are Light-waves travelling at speeds faster than the speed of Light, so we call them Superluminal. Thoughts are electrical. Feelings are magnetic. Because Magnetism is a super powerful force, far stronger than the Gravitational Force, magnets attract that which is being broadcast. Whatever ‘feeling state’ we are in will magnetise more unto itself. This is why we can ‘think’ we want abundance, success, love, perfect health, a deep connection and relationship with others yet if our feelings – which are mostly crafted in the subterranean spaces of the subconscious – are magnetically broadcasting the opposite then that is what we will magnetise unto ourselves: more lack, more confusion, more dis-connection, more stagnancy and the list goes on. These are the tenets of Neuroscience, Hebb’s Law and the eternal dance of the Neuropeptides (molecules of emotion).

There is structure to space. There is an agile geometry, cohesion and rhythm to the gaps between things. The Liminal is an ordered space we have not yet fully acknowledged or embraced, or directly gazed upon its beauty. If we have not become the Observer to the Spaces we find ourselves in, then theoretically they do not exist and we are not consciously aware of them – we do not garner the wisdom and conscious memory held within them. The spaces and gaps between things are highly sophisticated and they are encoded with endless information. The spaces between things are an energetic storehouse of information and data, waiting to be collected, transferred, re-coded and then transmitted. The First Law of Thermodynamics – Conservation of Energy – states that Energy cannot be destroyed or created, it just simply changes from one form to another. Consciousness conserves the voltage of energy into a Choice Point and then we have enough reserves and resources to re-create more favourable conditions for ourselves and assist others to do the same. When we are in a weaker voltage, we are literally leaking bio-photons, which is essentially our Life-Force. The more Bio-Photons we have the more physical energy, coherence, health, vitality and connectivity in our synapses and neural pathways. We are literally and figuratively a highly charged battery.

I came to see my lifelong migraines as a form of short-circuiting of the electrical connections in my brain. I was leaking precious bio-photons due to stress, unresolved emotional issues, tension, looping thoughts and holding on too tight, all of which significantly dampen the Life-force and lower the Voltage of our natural Electrical conductivity. We are Super Conductors of Electromagnetic Energy and when we really digest this we realise that most of our energy is tied to the feelings and thoughts within us that steal our Electrons, ergo diminishing our voltage potential. We often wonder why we don’t have much physical energy. Physical Energy is thermodynamic, it is dependant on the flow in and out and the relationship between input/work, heat, temperature and energy and how the systems perform their job, given all these antecedent factors. Stress, the largest villain in our modern lives, does the most stellar job of rendering our thermodynamic, electromagnetic energy to a faint pulse – a fading spark – where we view Life on a dimmer switch.

The most important step to take in Life is to let go of the blaming of external people, places and things that we give power over us simply by blaming them for our emotional state. And this is really the work of gaining consciousness because it is exceptionally hard not to blame outside forces (which include people, places, things, situations etc). We have ALL been programmed to be victims of Life’s circumstances, to say “Oh my boss/friend/partner is a narcissist and therefore I’m miserable/unhappy/upset because of it” – we all do it. Or “The reason I don’t have a partner is because all men/women are unconscious and selfish” or “The reason I’ve not achieved my dreams is because I’m too busy or this event happened to me however many years ago”. These are the many Stories of our Lives that we hold onto with an iron fist. And yes, humans behave in appalling ways depending on the knowledge or consciousness we/they have at any given time. And if we can we must always remove ourselves from toxic/abusive circumstances and people. We all have trauma points or upset from being on the receiving end of terrible behaviour. Those of us on the healing path have had to navigate layers of pain and the vestiges of trauma that we have consciously chosen to sift through and that’s an important part of healing and being free of the past. And for many of us it has taken an inordinate amount of Earthly Time.

We have to take responsibility for the way we feel and how long we allow ourselves to feel that way. That is the very thing that is in our control. Some people never let go of grudges or cling to the past until the day they die, there is no freedom or mastery in this. To have all of your precious Life-force tied up in the addiction to suffering is such a waste of our potential to create and assist others with our innate skills and gifts. But to not blame others requires a level of consciousness and a degree of coherence that must be earned – it will never be handed to us. And we fail at it time and time again. But it’s through those failures that it is always possible to increase our consciousness quota, by showing up again and again, despite our flaws, failures and addictive emotional/mental patterns. Many people say they forgive or they hold no grudges or they are not a victim but their energy tells a very different story. I believe we are partly here to overcome ourselves and all of that programming, conditioning, beliefs, stagnant emotions and erroneous thoughts that we have swallowed throughout our lives, The reason why so many people never ever get what they want is because they are not wiling to really do the work of becoming conscious of what electro-magnetic signature we are broadcasting out into our lives that is magnetically attracting like for like. A magnet can only repel when the opposite is presented to it. It will always seek more of the same unto itself and repel that which is not the same.

Throughout my own journey, I have more often than not found myself in these seemingly empty spaces. I have relinquished many old, out-dated parts of myself to be recycled by the generous hand of the Aether itself. I have acquired parts of myself that had been there all along but were in hiding due to trauma, doubts, habitual patterns and beliefs. And this dance continues day by day, year by year, it’s never a done deal. Whenever we are attempting to heal something in our lives whether that’s our health, relationships or money situation, we are required to enter the empty yet full-filled space of the unknown, the un-manifest. To be at our station as the Liminal Space calls to us to relinquish the steadfast grip of incessant control and surrender to something bigger than ourselves – whatever you want to call that, Zero-point Energy Quantum Field, The Divine, Source, Aether, The Great Mystery, The Sacred or God. The Force beyond us is not Religious, punishing or controlling as many would spout. It is the Ubiquitous Loving Force, the ineffable, the Eternal Space from which we come from and to which we will return. The spark of this force is in every atom, wave, molecule, tissue, organ, fluid, system of our entire body and all of existence. It is the Empty Space, filled to the brim with the wisdom of it’s experience. It is experiencing Life through us.

What is your relationship to the spaces and gaps in your life?

Do you freak out and try to fill them with ‘doing’ – even if that’s creative work?

Are you able to sit in the ‘nothingness’ – to know yourself?

Who are you without the trappings of the outside world?

What does emptiness bring up for you? What emotions, panic, anxiety, fear, anger, guilt?

As humans we are all desperately trying to be ‘Some-one’ and yet it is in the No-one or No-where that we are re-united with the ‘Real True Self’, beyond the layers of identity and the personality with it’s likes and dislikes, opinions, attitudes, preferences, judgements, dogmas and biases. We are Eternal Space moving through Eternal Space.

*** If you are interested I have a Public Telegram Channel called ‘Quantum Hum’. ***

This post first appeared on LunaBellaRoses, please read the originial post: here

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