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Gnostic Revival!!!

What is Gnosticism?

Gnostic teachings are based upon Gnosis, the intuitive knowledge and wisdom of transcendence of the heart by way of Divine, inner, Spiritual initiations. Gnosticism expresses a specific Spiritual experience, and reveals itself through esoteric symbols, animal totems, nature, and through stories and myths. The term “myth” does not mean, “stories that are untrue,” but that the truths embedded upon these myths are of a different nature. Gnostic texts are pieces of a long and drawn out Spiritual puzzle, in which the reader must interpret to understand Universal Laws. The Universal Laws of Nature and the Universe are the connection and bridge to Spiritual Enlightenment.

The Universe and Cosmos

All religions acknowledge the imperfection of man, but how they differ, is in the interpretations they offer to account for their imperfection. Gnostics believe that humanity is flawed, because it was created in an imperfect, dualistic way.

Gnosticism begins with the fundamental idea that the world and everything upon its soil, especially human incarnation is built upon suffering. In order for humans to nourish themselves Spiritually, mentally and physically, humans unconsciously consume more than is needed and fight for energy, thereby inflicting pain, fear, worry, competition, and death upon one another and the energy of planet Earth. This is also apparent in the animal kingdom. The entire world consciousness is flawed and obscured. Our planets natural disasters, such as Earthquakes, floods, fires, drought, and volcanic eruptions, bring more suffering and death to the planets inhabitants, which is all usable energy to the dark consciousness, or false god.

Many religions believe that humans are to blame for the imperfections and flaws of this world. They interpret the biblical Genesis myth by declaring that transgressions and mistakes committed by the first humans, Adam and Eve, brought about the “fall” of the hearts of men, resulting in the present dualistic, corrupt state of the overall human consciousness. Gnostics interpret the biblical story of Genesis quite differently. They glorify the women as truth seekers and creators of the entire Universe. The female, Lilith, was created first, before Eve, to try and bring truth to the mind of the male heart. Because she was a strong, independent woman, and could not submit to a man, she called upon the name of the Creator, the Almighty Christ, Logos, Holy Inspiritum, to be taken out of the Garden of Eden. Eve was the second woman to be in the Garden. She was subservient to her husband, but still had a sense of curiosity, truth, and love within her heart.

As stated previously, Adam and Eve were not the first humans in the Garden of Eden. Lilith was Adam’s first wife. Lilith’s name means ‘Night Monster’ or ‘Storm Goddess.’ She brought a storm to the false God’s Garden, to show that the false God was not of love, but of hate, when you did not follow his command. Adam and Lilith were created by the Antichrist with the power of Mother, Sophia, which represents matter. His creation did not have life until the Light of the Almighty Creator, breathed His essence into his unknown son’s creations, to reveal that there was a Being much more powerful. The Antichrist gave Adam full authority over Lilith and she would not, by any means, submit to the rules and authority of either of the masculine rulers. She knew that she was Adam’s equal and would not conform to the demands of the false God. Lilith called upon the name of the Christ and was taken away to Heaven on the wings of the Angels. When the false God saw that Lilith was gone, he was furious. He then created Eve, which means ‘Living Goddess’ from the dirt of the Earth and a rib from Adam’s side. She was lifeless until the Almighty Creator breathed the essence of life, as the Holy Inspiritum descended upon her. The false God did not realize that his creations needed the essence of Light & Love to sustain life upon the planet. The false God, or Antichrist, discounted his unknown Father and gave both Adam and Eve specific instruction not to eat from the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, and that if they did, he told them that they would surely die. If the God in the bible created everything in Heaven upon Earth, why would he forbid them to eat of the ‘Tree of Knowledge?” In fear of what would happen to them, they both obeyed their false Father, until the day the Mother Goddess of all Creation, Sophia, would intervene, by sending Lilith ‘Storm Goddess’ back to the garden as a snake to give Eve a choice of her own free Will. The snake in the Garden represented Kundalini, and the way to remove the veils of the secret psychic realms of Earth.

As Eve was walking in the garden one sunny day, she was visited by Lilith, now an Angel of the Creator, who by the power of her Mother Sophia, had shape shifted into the form of a snake, which represents wisdom, healing, initiation, and infinity. She told Eve about the Supreme Being of all life, the Creator, and told her that if she ate from the tree of Knowledge, that she too could see the world through the eyes of truth. Discounting the false Father’s wishes, Eve plucked the fruit from the ‘Tree of Knowledge’ and tasted the delicious fruit of the forbidden tree. As soon as she took a bite, she immediately realized that she was naked and decided to cover herself with the leaves of the forbidden tree. She saw the Devic Kingdom and was frightened beyond belief. The veil had been lifted from her eyes and she now viewed the world as it really was, shared by other devic creatures and beings in the psychic realms. She was fearful of what she saw all around her in the realm of the shadow, the realms of low vibrations. She decided to share her experience with her husband, Adam, which means, ‘of the Red Earth’ or ‘Original Human.’ When Eve came upon Adam in the Garden, she revealed what she had done and what had occurred from taking a bite of fruit from the forbidden tree. Eve gave Adam the ‘choice’ to try the fruit for himself and he ‘chose to eat from the ‘Tree of Knowledge’ by his own free will. Adam immediately realized that he was naked and covered himself with leaves from a nearby tree. Adam and Eve were so embarrassed to be naked, and scared at what they saw in the realms of the Garden, that they hid amongst the trees, not wanting to be seen by that which lingered in the darkness.

When the false-God visited the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were not in plain sight. The false-Father, realized that Adam and Eve had covered themselves with leaves and immediately realized that they had eaten from the ‘Tree of Knowledge’ and became furious that they had disobeyed his orders. He asked them why they had eaten from the ‘Tree of Knowledge’ and Eve blamed the slithering snake in the Garden and Adam blamed his wife, Eve. The false-Father was furious with them both, but specifically Eve, and cast them out of the Garden of Eden, into a life of suffering, inflicting the pain of childbirth on all of Eve’s children. The Creator forgives, and the false-Father punishes. He would also keep woman suppressed and subservient to all males. This is the beginning of women oppression. He would instill a life of hardship and labor to Adam and his sons as a punishment for not following direct orders. The false-god gave leniency to Adam and gave him power and authority over his wife, Eve, and gave him the strict order to punish his wife if she disobeyed His rules again.

Gnostics blame the world’s failings on the false-Father, or Antichrist and the dualistic, psychic nature of the human heart. They believe that the current god of this world, is not of Forgiveness and Love, but of Vengeance and Hate. He lacks the Spirit of the true essence of life, the Compassion, Love and Forgiveness through the heart of Christ. Gnostics believe that the Universal ‘Christ’ Consciousness of the cosmos is of pure Light & Love. They are aware of it, but do not believe in the consciousness of darkness, with low vibrations such as suffering, despair, and fear, which is rampant in the hearts of many of the lost children of the Almighty Creator.

In the beginning, because Sophia longed for her husband’s return from the Cosmos, she became increasing impatient and lonely, creating a god without the Love or Light of Christ. A child was born without the Spiritual knowledge of the essence of the vibration of forgiveness or Love. Her child, the false-god was kicked out of the Higher realms, into the depths of the Universe and into to our galaxy. Sophia’s demi-god son would take over planet Earth and give himself full reign and power over it. What he didn’t realize is that Earth was created by Christ and Sophia, together in Love and that there are many Devic Beings who surround and protect Gaia. The demi-god thinks that he is in control. He is a dark Antichrist ‘Alien’ energy that is currently in power and rules over the world in which we live now. The Earth and its inhabitants have been feeling the repercussion for centuries of the mistake made by Sophia in the Heavens, as it caused a split in duality in the Heavens and a separation between good and evil, or darkness and light. She would administer Divine intervention with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden to encode the human DNA with Spiritual knowledge and truth of the true origins of man. The truth is that the false-god, instead of accepting that he was not as powerful as the Love and Forgiveness of the Almighty Creator, he would use the dualistic, psychic nature of the human mind and heart to try to tempt the Souls of men away from the Divine and into Spiritual bondage, darkness, and slavery. Fortunately, through the true teaching of Christ Yeshua, we have a key and way to not only save ourselves, but to save all life, humanity and Earth from the clutches of the false, demi- god. Although, some would never believe this truth, the Universe is in control of all things, seen and unseen. Even the false god’s actions are being used for a greater purpose in the Spiritual realms. The false god wants to show Almighty Creator in Christ or the ‘One Most High,’ that the children of Light are not worthy of his Forgiveness or Love. Our Spiritual parents, Christ and Sophia, give the human heart and Spirit, the free will to choose their own fate. Whether this fate be in the shadow realms or the realms of Heaven, it is truly and ultimately a choice made by their children and their children alone, through the heart.

It only takes one person to awaken fully to Christ Consciousness, through the process of Kundalini and Gnosis. She will be the fifth element, who will connect her crystalline body to Earth and to the Heavens. She is the missing link to connection to the elements of Earth, air, fire water, ether, and Spirit. She is directly connected to the Almighty Creator in Christ, Logos, Holy Inspiritum, and is connected to the heart of Earth, Gaia. She is the Goddess, Pistis Sophia incarnate, who commands all things on Earth through the elements and Holy Inspiritum of Christ Consciousness. Since we are all one and connected through consciousness, she will cause a chain reaction or ripple effect, igniting the flame within all humans, and non-human beings by way of the heart. We are connected through the heart and one true Source of all Creation; Christ Consciousness or Creator.

In the Gnostic viewpoint, there is a true, Ultimate, transcendent Energy, who is beyond all created Universes. It is Christ Consciousness or the Almighty Creator. This ‘Spiritual’ energy brought the substance and essence of all there is in all the worlds, seen and unseen, beyond space and time. The Christ Light is the Supreme Being of all that is and all that ever will be. It is the Alpha and the Omega. Gnostics recognize that the spark of the original Divine essence of man, has descended so far from its original source, that it has forgotten its Divine connection and how to accept forgiveness and how to receive Love through the heart. Most humans are in a state of Spiritual amnesia, or psychic drunkenness. In a sense, it is like the movie, “Inception.” There are different layers or frequencies of the consciousness of man. The spark of Divine essence and heart continues to descend into the depths of darkness or the psychic realm, causing human Souls to be reborn through the acts of reincarnation. Many humans have been reborn, locked in the realms of darkness, because they do not have the keys nor the Spiritual knowledge to lift themselves to the frequency of Love or the ultimate vibration of Oneness.

Pistis Sophia (“Wisdom”) is of great importance to the Gnostic world view. In the course of her journeys, Sophia became curious and wanted to create something without the connection in the Love of Christ Almighty. She was upset with her lover, Christ Creator, for leaving her behind in the darkness of the cosmos. In this act, there was a split between darkness and light or Light & Love. A new psychic energy was created, emanating a flawed half consciousness, the Demiurgos. After Sophia had seen what she had done, she cast her creation down the levels of the vibrations of the layers of the Heavens. Her creation became the creator of the material and psychic cosmos upon Earth, all of which was created in the image of its own mother, Sophia. Unaware of his origins, he appointed himself as the ultimate god and creator of planet Earth, discounting that there are many Gods and Goddesses who take care of Mother Earth. He took the Divine essence of Sophia or matter and molded them into various forms in the ether creating an army of lower vibrational beings. He is called the Demiurgos or “half-maker,” because he did not create in connection with the true and absolute essence of all, the Almighty Christ Creator. He created humans as slaves, yet the human being did not have life until the Almighty Creator breathed its life within them through the Holy Spirit. The half-maker is estranged from his unknown “Father,” the Almighty Christ. There is a half deific component within the creation of man, but it is not recognized by the Demiurgos and by his cosmic minions, the Archons or “rulers.” These dark beings are in various positions of power and authority upon the beloved planet Earth, using men and women against each other. They do not abide by the laws of nature, nor do they abide by the Laws of the Universe, and will eventually be destroyed by their own choices and actions. Forgiveness, Light and Love is descending upon the planet at this time and anything less than Love will be transmuted and transformed. Christ Yeshua stated that he would baptize the world by fire through the Holy Inspiritum and by fire the world will be transformed.

The Divine

The Gnostic myths refer to Aeons, intermediate deific beings who exist between the Ultimate, Loving, Christ Creator, and the psychic realm of humans. The Aeons, together with the power of Love and the pure essence of Light, comprise the realm of the cosmos or the Pleroma, which is the Spiritual universe as the abode of God and of the totality of the divine powers and emanations. It is what we call the Ether. However, not all Aeons are of Light & Love. Some have turned from the graces of the Almighty Christ Creator. They are those without any concept of Love. They have forgotten their true essence of Light, disconnected from the heart of All Creation. The lost Aeons and their slaves, feed off of the psychic, denser emotions and thoughts of humans. They feed off, sadness, depression, anxiety, worry, but most of all, ‘fear,’ which are known properties of ‘Etheric Sludge.’ This is why it is essential to evoke the right beings to help you along your earthly journey. When we ‘evoke’ a Christ Being, we are asking Light & Love to come and help us in our life. You may invoke a Christ Being, but this is used primarily in healings by allowing an Ascended Christ Being to step into your body, as their vessel, to administer healings.

The Aeons of Light & Love are known as the Devas; the Gods and Goddesses, Archangels, and the elemental kingdom. They are usually immortal, and are commonly assumed to have personalities and to possess consciousness, intellects, desires, and emotions similar to those of humans. They are the children of Christ and Sophia, made from Love. Such natural phenomena on planet Earth, as lightning, floods, storms, and miracles are sometimes attributed to them, and they may be thought to be the authorities or controllers of various aspects of human life, such as birth and the afterlife. Some are asserted to be the directors of time and fate itself, to be the givers of human law and morality, to be the ultimate judges of human worth and behavior, and to be the designers and creators of the Earth and Universe. The Demiurgos can only create that which resides in the vibrations lower than neutrality. He did not create Earth, but did create the lower vibrations that encircle the beloved planet. These realms are known as the psychic realms of darkness or what the Christians call, Hell.

In the eighth century, the Christian Church became alarmed at the rampant and excessive zeal with which many of the faithful were revering and evoking Angels. For some unknown reason, in 145 A.D. under Pope Zachary, a Roman councilman, ordered seven Angels to be removed from the ranks of the Church’s recognized Angels. This included Archangels Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel, Chamuel, Jophiel, and Raguel.

The Archangels, Saints, and other Angel Guardians are making a remarkable return through those who are aware of them. It is suggested for you to be completely aware of whom you evoke or invoke. It is beneficial for you to only call upon beings who reside in Christ Consciousness. It is a pleasure for the Christ’s, Archangels, and Elementals to be called upon, as they lovingly await our requests. Because of the law of ‘free will,’ the Christ Council, God’s, Goddesses, Christ Beings, the Archangels, and the Elementals are not able to intervene unless called upon. Ego or ‘mind’ must never be used in evocation, as the God’s, Goddesses, and Elementals also have an Ego. Only ‘Light’ and ‘Love’ should be used at all times and should be ‘commanded’ with vigor, out loud, when doing such work. By no means are you to connect with the psychic realms of man, for in the psycic realm, there is no Love, nor is there Light. The Christ Guides will not participate with you if you have not tamed your shadow side, or ego. All requests must come from the heart and must not only be beneficial to you, but to all those around you. This knowledge must be used for the greater good of all humanity, or this same knowledge will destroy your Soul from within.

So as we begin, let us command, “I Am one with the Universe and all that is surrounded by Light & Love! I now ask to commune with my Higher Self in Christ Consciousness. I would like to meet those who are in this vibration of the Almighty Christ Creator, Logos, Holy Inspiritum through Pistis Sophia. And so it is!”

Christ Yeshua and Mary Magdalene both healed the sick and cast out many demons among the people, such as illness, disease, deformities, thought forms, emotions, ghosts and entities, which are all sludge and energetic parasites that attach to the Etheric template. They taught the secrets of Gnosis and of the power of forgiveness and love, for shielding, salvation, and enlightenment. They taught of meditation and quieting the mind, body and Soul to connect with the Divine through medium ship. They taught the way to live a life in the purity of Christ Love, through intuitive Knowledge, Wisdom, and Truth, through Pistis Sophia. Together, they also taught of the Demiurgos, the Antichrist and his minions, and how to defend against them. Over 2000 years ago, Mary Magdalene supported the mission of her companion, Christ Yeshua. Mary Magdalene is now on her mission to reveal the hidden truths and secrets of the Sacred Feminine and knowledge of Spiritual shielding and the way to truth through the Logos. She must reveal her importance in the role and the teachings of Christ and the initiations of Gnosis, so that she too may be in the hearts of her children. Mary Magdalene the Sophia, has incarnated at this time, to anchor her crystalline form into that of Gaia, or Mother Earth, so that she may download her truth within the overall human consciousness. Mary once supported her teacher, lover, partner and Divine Compliment upon his mission while he was incarnate, and now she is being supported, whole heartedly, by her companion, Christ Yeshua and the Creator. He walks beside her on her Spiritual path, keeping her in alignment with the mission she has been sent here to accomplish. The resurrection of the Divine Feminine is eminent, and with change comes struggle for some.

We must balance both Masculine and Feminine aspects of our Spirit to have a clear connection with the Almighty Christ, Logos, Holy Inspiritum through the heart. Because the mindful Ego does not want to give up its control, it will try at anything to keeps its control over the body, mind, heart, and Soul. It is our responsibility to realize that if what comes from the mind is foul, it is an illusion created by the Ego. There is only Forgiveness, Light & Love in this world, and until you realize this, you will create a world of continuous pain, struggle and strife. Once you let go of the control and surrender your Ego to your Higher Power in Christ and Sophia, you will live a life in joy and happiness. You can live a life in Heaven upon Earth, here and now, in this very moment.  Raise your vibration to that of the 7th Ray.  Be a fountain of Spiritual Manna for your brothers and sisters.  Guide them as needed.  Use your Divine gifts for the healing of yourself, Humanity, and the World!

Valentina Marie: Owner of The Soul Intention, LLC, Ordained Minister, Dr. of Metaphysics, Dr. of Divinity, CMT, HHP, Reiki Master, Published Author of The Truth Within: Book of Light & Love

This post first appeared on The Soul Intention, please read the originial post: here

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Gnostic Revival!!!


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