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Crystal Grid Layout 2#: Sea Shell Prosperity Layout – Free Downloads



Way back when I started All Natural Spirit in 2016; my very first business concept was to provide physical spirituality based products, which included snow quartz sourced from my own backyard bushveld as well as other handmade items.

Alas this did not take off and I had to re-imagine ANS. It took a couple of tries including years of research and determined focus on the things that gave me the most joy to create and spend my time on. Eventually this lead to my various my Oracle Decks (see the end of the post for links) as well as my RedBubble Art Store.

Crystal Identification Chart
by All Natural Spirit from RedBubble

I was going through some old posts that I had converted back to drafts from the early days of ANS. I rediscovered my crystal grid post and I remembered all the hard work and research that went into them. There are some really great grid ideas and since becoming a certified Crystal Healer I decided to dust off these old posts and add a few new things to give them renewed life!

For more information about Crystal Healing – see my The Science of Crystal Healing & Gemstone Therapy post.

Crystal Grids & Sacred Geometry

Crystal grids are used to arrange crystals and other symbolic objects into geometric patterns for a specific personal purpose. The objects arranged on the grid are more powerful than the separate components alone. The whole becomes more than the sum of its parts, especially when combined with your own personal intentions.

Crystal grids are often used for crystal healing and the laying of stones. They are also used for protective purposes when placed in the home, such as in an entrance way or an office space.

Fruit of Life Sacred Mandala
by All Natural Spirit from RedBubble

Geometry plays an important part in the crystal grid layout. This creates synergistic and harmonic energy focused for a specific purpose, such as healing, protection and projection.

Sacred geometry provides a myriad of layout ideas and inspiration for crystal grids. Combining sacred geometry and crystals is not only a powerful way of grid creation, but they are visually striking designs that can act as grounding tools during meditation.

Free Downloads

Here is a Free Downloadable PDF file with 3 NEW sacred geometry patterns to get you started with crystal grid layouts! It includes high resolution images of the seed of life, flower of life and metatron’s cube!

Donation: Crystal Grid Booklet

All Crystal Grid Downloads are Free! (see link below) Any Donations Welcome! Sharing is Caring!


Sacred Geometry Patterns for Crystal Grid Layouts 2 High Res PDF

My Personal Crystal Grid

All Natural Spirit
Hand Inked Crystal Grid
Seed of Life

This crystal grid was one of the first healing tools that I created for myself. It is a hand inked crystal grid on a large wooden placemat (25 cm length x 23 cm width x 3 cm thickness, rounded square).

It features the Seed of Life, which an ancient and sacred geometrical shape, made up of seven interlinked circles in six fold symmetry. The Seed of Life has been used in many cultures as protective symbols and has been extensively used throughout history from ancient coinage to decorative imperial architecture.

It is the progenitor of the Flower of Life (a hexagonal pattern of 13 – 19 interlinked circles). The Seed of life represents one of the Universal Symbols as it is present in every living and non-living entity in the universe. Atoms, which are always in vibrational motion make up the universe and are able to arrange themselves into regular lattices (i.e., regular structures), such as is depicted by the Seed – and the Flower of Life.

Thus, using a Seed of Life design in a crystal grid structure adds to its symbolic meaning and metaphysical power by integrating the energies and intentions of the crystals, the user and the grid.

Sea Shell Prosperity | Seed of Life Grid

All Natural Spirit Hand Inked Crystal Grid Flower of Life Sea Shell Prosperity

Sea Shell Symbolism

Sea Shells have been used in antiquity and by many cultures as currency or for trade. This has connected shells to the concepts of fortune and prosperity. Metaphysical literature also describes the sea shells as void of negative energy and that they cannot absorb negative energy. They are also able to dispel negative energy from an environment or energy centre because of their inherent connection to the sea (water and salt have always been energetically cleansing and healing).

Amethyst February Birthstone
by All Natural Spirit from RedBubble

Sea Shells & Crystals

In the image above I use sea shells exclusively, however the sea shells can be used with crystals and other gemstones as illustrated in the diagram below:

Sea Shell Prosperity Crystal Grid Seed Of Life All Natural Spirit

The Central Anchor

A single clear quartz or snow quartz crystal is placed in the centre as the universal energy source to interlink the other crystals as well as cleansing any residual negative energy.

The Inner Ring

The inner ring ensures that the central anchor remains clear of negative influences and includes the following items:

  1. Sea Shells
    • Represents Prosperity
    • Associated with the Sacral Chakra
  2. Pearls
    • Represents Patience and Dedication – Free Oracle Card!
    • Associated with the Sacral Chakra

The Outer Ring

The outer ring channels prosperity to the inner ring and central anchor. It includes the following crystals:

  1. Citrine (Yellow)
    • Represents Willpower
    • Associated with the Solar Plexus
  2. Aventurine (Green)
    • Represents Luck
    • Associated with the Heart Chakra

I hope you find peace and light using this grid! There are two more layouts on their way!

-Good Vibes-

All Natural Spirit

I have a PhD in the Biological Sciences and am a certified Crystal Healing Practitioner with the Sunshine Academy of Metaphysics.

Celestial Rune Sigils – The Metaphysician’s Toolbox. Elder Futhark Bindrune Oracle Cards available from

Oracle Deck Posts

  1. Elder Futhark Mini Oracle – Free Downloadable Content
  2. Younger Futhark Mini Oracle – Free Downloadable Content
  3. Anglo-Saxon Futhorc Mini Oracle – Free Downloadable Content
  4. Celestial Rune Sigils: BindRune Oracle
  5. Inspirational Quotes form Nature

This post first appeared on All Natural Spirit, please read the originial post: here

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Crystal Grid Layout 2#: Sea Shell Prosperity Layout – Free Downloads
