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All Natural Spirit Blog

Nature, Symbolism & Spirituality in a Modern World
Photo Share #9: Neoregelia Bromeliad
Neoregelia bromeliadA photo of a Neoregelia bromeliad. I take photos of the animals in their natural environments and hence I do not disturb them, they are found, photographed and left as I… Read More
New Year’s Resolutions
New Year’s Resolutions for 2018 by All Natural Spirit: Nature Lover T-shirts by All_Natural_Spirit “Care for our Earth… Save our Forests… Protect our Oceans&helli… Read More
Photo Share #8: Fairy Fan Flowers
Fairy fan flowers, Scaevola aemulaA photo of pink Fairy fan flowers, Scaevola aemula. I take photos of the animals in their natural environments and hence I do not disturb them, they are fou… Read More
Photo Share #7: Orchid Flowers
Orhid Flowers opening (Orchidaceae) A photo a member of the Orchidaceae (Orhid) flowers. I take photos of the animals in their natural environments and hence I do not disturb them, they are… Read More
Photo Share #6: Pink Hibiscus Hybrid
Hibiscus PinkA photo the latest Hibiscus hybrid. I take photos of the animals in their natural environments and hence I do not disturb them, they are found, photographed and left as I found… Read More
Photo Share #5: Taiwan Maple Bonsai
Taiwan trident Maple, Acer buergerianum spp formosanum. Informal Upright Bonsai, 95 years old. A photo a Taiwan trident Maple bonsai. I take photos of the animals in their natural envir… Read More

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