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Top 7 Time Saving Tools to Organize Work Efficiently

7 Time Saving Tools To Help You Work Efficiently

Ever feel like you’ve bitten off more than you can chew at work?

Struggling to complete things on time is highly stressful, and can lead to us feeling snowed under. Most of us are trying to do a hundred things at once, and particularly if you’re working in a small team or freelancing, you may feel like you’re spread too thin.

Luckily, there are many tools and software products out there which can help you stay focused, streamline processes, and save time.

Productivity is a huge challenge for a lot of people, so it’s no wonder it’s a large industry with many different methods to tackle procrastination and increase focus.

Using these time-saving tools you can gain some hours back to relieve stress and put even more energy into the parts of your job that you enjoy most. Try and implement these programs into your daily routine at work, and see how much more organized you feel!

We’ve divided the best time-saving tools down into their categories to help you increase efficiency across all areas of your work routine:

1. Time Management — Toggl

Sometimes the day slips away from us and it’s hard to know how we’ve spent so long on one task.

Whether you’re trying the Pomodoro technique or attempting to chunk your day to avoid procrastination, a time management tool will help you keep on track and work more efficiently.

Toggl is a simple time tracking app for desktop and mobile, which allows you to record how long you’re spending on certain tasks. When you start the timer on desktop, the Toggl tab will become a timer, so you can keep an eye on the time no matter what tabs you’re working on.

Tracking your time this way not only holds you accountable to what you aimed to do in a certain time limit but also allows you to discover what areas of work take you the most and least time. Toggl’s reporting features summarise this for you in a clear and visual way.

2. Social Media Management — Hopper HQ

Managing multiple channels (and multiple brands, if you work in an agency) is a huge undertaking, with 60% of social media managers saying they struggle with time constraints.

Social media management involves a lot of back and forth between desktop and mobile: copying and pasting, searching for emojis, and duplicating files for different social networks — all of which make it a very time-consuming task.

To streamline this process, you need to use a tool like Instagram scheduler Hopper HQ. Hopper HQ allows you to manage multiple Instagram, Facebook and Twitter accounts from one dashboard, and not be anywhere near your phone when the posts are published.

Scheduling social media posts in advance is a huge time saver, as you know exactly what is going out when and never need to rush last minute content.

You can also work collaboratively on Hopper HQ, with team settings and varying permissions available. This is an efficiency booster for multiple people working on the same accounts, as they can schedule posts to all of the social networks at the same time.

3. Project Management — ProofHub

ProofHub is best for teams to collaborate and communicate on projects in one place. It is a project management software to plan, collaborate, and deliver projects on time.

Managers and teams are using the tool to keep a tab on who is doing what, to know how much each team member is producing, prioritize tasks, set start and due dates, define clear deadlines, and to bring clarity to work allocation.

“Facing project management problems? Start with the free ProofHub trial!”

There is a lot more users can do — @mention people to bring them in the loop, proof designs collaboratively, have quick conversations with teams, create custom reports, and bring all the team and client discussions under one roof.

4. Task Management — Trello

While to-do lists are all well and good, sometimes it’s not as simple as crossing something out when it’s done and don’t get us started on losing post-it notes.

Particularly for those working in large teams or with freelancers, there’s a lot of communication happening around tasks and things are constantly changing.

Trello allows you to manage all your projects in one place, with broken-down task lists for each thing you’re working on. You can work collaboratively on projects, adding team members and assigning tasks to each person. With complete customization options to suit your workflow, you can name progress columns and move tasks across when they’ve been completed!

Using a task management tool like Trello increases efficiency as individuals and teams feel on top of their work, and can visually see the things that need to be done in priority order.

5. Team Communication — Slack

Still using email to sync up with your colleagues and clients? Say goodbye to long threads, and losing track of conversations in your inbox.

Slack is the ultimate team communication and collaboration tool. With multiple customisable channels, you can keep relevant conversations in the right place with the correct people. Avoid notifying colleagues unnecessarily with things that don’t concern them, and save time on the back and forth.

Slack is a diverse and customisable tool that you can cater to your needs to get the most benefit for you and your business. With private channels, video calls, file sharing, and in-built reminders, you will be able to manage all day-to-day business via the tool, saving time having conversations across multiple different platforms.

“Do you know ProofHub is one great Slack alternative. Give it a try!”

You can also integrate multiple apps with Slack such as Google Drive, DropBox, Outlook and many more.

6. Distraction Management — Freedom

Are you guilty of online shopping, YouTube watching, or Solitaire-ing during work? It’s okay, you’re definitely not the only one.

Distraction and procrastination are huge factors for feeling time pressure and inefficiency at work, and it’s a hard habit to kick.

App and website blocker Freedom allows you to shut off any site that may be distracting your focus. If you find yourself opening a new tab or picking up your phone to look at something you shouldn’t be, Freedom will block your access — offering a friendly reminder to get back to work.

Freedom can sync blocks across all your devices, so no matter where you choose to procrastinate, it will keep you on track. You can even schedule your blocker timings, which is especially useful approaching a deadline, or at peak distraction times.

According to their site, ‘Freedom users report gaining an aver­age of 2.5 hours of produc­tive time each day’, making it a huge time-saving tool.

7. Email Management — Superhuman

Too many emails to cope? Often when we’re inundated with emails, the important ones can get brushed aside and opportunities are missed, not to mention courtesy goes out the window.

Typically, conversations get lost in long threads, and spam and newsletters are mixed in with crucial discussions and projects. Backlogs are frequent, and it’s easy to feel like you’re spending most of Monday morning shifting through and catching up on emails. This takes up a huge amount of time and is often de-prioritized over other more pressing tasks.

Superhuman has rebuilt the way inboxes and emails look, feel and work — all to increase efficiency and save time. Rather than being greeted with a cumbersome and overflowing inbox, their smart design and speed (every interaction is faster than 100ms) make it the fastest email management tool of all time.

Setting out to change and subvert the email workflow norm, Superhuman is complete with keyboard shortcuts, automation, and a rare lack of keyboard activity. Give it a try to finally hit zero in your inbox!


Disrupt your current work routine by implementing some of these time-saving tools to your workflow! Start with the areas you feel most time constraints in your week, whether it’s distractions, your email inbox, or time estimating, there’s a time-saving tool that will be able to help!

The investment of some of the paid tools will show return by the increase in your efficiency, as well as the valuable hours in your day you’ll gain back.

Author Bio:


Nicola is a Marketing Manager at Hopper HQ, the visual Instagram scheduling and management tool. She leads on all content, creating resources to help business owners and social media managers succeed and grow on Instagram.

Top 7 Time Saving Tools to Organize Work Efficiently was originally published in ProofHub Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

This post first appeared on ProofHub: Event Management System, please read the originial post: here

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Top 7 Time Saving Tools to Organize Work Efficiently


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