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Connectx Tic-Tac-Toe clone – Experiment

Connectx Tic-Tac-Toe Clone – Experiment

Overview of Connectx

So, Connectx is another one of our wannabe Excel creations. Basically, it was supposed to function as a Tic-Tac-Toe clone. However, we did not complete it. Therefore, it is up to you to finish the dream.

To tell you the truth, when we looked at the code, it seems pretty simple. But, you know how that goes.

After saying that, we may take another shot at it, in Excel. However, we have to make it funky for you.

Requirements and download

Excel 2003 or higher or compatible.

If you are ready to use this tool, then click on the download button below.

Download Size: 15 kB

Note: Instead of running this game from the zip file, save it to a location on your computer. It runs better that way.

Code listing for Connectx

Below, take a look at the code for the program. It only took about a day to do it. Still, not completed though.

'Designed and programmed by: Alex Shaw III

Option Explicit

Public gameLev As Integer
Public gameOver As Boolean

Private Sub Check_Level()
    If ((Range("F16").Value  "Easy") And (Range("F16").Value  "Difficult")) Then
        Range("F16").Value = "Easy"
    End If
    If (Range("F16").Value = "Easy") Then gameLev = 1 Else gameLev = 2
End Sub

Private Sub CheckXO(boxNum As String)
    Select Case boxNum
        Case "E9"
            If ((Range("E9:G9").Text = "X") Or (Range("E9:G9").Text = "O")) Then Call Game_Over("cLine1")
            If ((Range("E9:E11").Text = "X") Or (Range("E9:E11").Text = "O")) Then Call Game_Over("cLine4")
            If ((Range("E9,F10,G11").Text = "X") Or (Range("E9,F10,G11").Text = "O")) Then Call Game_Over("cLine7")
        Case "E10"
            If ((Range("E9:E11").Text = "X") Or (Range("E9:E11").Text = "O")) Then Call Game_Over("cLine4")
            If ((Range("E10:G10").Text = "X") Or (Range("E10:G10").Text = "O")) Then Call Game_Over("cLine2")
        Case "E11"
            If ((Range("E9:E11").Text = "X") Or (Range("E9:E11").Text = "O")) Then Call Game_Over("cLine4")
            If ((Range("E11:G11").Text = "X") Or (Range("E11:G11").Text = "O")) Then Call Game_Over("cLine3")
            If ((Range("E11,F10,G9").Text = "X") Or (Range("E11,F10,G9").Text = "O")) Then Call Game_Over("cLine8")
        Case "F9"
            If ((Range("E9:G9").Text = "X") Or (Range("E9:G9").Text = "O")) Then Call Game_Over("cLine1")
            If ((Range("F9:F11").Text = "X") Or (Range("F9:F11").Text = "O")) Then Call Game_Over("cLine5")
        Case "F10"
            If ((Range("E9,F10,G11").Text = "X") Or (Range("E9,F10,G11").Text = "O")) Then Call Game_Over("cLine7")
            If ((Range("E10:G10").Text = "X") Or (Range("E10:G10").Text = "O")) Then Call Game_Over("cLine2")
            If ((Range("F9:F11").Text = "X") Or (Range("F9:F11").Text = "O")) Then Call Game_Over("cLine5")
        Case "F11"
            If ((Range("E11:G11").Text = "X") Or (Range("E11:G11").Text = "O")) Then Call Game_Over("cLine3")
            If ((Range("F9:F11").Text = "X") Or (Range("F9:F11").Text = "O")) Then Call Game_Over("cLine5")
        Case "G9"
            If ((Range("E9:G9").Text = "X") Or (Range("E9:G9").Text = "O")) Then Call Game_Over("cLine1")
            If ((Range("E11,F10,G9").Text = "X") Or (Range("E11,F10,G9").Text = "O")) Then Call Game_Over("cLine8")
            If ((Range("G9:G11").Text = "X") Or (Range("G9:G11").Text = "O")) Then Call Game_Over("cLine6")
        Case "G10"
            If ((Range("E10:G10").Text = "X") Or (Range("E10:G10").Text = "O")) Then Call Game_Over("cLine2")
            If ((Range("G9:G11").Text = "X") Or (Range("G9:G11").Text = "O")) Then Call Game_Over("cLine6")
        Case "G11"
            If ((Range("E9,F10,G11").Text = "X") Or (Range("E9,F10,G11").Text = "O")) Then Call Game_Over("cLine7")
            If ((Range("E11:G11").Text = "X") Or (Range("E11:G11").Text = "O")) Then Call Game_Over("cLine3")
            If ((Range("G9:G11").Text = "X") Or (Range("G9:G11").Text = "O")) Then Call Game_Over("cLine6")
    End Select
End Sub

Private Sub Clear_Board()
    Dim i, j As Integer
    For i = 1 To 3                                                      'clear board and reassign boxes
        For j = 1 To 3
            Range(Chr(68 + j) & (i + 8)).Value = ""                     'clear board
            Shapes("cBox" & Chr(68 + j) & (i + 8)).Visible = True       'display boxes

    For i = 1 To 8
        Shapes("cLine" & i).Visible = False                             'remove cross line
End Sub

Private Sub Game_Over(lineNum As String)
    Shapes(lineNum).Visible = True                                      'show cross line
    gameOver = True                                                     'game over
End Sub

Public Sub PlaceX(boxNum As String)
    If (Range(boxNum).Value = "") Then
        Range(boxNum).Value = "X"                                       'place X
        Shapes("cBox" & boxNum).Visible = False                         'remove clicked box
        Call CheckXO(boxNum)                                            'check for consecutive Xs
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Initialize()
    gameLev = 0                                                         'set game level
    gameOver = False                                                    'game over
    Range("F19").Select                                                 'position location
End Sub

Public Sub Start_Game()
    Call Initialize                                                     'initialize variables
    Call Clear_Board                                                    'clear board and display boxes
    Call Check_Level                                                    'check game level
End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
    Call Start_Game                                                     'start game
End Sub


Here are some additional topics associated with this experiment.

  • Desktop games
  • Excel
  • Free downloads
  • Games
  • Guessword
  • Original version of Wingding Match game
  • Scrambler game for Excel – Experiment
  • Software library
  • Vintage stuff


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The post Connectx Tic-Tac-Toe clone – Experiment appeared first on Techronology.

This post first appeared on Office Tools, Software Library, Design, Training, And Games | Techronology, please read the originial post: here

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Connectx Tic-Tac-Toe clone – Experiment
