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Units of measurement – Reference guide

Units Of Measurement – Reference Guide

This units of measurement guide provides a reference of the size of different types of quantities.

Units of measurement reference

Our table of contents lists a good set of tables for different units of measurement. Overall, you should be able to copy these tables into Excel or another desktop app fairly easily.

Table of contents

  1. Liquid measure
  2. Paper measure
  3. Linear measure
  4. Miscellaneous measures
  5. Cubic measure
  6. Avoirdupois weight
  7. Troy weight
  8. Circular measure
  9. Apothecaries weight
  10. Surface measure
  11. Capacity
  12. Weight
  13. Time measure
  14. Dry measure
  15. Conversion tables
  16. Length

Liquid measure

Paper measure

Linear measure

Miscellaneous measures


Cubic measure

Avoirdupois weight

Troy weight

Circular measure


Apothecaries weight

Surface measure




Time measure

Dry measure


Conversion tables




If you have any questions or comments, then feel free to contact us at [email protected].


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Units of measurement – Reference guide
