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Blazor for C# Developers: A Quick Introduction


As a C# developer, you’re likely familiar with building applications for various platforms, such as Windows, web, or mobile. But have you ever wondered if there’s a way to use your C# skills to build web applications without diving into JavaScript? Enter Blazor, a revolutionary web framework from Microsoft that allows you to develop interactive web applications entirely in C#. In this article, we’ll provide you with a quick introduction to Blazor and help you understand its core concepts and benefits.

What is Blazor?

Blazor is an open-source web framework developed by Microsoft that enables developers to build web applications using C# and .NET instead of relying heavily on JavaScript. It leverages WebAssembly for client-side execution and uses C# for both client and server-side code. Blazor provides a component-based architecture that’s similar to popular JavaScript frameworks like React and Angular.

Key Concepts of Blazor

  1. Components: Blazor applications are composed of reusable components. A component is a self-contained unit that encapsulates both the user interface (UI) and the logic required to render and interact with that UI. Components can be nested within each other, enabling a modular and organized code structure.
  2. Razor Syntax: Blazor uses Razor syntax, which is a combination of HTML and C#. This allows you to define UI elements and C# code in a single file, making it easy to create dynamic and responsive web applications.
  3. Code-Behind Files: Blazor components can have associated code-behind files. These files contain the C# code that handles the component’s logic, data binding, event handling, and other functionality. This separation of concerns makes code maintenance and testing more straightforward.
  4. Server-Side Blazor vs. WebAssembly Blazor: Blazor offers two hosting models—server-side and WebAssembly. Server-side Blazor runs on the server, rendering HTML updates to the client using SignalR, while WebAssembly Blazor runs entirely on the client side in the browser. You can choose the hosting model that best suits your project’s requirements.

Benefits of Blazor for C# Developers

  1. Reuse C# Skills: With Blazor, you can leverage your existing C# knowledge and skills to build web applications. This eliminates the need to learn new programming languages like JavaScript or TypeScript.
  2. Code Sharing: Blazor allows you to share code between the client and server, reducing duplication and ensuring consistent behavior on both sides.
  3. Rich Ecosystem: Blazor integrates seamlessly with the .NET ecosystem, providing access to libraries, tools, and frameworks that C# developers are already familiar with.
  4. Component Reusability: Blazor’s component-based architecture promotes code reusability, making it easier to maintain and extend your applications.
  5. Strong Typing: C# is a statically typed language, which helps catch errors at compile-time rather than runtime, leading to more robust and reliable applications.

Getting Started with Blazor

To get started with Blazor, follow these steps:

  1. Install Visual Studio: If you don’t already have it, download and install Visual Studio, which is the preferred IDE for Blazor development.
  2. Create a Blazor Project: Open Visual Studio, create a new project, and select the Blazor template that suits your needs (Blazor Server App or Blazor WebAssembly App).
  3. Build Your First Component: Start by creating a simple Blazor component using Razor syntax. You can gradually add more components and build your application.
  4. Debug and Test: Use Visual Studio’s debugging and testing tools to ensure your Blazor application works as expected.


Let’s add some code examples to illustrate key concepts in Blazor. We’ll start with a simple Blazor component, demonstrate data binding, and show how to handle events.

Creating a Simple Blazor Component

Here’s a basic Blazor component that displays a message:

Hello from Blazor!

In this example, MyComponent.razor is a Blazor component written in Razor syntax. It’s a simple HTML template displaying a message.

Data Binding in Blazor

Data binding allows you to display and update data in your Blazor components. Here’s an example of data binding in Blazor:

Current count: @currentCount @code { private int currentCount = 0; private void IncrementCount() { currentCount++; } }

In this example, @currentCount binds the value of currentCount to the HTML template. When the “Increment” button is clicked, it calls the IncrementCount method to update the currentCount variable, and the change is reflected in the UI.

Fetching Data from an API in Blazor

In this example, we’ll demonstrate how to fetch data from a REST API in a Blazor component and display it.

@page "/weatherforecast"

Weather Forecast
@if (forecasts == null) { Loading... } else { class="table"> @foreach (var forecast in forecasts) { }
Date Temperature (C) Temperature (F) Summary
@forecast.Date.ToShortDateString() @forecast.TemperatureC @forecast.TemperatureF @forecast.Summary
} @code { private WeatherForecast[] forecasts; protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync() { var httpClient = new HttpClient(); forecasts = await httpClient.GetFromJsonAsyncWeatherForecast[]>("https://localhost:5001/weatherforecast"); } private class WeatherForecast { public DateTime Date { get; set; } public int TemperatureC { get; set; } public int TemperatureF => 32 + (int)(TemperatureC / 0.5556); public string Summary { get; set; } } }

In this example, we create a Blazor component that fetches weather forecast data from a REST API and displays it in a table. It demonstrates how to make HTTP requests and handle data in a Blazor component.


Blazor opens up new possibilities for C# developers by allowing them to build web applications using their existing skills and knowledge. With its component-based architecture, strong typing, and support for both server-side and client-side hosting, Blazor provides a compelling alternative to traditional JavaScript-based web development. So, if you’re a C# developer looking to expand your horizons into web development, Blazor is definitely worth exploring. Get started today, and unlock the power of C# for web development!

The post Blazor for C# Developers: A Quick Introduction appeared first on Byte Hints.

This post first appeared on Byte Hints, please read the originial post: here

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Blazor for C# Developers: A Quick Introduction


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