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10 Best Recruiting Email Templates to Attract Potential Hires

You know how important emails are when you’re looking to hire the best talent. If everyone on your team sends out different vibes, it can really puzzle the candidates who might want to join us. 

Plus, if an email looks messy or sounds off, it might give off a bad vibe and harm your company’s reputation. And that’s not good for attracting skilled people!

So, what’s the fix? It’s simple: use some awesome email templates that we’ve put together. They’re keys to keep things moving fast, stay on the same page, and show off your professional side.

Hence, we’ve gathered the best email templates just for you. They’re going to make your job a whole lot easier and help you nail that recruitment game. Ready to check them out?

Top 10 Recruiting Email Templates to Use Right Now 

How targeted your emails will be can impact your ability to attract top talent.

We’ve put together a list of 10 scenarios where specific templates can make your recruitment efforts more productive. In selecting these templates, we focused on clarity, professionalism, and adaptability to various recruitment stages.

Here are 10 such scenarios and templates that you can use – 

  • Initial Candidate Outreach
  • Schedule a Phone Screen Interview
  • Send an Assignment
  • Invite Candidates for an Interview by Email
  • Send Mass Candidate Rejection Emails
  • Reject a Candidate After an Interview
  • Follow Up with Candidates Not Showing Up for Interview
  • Follow Up with Successful Candidate After Interview
  • Give Interview Feedback
  • Send an Offer

1. Initial Candidate Outreach

This is the first contact with a potential candidate to gauge their interest in a role at your company. The goal is to make a memorable impression that encourages them to consider your vacancy.

Why It Matters: A well-crafted initial outreach can expand your pool of candidates and initiate relationships with top talent.

When to Send: Reach out to a passive candidate after thoroughly reviewing their social profiles and professional accomplishments to ensure they match the role’s requirements.

What to Include: 

  • Personalized Greeting: Address the candidate by name to create a personal connection.
  • Explanation of How You Found Them: Mention where you came across their profile and what specifically stood out.
  • Brief Role Description: Summarize the position they are being considered for and why it relates to their background.
  • Call to Action: Suggest a specific time for a phone call or meeting to discuss the opportunity in detail.
  • Your Contact Information: Provide your name, position, company, and best way to reach you.

Template for Initial Candidate Outreach

Subject Line: Exciting Opportunity as [Job Title] at [Your Company]

Hi [Candidate’s First Name],

I recently came across your profile on [Platform/Event] and was impressed by your experience in [Specific Field or Skill]. At [Your Company], we’re currently seeking someone with your expertise for a [Job Title] position, and I believe there’s a great potential match.

This role involves [Brief Description of Key Responsibilities], and I feel your background in [Relevant Experience or Projects] would make a significant impact on our team.

Would you be open to a brief phone conversation on [Proposed Date and Time] to discuss this opportunity further? I would love to share more about how [Your Company] can be the key to your next career step.

Looking forward to the possibility of working together.

Best regards,

[Your Full Name]

[Your Job Title]

[Your Company]

[Contact Information]

2. Schedule a Phone Screen Interview

After initial contact and a candidate’s expressed interest, the next step is to arrange a phone screen interview. This helps gauge their suitability before proceeding to more in-depth interview stages.

Why It Matters: The phone screen is important for efficiently assessing whether a candidate’s qualifications, experience, and career goals align with the position and company culture.

When to Send: Send this invitation after a candidate has responded positively to your initial outreach and seems like a potential fit for the role.

What to Include: 

  • Purpose of the Call: Clearly state that the purpose of the conversation is to discuss their application and potential fit.
  • Proposed Times: Offer specific options for the call to simplify scheduling.
  • Expected Duration: Inform the candidate about the expected length of the call to help them plan accordingly.
  • What to Prepare: If necessary, advise the candidate on any specific details or documents to have ready for the call.
  • Contact Details: Provide your phone number and ask for theirs to ensure both parties are prepared to connect.

Template for Scheduling a Phone Screen Interview:

Subject Line: Invitation to Schedule a Phone Interview for [Job Title] at [Your Company]

Hi [Candidate’s First Name],

Thank you for your interest in the [Job Title] position at [Your Company]. We are impressed by your background and would like to move forward with a phone interview to discuss your application and potential fit with our team.

Could you please let me know your availability for a phone call? I suggest the following times:

– [Date and Time Option 1]

– [Date and Time Option 2]

– [Date and Time Option 3]

The conversation should take approximately [15-30] minutes. Please have a copy of your resume handy, as we may discuss your experiences in more detail.

You can reach me at [Your Phone Number], and I would appreciate it if you could confirm your phone number as well.

Looking forward to our conversation.

Best regards,

[Your Full Name]

[Your Job Title]

[Your Company]

[Contact Information]

3. Send an Assignment

In some recruitment settings or processes, particularly for roles requiring specific skills or creativity, you may need to send an assignment to candidates. This helps assess their competencies and problem-solving abilities in a practical context.

Why It Matters: Assignments are a valuable tool for evaluating a candidate’s real-world skills and fit for the role beyond what interviews can reveal.

When to Send: Issue the assignment after a phone screen if the candidate shows potential and needs further evaluation before an in-depth interview.

What to Include

  • Purpose of the Assignment: Explain why you’re sending the assignment and what you hope to learn from their submission.
  • Detailed Instructions: Provide clear, detailed instructions on what the assignment entails and the expected outcome.
  • Deadline: Clearly state the deadline for submitting the assignment.
  • Submission Format: Specify how and in what format the candidate should return the completed work.
  • Offer of Support: Let them know how to contact you if they have any questions or need clarification.

Template for Sending an Assignment:

Subject Line: [Job Title] Position Assignment – [Your Company]

Hi [Candidate’s First Name],

Thank you for your engaging conversation during our recent phone interview. As the next step in our recruitment process for the [Job Title] position, we would like to give you a small assignment that reflects typical tasks you would handle in this role.

**Assignment Details**:

– **Task**: [Briefly describe the task they need to complete]

– **Objective**: [What you hope to assess with this assignment]

– **Deadline**: Please submit your completed assignment by [Date and Time].

– **Submission Format**: Attach your work in [format] to an email and send to [submission email address].

This exercise is designed to better understand your practical skills and your approach to solving real-life problems you might encounter in this role.

Should you have any questions or require further clarification, feel free to reach out to me directly at [Your Contact Information].

We are looking forward to your submission and hope you find the task both challenging and enjoyable!

Best regards,

[Your Full Name]

[Your Job Title]

[Your Company]

4. Invite Candidates for an Interview by Email

After a candidate has successfully completed a phone screen or assignment, the next step is to invite them for a formal interview. This can be either in-person or via video call, depending on the company’s protocol.

Why It Matters: Inviting a candidate for an interview signifies a deeper interest in their potential fit within the company, allowing both parties to explore the possibility in more detail.

When to Send: Send the interview invitation once you have reviewed their phone screen feedback or assignment and decided they could be a good match for the role.

What to Include in an Interview Invitation Email:

  • Type of Interview: Specify whether it’s an in-person or video interview.
  • Date and Time Options: Provide a few options for the candidate to choose from.
  • Location Details: If it’s in-person, include the address and any specific instructions for when they arrive at the office. If it’s virtual, provide the video call link and any necessary access codes.
  • Interview Format: Briefly describe the structure of the interview, including any tests or exercises they might need to prepare for.
  • Contact for Questions: Offer a point of contact for any questions they might have prior to the interview.

Template for Interview Invitation Email:

Subject Line: Invitation to Interview for the [Job Title] Position at [Your Company]

Hi [Candidate’s First Name],

We have reviewed your application and would like to invite you to the next stage of our recruitment process. You are scheduled for an [in-person/video] interview to discuss the [Job Title] role at [Your Company] in more detail.

Please see the details below:

– **Type**: [In-person/Video]

– **Proposed Times**:

  – [Date and Time Option 1]

  – [Date and Time Option 2]

  – [Date and Time Option 3]

– **Location**: [Company Address/Video Call Link]

– **Expected Duration**: Approximately [X] minutes

The interview will include [Brief Description of Interview Format], and you will meet with [Names and Titles of Interviewers].

Please confirm your preferred date and time from the options provided. If you have any questions or need further information, feel free to contact me at [Your Contact Information].

We look forward to the possibility of having you join our team and are excited to learn more about your background and qualifications.

Best regards,

[Your Full Name]

[Your Job Title]

[Your Company]

5.Send Mass Candidate Rejection Emails

When certain candidates do not meet the necessary criteria at an early stage, it’s necessary to inform them. 

You have to let them know that they will not be moving forward in the selection process. This also helps with refining and building better email lists

Why It Matters: Timely and respectful communication about rejection maintains a positive company image and respects the time and effort candidates have invested in the application process.

When to Send: Send rejection emails soon after making the decision to not proceed with certain candidates, ensuring prompt communication to allow them to continue their job search without delay.

What to Include 

  • Appreciation for Their Effort: Acknowledge the time and effort the candidate put into the application process.
  • Brief Explanation: Offer a concise reason for the non-selection if applicable, keeping it general and professional.
  • Encouragement: Encourage them to apply for future positions if their skills might be a better fit for other roles.
  • Contact Information: Provide a point of contact for any follow-up they might want to pursue.

Template for Mass Rejection Email:

Subject Line: Update on Your Application for [Job Title] at [Your Company]

Hi [Candidate’s First Name],

Thank you for your interest in the [Job Title] position and for the time you invested in the interview process at [Your Company]. We had the opportunity to meet with a number of highly qualified candidates.

After careful consideration, we have decided to move forward with another candidate whose qualifications better match our needs at this time. This was a difficult decision given the impressive skills and experiences all candidates brought to the table.

We appreciate the effort you put into your application and would like to encourage you to apply for future openings at [Your Company] for which you qualify. We are constantly on the lookout for talented individuals and would be pleased to consider your application again.

Thank you once again for your interest in [Your Company] and for the opportunity to learn about your qualifications and career goals. We wish you success in your job search and professional future.

Best regards,

[Your Full Name]

[Your Job Title]

[Your Company]

6. Reject a Candidate After an Interview

When a candidate does not meet the expectations during the interview or is not the best fit for the role post-interview, it is important to communicate this decision respectfully.

Why It Matters: Providing a personalized rejection helps maintain a positive relationship with the candidate, reflecting well on your company’s professionalism and respect for individuals.

When to Send: Send this email shortly after the interview once the decision has been made, allowing the candidate to continue their job search efficiently.

What to Include

  • Personal Touch: Address the candidate by name and mention something positive about their interview.
  • Reason for Rejection: Gently let them know why they weren’t the best fit, if appropriate, to provide useful feedback.
  • Encouragement for Future: Encourage them to apply for other roles in the future if you see potential alignment.
  • Option for Feedback: Offer to provide more detailed feedback if the candidate requests it, demonstrating your commitment to their professional development.

Template for Post-Interview Rejection Email:

Subject Line: Your Interview for [Job Title] at [Your Company]

Hi [Candidate’s First Name],

Thank you for taking the time to meet with our team and discuss the [Job Title] position at [Your Company]. We enjoyed learning about your skills and experiences and were impressed by [Specific Aspect from the Interview].

After thorough consideration, we have decided to proceed with a candidate whose experience aligns more closely with our current needs. This was not an easy decision due to the strong qualifications of all our candidates.

We sincerely appreciate the effort you put into your application and your interest in joining our team. We encourage you to apply for future openings at [Your Company] that match your skills and career goals.

If you would like detailed feedback on your interview or further clarification, please feel free to reach out to me directly. We are committed to supporting your career growth and would be happy to provide more specific insights to assist you.

Thank you again for your interest in [Your Company], and we wish you all the best in your job search and future professional endeavors.

Warm regards,

[Your Full Name]

[Your Job Title]

[Your Company]

7. Follow Up with Candidates Not Showing Up for Interview

Occasionally, a candidate may not show up for a scheduled interview without prior notification. Following up with these candidates is important to understand the reasons behind their absence and to maintain professional communication.

Why It Matters: Following up demonstrates professionalism in recruitment emails and can provide insight into any issues that might need addressing, such as misunderstandings about the interview time or problems with the communication method.

When to Send: Send a follow-up email shortly after the missed interview to address the absence promptly.

What to Include

  • Acknowledgment of Missed Interview: Start by noting that the interview was missed without any prior notification.
  • Invitation to Reschedule: Offer an opportunity to reschedule if the absence was due to an unforeseen circumstance.
  • Request for Explanation: Politely ask for an explanation to better understand their situation and to prevent future occurrences.
  • Contact Information: Provide your direct contact information for them to get in touch easily.

Template for Follow-Up Email for No-Show Candidates

Subject Line: Follow-Up on Missed Interview for [Job Title] at [Your Company]

Hi [Candidate’s First Name],

We noticed you were unable to attend the scheduled interview for the [Job Title] position at [Your Company] on [Date and Time]. We hope everything is alright.

As we are keen on discussing your application further, we would be happy to reschedule the interview at a time that is convenient for you. Please let us know your availability, or if there were any misunderstandings or issues that prevented you from joining us as planned.

Your interest in [Your Company] is very important to us, and we would like to ensure that you have every opportunity to engage with us. Please feel free to reach out directly at [Your Contact Information] to discuss or reschedule.

We look forward to hearing from you and hope to connect soon.

Best regards,

[Your Full Name]

[Your Job Title]

[Your Company]

8. Follow Up with Successful Candidate After Interview

After a candidate has successfully completed an interview and you wish to proceed further with their application, it’s important to keep them engaged and informed about the next steps.

Why It Matters: Keeping candidates informed and engaged reflects well on your company’s professionalism and can help maintain the candidate’s interest in the position.

When to Send: Send this follow-up email soon after the interview, especially if there are additional steps such as a second interview, background checks, or meeting with another team member.

What to Include:

  • Positive Feedback: Congratulate them on a successful interview and mention specific strengths or qualifications they displayed.
  • Next Steps: Clearly outline any forthcoming steps in the hiring process they need to be aware of.
  • Timeline: Provide an estimated timeline for these steps to set expectations.
  • Availability for Further Queries: Encourage them to reach out if they have any questions or need further information.

Template for Follow-Up Email for Successful Candidates:

Subject Line: Next Steps Following Your Interview for [Job Title] at [Your Company]

Hi [Candidate’s First Name],

Thank you for the insightful conversation during your recent interview for the [Job Title] position at [Your Company]. We were impressed with your [mention specific skills or experiences that stood out], and we are excited about the potential of having you on our team.

As the next step in our hiring process, we would like to [describe the next step – another interview, a meeting with another team member, background checks, etc.]. We aim to complete this stage by [provide a timeline], and we will keep you updated on any progress or changes.

Please feel free to reach out to me directly at [Your Contact Information] if you have any questions or need further details in the meantime.

We are looking forward to the possibility of working together and will be in touch soon with more information.

Best regards,

[Your Full Name]

[Your Job Title]

[Your Company]

9. Give Interview Feedback

Providing feedback after an interview is a considerate practice that helps candidates understand their performance and areas for improvement, whether they progress to the next stage or not.

Why It Matters: Offering feedback can enhance a candidate’s experience with your company, fostering goodwill and improving your employer brand, regardless of the outcome.

When to Send: Send feedback soon after the interview decision has been made, especially if the candidate was not selected, to help them in their future applications.

What to Include:

  • Appreciation for Their Effort: Thank them for the time and effort they put into the interview.
  • Constructive Feedback: Provide specific feedback on what they did well and areas where they could improve.
  • Encouragement: Encourage them to continue developing their skills and possibly apply for future positions that might be a better fit.
  • Open Door for Future Queries: Offer them the opportunity to reach out for more detailed feedback or further discussion.

Template for Interview Feedback Email:

Subject Line: Feedback on Your Interview for [Job Title] at [Your Company]

Hi [Candidate’s First Name],

Thank you for taking the time to interview for the [Job Title] position at [Your Company]. We appreciate the effort you put into the application and the discussion we had.

We wanted to provide you with some feedback from your interview. You demonstrated strong [mention any positive aspects noted during the interview, such as problem-solving skills, knowledge, etc.], which we found very impressive. However, [offer constructive feedback, such as needing more experience in a specific skill or technology].

While we are not moving forward with your application at this time, we highly encourage you to apply for future opportunities with us as they arise. Your [specific skill or quality] is a strong asset, and with some more experience in [area of improvement], we believe you could be a great fit for our team.

Please feel free to reach out if you would like more detailed feedback or to discuss how you could grow professionally. We wish you all the best in your job search and future career endeavors.

Warm regards,

[Your Full Name]

[Your Job Title]

[Your Company]

10. Send an Offer

After a series of successful interviews and possibly assignments, when a candidate is chosen for the job, the next step is to send them a job offer. This is a critical communication that needs to be clear and enticing, encouraging the candidate to accept.

Why It Matters: The offer letter not only needs to convey the excitement of welcoming a new team member but also must include all pertinent details about the job to ensure clarity and facilitate a smooth onboarding process.

When to Send: Send the offer letter immediately after the decision has been made, ideally within a day or two, to maintain the momentum and interest of the candidate.

What to Include

  • Job Details: Clearly state the job title, start date, work location, and key responsibilities.
  • Compensation Package: Include salary, bonus potential, benefits, and any other compensation elements like stock options or retirement plans.
  • Work Hours and Conditions: Describe the working hours, remote work possibilities, and any travel requirements.
  • At-will Employment Clause: If applicable, mention that the employment is at-will.
  • Next Steps for Acceptance: Explain the process for accepting the offer, including any paperwork to be signed and returned.

Template for an Offer Letter Email:

Subject Line: Official Job Offer: [Job Title] at [Your Company]

Hi [Candidate’s First Name],

We are thrilled to extend to you an offer to join [Your Company] as a [Job Title]. Based on our conversations, we are confident in your abilities to contribute and thrive in our team.

Here are the key details of your offer:

– **Start Date**: [Start Date]

– **Salary**: [Salary], payable in [monthly/weekly] installments

– **Benefits**: [Briefly list benefits, such as health insurance, paid time off, etc.]

– **Work Hours**: [Describe expected work hours and any remote work options]

– **Location**: [Work Location]

This position is [at-will/contract/etc.], and [any additional legal clauses or conditions].

To accept this offer, please sign and return the attached offer letter by [Deadline for Acceptance]. Should you have any questions or need further clarification about any aspects of your offer, do not hesitate to contact me directly at [Your Contact Information].

We are excited about the possibility of you joining our team and look forward to your positive response. Welcome to [Your Company]!

Warm regards,

[Your Full Name]

[Your Job Title]

[Your Company]

Recruiting Templates for Different Categories

Here are some templates that can help streamline your hiring process across various scenarios:

Category 1: Outreach Tactics

These templates help you start conversations in various situations, using discretion, mutual connections, and proven results to effectively connect with potential candidates.

Outreach Without Revealing Client Name

Reach out to candidates discreetly when you need to keep the client’s name confidential. This approach helps protect privacy while sparking interest in the opportunity.

Example Template

Subject: Unique Opportunity Awaiting Your Expertise

Hi [Candidate Name],

I came across your profile and am impressed by your experience in [Industry/Field]. While I can’t disclose the client just yet, I believe this opportunity could align well with your skills. They are a respected entity in the [General Industry Type], looking for someone with your expertise.

If you’re interested in exploring this further, could we schedule a call to discuss more about what this role entails and how it aligns with your career aspirations?

Looking forward to your response.


[Your Name]

Using a Mutual Connection to Email a New Prospect

You use the power of shared connections to introduce yourself and establish trust, creating a warm lead from a cold contact.

When to Send: Use this approach when you have a trustworthy mutual connection who can vouch for you, making your introduction more credible and welcomed.

Example Template

Subject: Introduction via [Mutual Connection’s Name]

Hi [Candidate Name],

[Mutual Connection’s Name], whom we both know well, recommended I reach out to you. They mentioned your remarkable work at [Their Company] and thought you’d be interested in an opportunity we have.

It involves [Brief Role Description], which seems to fit your impressive background in [Their Field]. Could we discuss this further at your convenience?

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Outreach Citing Past Success And Social Proof

You can use your previous successes and client testimonials to build credibility and attract new candidates, showcasing your track record.

When to Send: Ideal when you want to highlight the success of your placements to attract candidates for similar roles.

Example Template:

Subject: Proven Success in [Industry/Role] – Discover New Opportunities

Hi [Candidate Name],

I’m reaching out because I’ve successfully placed several professionals in [Industry/Role], and their feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. Companies like [Company Names] have seen substantial growth with talents like yours.

Given your expertise in [Specific Skill/Area], I believe you could be a great fit for one of our exciting roles. Are you available this week to explore this opportunity further?

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

Category 2: Industry and Professional Focus

Templates designed to specific industries can be incredibly effective by focusing on the candidate’s achievements and their professional ambitions.

Connect with a Salesperson

Reach out to sales professionals by highlighting their achievements or specific skills that match your client’s needs.

When to Send: Use this approach when you have an open position that aligns perfectly with a salesperson’s expertise, particularly if they’ve recently reached a significant milestone or received recognition in their current role.

Example Template

Subject: Explore a Sales Leadership Role with [Your Client’s Company Name]

Hi [Candidate Name],

I’ve been following your impressive track record at [Current Company], especially your recent achievement of [Specific Achievement]. We have an exciting opportunity for a Sales Director at [Client’s Company], where your expertise could drive significant growth.

Would you be open to a discussion about how this role could align with your career goals?

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Industry Event Follow-up

Use connections made at industry events to follow up and introduce specific opportunities that relate to the discussions or presentations given.

When to Send: Shortly after an industry event, while the interaction is still fresh in the participant’s mind.

Example Template

Subject: Great Connecting at [Event Name]

Hi [Candidate Name],

It was a pleasure meeting you at [Event Name] last week. I was really intrigued by your insights on [Topic Discussed]. I represent [Your Company], and we’re currently looking for someone with your expertise to enhance our team.

Could we set up a time to explore how this role might be a fit for you?

Looking forward to your thoughts,

[Your Name]

Category 3: Diverse Hiring Initiatives

Templates focused on diversity hiring initiatives are crafted to attract candidates from varied backgrounds, emphasizing how their unique experiences can contribute to enriching your company’s culture and capabilities.

Diversity Hiring Initiative

Reach out to candidates from diverse backgrounds to communicate your company’s commitment to building an inclusive workplace.

When to Send: This type of outreach is suitable when your company is actively seeking to boost diversity within the team and has available roles that match the skills and experiences of diverse candidates.

Example Template:

Subject: Join Us in Building a Diverse and Inclusive [Industry] Future

Hi [Candidate Name],

At [Company Name], we are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive environment. We value different perspectives and are looking for talented individuals from all backgrounds to help us innovate and grow in [Specific Field or Industry].

I’d love to discuss how your unique experiences and skills can contribute to our team. Are you available for a call next week?

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Veteran Recruitment Outreach

Specifically target veterans by acknowledging the skills and experiences they’ve gained in the military, which are valuable to civilian roles.

When to Send: When your company has opportunities that are particularly suitable for veterans, or when you’re running a recruitment drive aimed at hiring veterans.

Example Template:

Subject: Valuing Your Service: Career Opportunities for Veterans at [Company Name]

Hi [Candidate Name],

Thank you for your service. At [Company Name], we greatly value the discipline, leadership, and skills that veterans bring to our workforce. We currently have several positions open that could benefit significantly from your background in [Area of Expertise/Military Experience].

Could we schedule some time to discuss your career aspirations and how they align with the opportunities at our company?

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

Category 4: Seasonal and Contract Transitions

These templates are designed for recruiting candidates into seasonal or contract roles, offering clear opportunities for long-term engagement within the company. 

They are especially appealing to those looking for more permanent positions or those at the end of their temporary contracts

Seasonal Recruitment Drive

Target candidates for temporary or seasonal positions, emphasizing the opportunities for learning and potential for future employment.

When to Send: Best sent before the start of peak seasonal operations, such as holiday retail seasons, summer internships, or specific project timelines.

Example Template

Subject: Exciting Seasonal Opportunities Available at [Company Name]!

Hi [Candidate Name],

As we gear up for our busy [specific season], we’re on the lookout for enthusiastic individuals to join our [specific department or team]. These positions offer a great chance to gain valuable experience and could open the door to more permanent roles in the future.

Are you interested in learning more about these opportunities?

Best wishes,

[Your Name]

Outreach for Freelancers to Full-time Roles

Encourage talented freelancers or part-time workers to consider full-time positions, highlighting the benefits of stability and career growth.

When to Send: When you have evaluated a freelancer’s work and believe they would be a great fit for a full-time role within your organization.

Example Template:

Subject: Consider a Full-Time Move to [Company Name]?

Hi [Candidate Name],

I’ve been really impressed with your contributions as a freelancer and thought you might be interested in exploring full-time opportunities with us. Transitioning to a full-time role could offer you more stability and the chance to deepen your impact on our projects at [Company Name].

Would you be open to discussing this further?

Looking forward to your thoughts,

[Your Name]

Category 5: Job Interview

Job interview email templates are essential for coordinating the interview process efficiently. These templates help in scheduling interviews, sending reminders, and providing feedback.

1. Interview Scheduling Email

When to Send: Send this email once a candidate has successfully passed the initial screening phase and you are ready to schedule an interview.

Example Template:

Subject Line: Invitation for a Video Interview for the [Job_title] Position at [Client_company_name]

Dear [Candidate_first_name],

Thank you for your interest in the [Job_title] position at [Client_company_name]. My name is [Your_name] and I am a recruiter at [Your_company]. Based on your application, we believe you could be a great fit for this role.

We would like to schedule a video interview to learn more about your current activities and experiences. Are you available around [Time] on [Date]? If not, please let us know a convenient time for you.

We look forward to your response.

Best regards,


[Your Contact Information]

2. Interview Availability Email

When to Send: Use this email as a follow-up if the candidate hasn’t responded to the initial scheduling email, or to propose multiple time slots.

Example Template:

Subject Line: Interview Opportunity for [Job_title] at [Client_company_name] – Availability Check

Dear [Candidate_first_name],

I hope this message finds you well. As we are keen to move forward with your application for the [Job_title] at [Client_company_name], we would like to invite you for an interview.

Could you please confirm your availability on [Date] at [Time]? We have also reserved a slot for a casual meet-up over coffee at [Place], if that works better for you.

We are looking forward to discussing how your skills and aspirations align with the opportunities at [Client_company_name].

Best regards,


[Your Contact Information]

3. Interview Reminder Email

When to Send: Send this email a day or two before the scheduled interview to remind the candidate of their appointment and provide any last-minute details.

Example Template

Subject Line: Reminder: Upcoming Interview with [Client_company_name] – [Date]

Dear [Candidate_first_name],

Just a quick reminder about your upcoming interview for the [Job_title] position at [Client_company_name], scheduled for [Date] at [Time]. Please find the calendar invite attached [Insert_link].

If you need directions to the interview location or have any last-minute questions, feel free to contact me at [Your_phone_number]. We look forward to meeting you and discussing your application in more detail.

See you soon!

Best wishes,


[Your Contact Information]

Category 6: Candidate Experience Survey

You can improve your recruitment strategies by collecting valuable feedback from candidates about their application and interview experiences. This feedback can help refine your processes and improve overall candidate satisfaction.

1. Post-Application Survey Email

When to Send: Send this email shortly after a candidate completes the application process, while the experience is still fresh in their memory.

Example Template:

Subject Line: We Value Your Feedback on the Application Process at [Company Name]

Dear [Candidate_First_Name],

Thank you for applying for the [Job_Title] position at [Company Name]. We strive to provide a seamless and positive experience for all our applicants, and your feedback is crucial in helping us achieve this goal.

We would appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to complete a short survey about your application experience. Your insights are invaluable and will help us improve our process.

[Link to survey]

Your feedback is confidential and will be used solely to enhance our recruitment process.

Thank you for your time and input.

Best regards,




2. Post-Interview Survey Email

When to Send: Ideal for gathering feedback after a candidate has participated in an interview. Send within a day or two following the interview to capture immediate impressions and detailed feedback.

Example Template

Subject Line: Your Thoughts on Our Interview Process at [Company Name]

Dear [Candidate_First_Name],

Thank you for taking the time to interview for the [Job_Title] position at [Company Name]. We hope you found the experience informative and engaging.

We are committed to improving our interview process and would greatly appreciate your feedback. Could you please take a few moments to fill out our brief survey?

[Link to survey]

Your feedback will help us enhance the interview experience for all our candidates. We value your honest opinions and thank you in advance for your contributions.

Warm regards,




Category 7: Recruitment Event Invitation

You can build engagement and professional development by inviting candidates and clients to participate in events

This post first appeared on Hireez Pricing: The Ultimate Solution For Small Businesses On A Budget, please read the originial post: here

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10 Best Recruiting Email Templates to Attract Potential Hires


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