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24 Best Ways to Find Real Estate Leads for New Agents in 2024

Real estate agents often find themselves struggling with high costs, low-quality leads, and intense competition. It’s also time-consuming to spend hours gathering and matching MLS and county records manually. That’s why finding real estate leads requires a combination of traditional and modern techniques.

Now, you can find real estate leads by staying active on social media, using specific PPC ads, and participating in local events. Also, make top-notch content, use AI to predict trends, and give special video tours to draw in potential buyers. It’s also important to build a solid personal brand and follow up smartly.

That’s the tip of the iceberg as we’ll break down a range of innovative ways for you. As a result, you can reduce costs, efforts, and improve lead quality, helping you compete in a tough market.

How to Generate Leads in Real Estate As A New Agent

Last year, more than 5 million homes were sold. It means there were 10 million potential clients for smart real estate agents. If you want to reach as many of these potential leads as possible, take a close look at the methods for getting real estate leads.

1. Be Active Across Social Media

For real estate agents looking to grow their client base, social media is an effective tool. It allows agents to market themselves affordably and keep up with trends in the local real estate market. 

In fact, knowing how to find someone’s email on LinkedIn or Instagram can help you directly connect with potential clients

Plus, social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram offer valuable networking opportunities. Through regular activity on these platforms, you can connect with potential buyers and sellers-often through friends and family. 

For those new to social media marketing, starting with targeted ads can be an efficient way to reach potential clients without overspending.

2. Share Industry Expertise on LinkedIn

LinkedIn provides an ideal space for real estate agents looking to generate leads by sharing insights and knowledge. Besides, displaying your expertise on industry topics doesn’t just improve your visibility; it also draws in qualified leads. 

Whether it’s a short post on an easy subject or an in-depth article on a complex issue, each contribution establishes your reputation. Always include relevant hashtags to make sure your posts reach those interested in real estate topics. 

Moreover, test different content strategies to find which ones are most engaging to the LinkedIn community.

3. Optimize Your Facebook Page

Your Facebook page is more than just a profile; it’s a powerful place for growing your real estate business. It’s perfect for showcasing your latest properties and open houses. 

More importantly, when you’re searching for how to get leads in real estate for free, a well-optimized Facebook page is a great place to generate them. So, start by naming your page and choosing a username that reflects your role and location. 

For example, including terms like “real estate agent” or “[your city] realtor” in your Facebook page title can noticeably boost your visibility in search results. Since your Facebook page can also show up in Google searches, it’s important to use the right keywords in your title to attract more viewers.

Further, optimize your page by adding a call-to-action (CTA) button. This feature makes it easy for potential clients to connect with you directly via a contact form, email, or even Messenger.

4. Reach Your Audience with Instagram Reels

Instagram Reels are an excellent, if not the cheapest way to get real estate leads in the real estate industry. 

In fact, it allows you to engage with more people than just your current followers. You can use this format to display properties you are marketing, preview upcoming listings, or conduct virtual tours on the platform.

On top of that, Instagram has over 500 million people using it daily, so using Reels provides you a chance to reach a wide audience. These vertical videos, which can be up to 90 seconds long, offer various editing options such as filters, stickers, and captions.

You can also add audio from trending songs and include video clips. These tools are all available in a user-friendly scrollable feed on iPhone screens or within mobile stories.

And since you’re curious to know how to get real estate leads and maximize your visibility, short reels give prospective clients a glimpse into what you do.

5. Use TikTok for Real Estate Lead Generation

TikTok is now a major social media platform, drawing millions of users every day, including 50 million in the U.S. alone. This offers a great way to get connected with a diverse audience for real estate professionals like you.

Many people use TikTok for fun, but a good number are also looking to buy or sell homes. This means you can use TikTok to easily engage with potential clients. 

You don’t need high-quality videos—simple 30-second clips shot on your smartphone, showing a typical day in your office or a tour of a property, can effectively promote your business.

By posting regularly, you can increase your visibility and attract more leads. Each video helps you reach more people, boosting your chances of engaging potential buyers and sellers.

6. Use the Internet to Advertise

Online advertising is important for real estate agents, as almost all home buyers aged 23 to 56 use the Internet to search for homes in 2021. Here are straightforward ways to increase your online presence and attract best real estate lead —

  • Use LinkedIn ads to connect with professional buyers.
  • Create Facebook ads to reach a wide range of potential clients.
  • Post Instagram ads to highlight the visual appeal of your properties.
  • Set up Google ads to ensure your listings show up in search results.
  • Answer questions on Quora about real estate to build credibility.
  • Write for real estate blogs, whether local or national, to share your expertise.

These tactics are effective in increasing your visibility and can help you find the best way to find real estate leads online.

7. Use PPC Advertising Campaigns

Many potential home buyers or sellers start their journey with a Google search, making it an effective place to engage with prospects. PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising is a powerful tool that directs these searchers to your IDX website, where they can browse your listings.

Advertisers such as Market Leader place ads on Google, Bing, and other search engines directing users to home appraisal or new listing pages. It ensures warm leads since visitors must submit their contact details directly to you, ensuring you receive only exclusive leads. 

Moreover, Market Leader guarantees a certain number of real estate leads each month, providing you with a consistent flow of potential clients. This strategy not only secures a steady stream of buyer and seller leads but also increases your advertising return on investment (ROI).

8. Use AI to Generate Leads With Predictive Analytics

Today’s real estate market is competitive. Now, the best way to generate leads while staying ahead, you need to use new technology. Tools like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and predictive analytics are changing how agents find potential sellers. 

These tools look at a lot of data and can guess who might want to sell their home. It lets you talk to them before they put their house up for sale.

Being proactive is important. Research shows that homeowners often go with the first real estate agent they talk to. By using AI, you can stop using old methods like cold calling. Instead, you can focus on warm leads that have a high chance of success. 

This makes your work more efficient and increases your chances of closing deals by reaching out to the right people at the right time.

9. Use a Real Estate Lead Generation Tool

To take more control over how you generate real estate leads, using real estate lead generation tools can be a smart choice. These tools are specifically designed to help you identify, assess, and contact potential clients effectively. 

For example, Swordfish AI allows realtors to find qualified leads via Bombora Intent Data. Through this data, new real estate agent can recognize potential property buyers or sellers easily.

Given that, 73% of buyers choose the first agent they speak with, so it’s important to make that first contact count. Besides, it’s much easier to secure new customers when you use a lead generation tool.

10. Look at ‘For Sale by Owner’ Listings

The National Association of Realtors says that only 3% of ‘For Sale by Owner’ (FSBO) listings sell within the time the owners want, and only 18% sell at the listed price. You can find these listings on websites like Craigslist. 

If you offer your help, you can help owners get better results. You can teach them with a blog post or facts that show why it’s good to work with an agent. Then, ask them to talk about how you can help them sell their home successfully.

11. Share Your Real Estate Knowledge with Local Communities on Facebook, Reddit, & Nextdoor

If you want to know the best way to find real estate leads for free, joining local social media groups on websites like Facebook, Reddit, and Nextdoor is a great place. All you have to do is to become a trusted member of the community. 

This real estate marketing strategy worked well for many agents and ultimately, became their main source of leads. By starting with free advice, you make it easier for people to trust you, which often leads to more successful deals and referrals. 

So join local groups, participate in discussions that matter to them, and give your honest opinion on real estate topics. In the future, you’ll likely be called upon to help people with their real estate needs as you become a trusted advisor.

12. Ask Clients To Leave A Review on Facebook

Reviews from clients is one of the best ways to get real geeks. Good reviews from past clients can help convince new clients to use your services. Hence, always ask every client to leave a review on Facebook after you finish working with them.

There are a few reasons why getting reviews on Facebook is good —

  • First, because reviews are connected to personal accounts, they seem more real and help build trust with new real estate clients. 
  • Second, your Facebook ratings will show up when people search for your business on Google. 

Being easy to find, along with good reviews, makes your business look better and encourages more new clients to get in touch with you.

13. Build Your Own Brand

To stand out in real estate, you must create a strong personal brand. As an agent, your brand shows who you are as a professional. 

So, you must have a professional website to explain the services you offer and give insight into how you work. It helps clients understand what they get by working with you. 

Your website is very important, even if you mostly get business from people telling others about you. It should give detailed descriptions of your services and include reviews to build trust among buyer leads and seller leads. 

Make sure you do SEO for real estate and that your website’s content matches what you focus on. 

For example, if you’re good at selling homes, put more information for sellers than buyers. Besides, a strong brand is more than just being online. It includes what makes you a better choice than others in your area. 

Make sure you highlight your skills, if not specific skills in helping people sell their homes for the first time. 

14. Join a Slack Group

You might already be using Slack to talk to your team, but it’s also a good way when considering how to get real estate leads for free. Slack is a place for different online communities where members talk about networks, and things, and share ideas.

So, join a Slack group if you’re interested in a specific area of real estate or want to meet clients with the same interests. It could be a group for real estate investors or people buying their first home. The key to finding leads is to be active and helpful.

Answer questions, share your knowledge, and tell stories. By being a helpful member of the community, you’ll naturally make relationships. As you prove your trustworthiness and expertise within the group, these relationships can become leads.

15. Connect with Other Professionals and Businesses

Making connections with businesses that serve your target market but aren’t your direct competition can be good for both of you. With these partnerships, you can get more leads and give your customers more value through trusted suggestions.

As a real estate agent, think about suggesting services that help both buyers and sellers. Here are a few local businesses along with new business you might want to connect with —

  • Commercial lenders: A lot of buyers need loans to buy homes, and working with lenders can help them at an important step. 
  • Professional cleaners: A clean home is more welcoming, so this service is a good suggestion for new homeowners. 
  • Landscapers: A nice-looking yard can make a property more appealing to potential buyers. 

With creative business partnerships, you can reach more people and give your clients real benefits while reaching more people.

16. Make a Lead Magnet

A lead magnet is a useful marketing plan to get more people to visit your website and collect email addresses. It’s about offering a free thing or resource that gets people interested and might turn them into clients.

Here’s how it works —

  • Make a Resource: Make something useful and free, like a guide or checklist. 
  • Share It: Post this resource on your social media and website. 
  • Get Emails: Visitors give their email address to get the resource in their inbox. 

17. Make Video Testimonials for Proof

Video testimonials can help your credibility and act as strong proof, influencing the decisions of 95% of customers. As real customers talk about their real experiences, these testimonials can be more persuasive than self-promotion.

In fact, two out of three people are more likely to buy something after seeing a video that shows how a business has helped someone else.

To use video testimonials effectively —

  • Collect Feedback Quickly: Make a system to get testimonials right after a sale, when clients are happiest and most willing to share their good experiences. 
  • Encourage Participation: Think about giving a gift at closing or doing a formal interview as a thank you to clients who agree to make a video testimonial. 
  • Posting on Website and Social Media: Put these videos on your website in a strategic way to add personality and get attention. Also, posting these testimonials on social media can lead to new questions and potential clients, turning unsure viewers into leads.

18. Start a Real Estate Podcast

Podcasts are getting more and more popular. In 2021, 57% of American consumers listened to podcasts, up from 55% the year before. People like podcasts because they can listen to them while doing other things, like cleaning, commuting, or exercising.

Making a podcast is pretty easy. You can record episodes on your smartphone and share them on free platforms like Buzzsprout, Soundcloud, or Podbean. Apps like Anchor let you create, host, and share your podcast for free.

To get real estate leads through your podcast, think about these strategies —

  • Choose Interesting Topics: Discuss current real estate trends in your area or state, which you can find out about through local news. Plus, give specific advice about buying and selling houses or discuss market trends. 
  • Include Calls to Action: Put a simple call to action at the start, middle, and end of each episode, showing what listeners will get by signing up. 
  • Promote Your Podcast: Use the networks of your guests, who probably have a lot of social media followers. Ask them to share episodes and tag them in posts. You can also use podcast aggregators and collaborate with other podcasters to promote.

By doing these things, you can use your podcast as a strong tool to generate leads for your real and improve your presence in the market.

19. Get Referrals From Happy Clients

Referrals from happy clients are really important in any sales plan, specifically for real estate agents. Numbers show that 36% of buyers find their agents through suggestions from friends, neighbors, or family, and an amazing 73% would work with their agent again. 

To use this strong source of new leads, it’s important to keep good relationships with your past and current clients. Try to give excellent service every time you interact with them to stay in their minds, making it more likely they’ll suggest you.

20. Use High-Quality Drone Photography

Drones have transformed the way we see real estate. They take striking aerial photos and videos, giving your listings an edge. You should ensure your photos reflect the seasons to avoid showing outdated views that might turn off buyers.

It’s important to refresh your visuals regularly, particularly if properties are listed across various seasons. For example, don’t display winter scenes in spring or summer, as it may make the property appear neglected.

Moreover, make your marketing more effective with 360° Aerial Neighborhood Tours, first introduced by Trey Langford. By using this strategy, you improve your website’s appeal and rank higher in search engines. 

Besides, using a pin on each tour, you can generate quality leads and demonstrate your expertise. That way, it makes your real estate services more effective from the start when these features are showcased.

21. Offer Unique Video Tours

Video tours offer a lively perspective of properties, going a step beyond still images. 

They draw more interest as they let potential buyers imagine life in the space. These video walk-throughs filter out casual viewers by answering common questions within the video itself. 

These tours can be improved with unique elements like drone footage, highlighting your dedication and creativity.

22. Start Conversations Anywhere

Generating leads in real estate can be simple or challenging, depending on your experience. A useful way to generate leads is to position yourself where potential clients might be. For instance, if you’re selling a house in a certain area, consider visiting local hotspots to strike up conversations.

Pay attention to homeowners who are upgrading their homes. While they paint shutters or spruce up their lawns, these are the perfect times to introduce yourself. And always leave them with your business card to keep you in their thoughts for future real estate needs.

Plus, you can ask for their numbers as well ensuring that you call only the phone numbers that the property owner is currently using. So, apply this proactive strategy with both potential buyers and sellers. 

Treat every interaction as a way to connect as you never know when someone might need your services.

23. Organize Fun-Filled Parties in Open Houses for Sale

While open houses are a traditional method to draw in buyers, they can sometimes be dull. To make your open house more appealing, think about making it a fun event. 

Here are some suggestions to turn a regular open house into an unforgettable gathering —

  • Invite a DJ to provide lively music. 
  • Arrange a BBQ and establish a snack bar.
  • Set up a selfie booth for entertaining photos. 
  • Serve a variety of local beers or wines. 

It also helps you build a better reputation among buyers. Keep in mind, that open houses often draw in potential sellers as well. Also, you can develop your own following of prospective buyers with open houses that are done properly. 

Remember, potential sellers often wander into open houses for two reasons:

  • Some might be looking for a new home and need to sell their current one, 
  • Others could be neighbors interested in market trends and home staging.

Interact with visitors by asking about their current residence and if they plan to sell their home before buying another. Even if not everyone is interested in your services, the relationships you build could prove beneficial.

24. Work Expired Listings

Last but not least, expired listings are one of the most effective real estate lead generation ideas. They’re a valuable resource for real estate agents looking to grow their clientele. 

With many real estate agents reaching out to these listings, it’s a must to differentiate your approach. That way, you can reach out to people whose property ads have just ended quickly. 

Here are some strategies to help you do just that —

  • Highlight Value: Start by identifying why the listing expired—was it due to overpricing, ineffective marketing, or unfortunate timing? Show how you can manage their sales more effectively by addressing these specific problems.
  • Improve Your Communication: Avoid the usual, dull cold-calling scripts. Plus, look for engaging scripts and rehearse them before you reach out to people whose property listings have just ended.
  • Broaden Your Outreach: Don’t depend solely on one communication method. Spread your follow-up actions across multiple platforms, from social media to emails to direct mail. Using follow-up email templates with established email marketing strategies can greatly increase conversions.

With these tactics, you establish yourself as the preferred agent for sellers looking for innovative property sales methods.

How to Get Leads in Real Estate Reddit

We’ve collected advice from real estate agents on Reddit to show you effective lead generation strategies.

Network and Engage in Your Community

Real estate users on Reddit focus on getting involved in your community and attending various networking events. In fact, they suggest not to just stick to real estate gatherings. Instead, branch out into related areas such as home décor or landscaping and even non-real estate events to find potential clients.

Use Digital Platforms

Invest in digital marketing across platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, which are excellent for reaching potential clients. Most users suggest making use of both organic content and paid ads to get more leads on social media.

Online Lead Generation Services

Yes, lead generation services are expensive depending on the service you take. But it’s also true that many realtors find the potential returns to make the investment worthwhile. That’s because these services offer extensive databases and provide detailed insights

Thus, you can get more potential and also improve your inside sales strategies as well.

Host Open Houses and Participate in Local Events

Hosting or participating in open houses is a direct method to meet potential clients. Realtors from Reddit also suggest that real estate agents must get involved in community events to enhance their visibility.

Create Engaging Content

You can answer the needs and questions of your target audience by creating valuable content. For that, use platforms like YouTube and TikTok to produce engaging videos that showcase properties and provide real estate tips. It’s one of the easiest ways to gain leads through social media.

Targeted Outreach

Some Reddit users still focus on using traditional methods like door-knocking and cold calling to make personal connections. For a higher level of success, you can use cold calling tips to get a meeting. Aside from that, some realtors send customized mailers to specific neighborhoods.

Build Your Personal Brand

As we’ve discussed earlier, users on Reddit also focus on developing a strong personal brand that appeals to your target market. Along with that, maintain consistency in your social media interactions to ensure every post and comment supports your professional image.

Implement Follow-Up Strategies

Create a solid follow-up system using email marketing, phone calls, or direct mail. In fact, you must stay in touch with your potential leads by following email marketing strategies to increase your chances of turning leads into clients. 

How Do Most Real Estate Agents Get Leads?

If you’re interested in how real estate agents attract potential clients, you need to consider both traditional and modern approaches. Here are some data to show you how real estate team usually connect with buyers —

  • In terms of online strategies, organic search results are pretty successful, with a conversion rate of 3.2% on average
  • Social media is another powerful tool for lead generation. For example, 90% of agents use Facebook for this purpose, with LinkedIn and Instagram LinkedIn are popular platforms for connecting with potential clients.
  • Word of mouth remains highly effective to get leads for your real estate. In fact, nearly 47% of buyers choose their agent based on recommendations from friends, family, or neighbors.
  • Additionally, a notable 62% of buyers who begin their search online prefer to follow up with a phone call. 

As a result, agents must combine digital and traditional strategies to successfully attract and engage leads. To convert potential clients, agents use numerous channels today.

Finding Real Estate Lead Generation Strategy that Works for You

There are many lead generation strategies available for real estate agents, but not all will suit your specific needs. Here’s how you can tailor a strategy that fits —

  • Market Analysis: First, identify your potential leads. What are their key characteristics? Where can you most effectively reach them?
  • Networking: Consider if you already have connections within the community that you can use to your advantage. If not, you’ll need to start building these relationships from the ground up.
  • Budgeting: Be aware of your financial resources. While paid advertising might bring faster results, it’s more expensive than generating leads through community referrals. You can use real estate accounting software to keep track of your spending.
  • Choosing Platforms: Select the platforms where you can best connect with your target audience. Some platforms might be more effective than others, depending on who you are trying to reach.
  • Content Marketing: Create content that directly responds to your potential clients’ questions and needs. Focus on formats like blog posts, videos, or infographics to share your knowledge and naturally draw in leads.
  • Personalization: Customize your communication to meet the specific preferences of your leads. You can increase engagement and conversion by analyzing data to figure out what your audience prefers.

The perfect mix of strategies varies for every agent. Stay adaptable in your methods to secure high-quality leads and make inroads into new market areas.

Streamline Lead Generation in Real Estate with Swordfish AI Now!    

Swordfish AI is a game-changer for professionals, particularly in real estate. It helps you find and engage with potential clients more effectively. With a huge database of over 3.5 billion records and a unique verification system, Swordfish AI lets you quickly find potential real estate leads. 

Plus, you can do a reverse search using just a piece of data like an email or a social media handle to get a detailed contact profile. That way, you can easily connect with potential buyers or sellers.

Moreover, adding Swordfish AI to your current CRM systems is easy and doesn’t disrupt your normal business activities. Plus, its thorough data verification means you get up-to-date and trustworthy information, saving you time on manual lead verification.

So, if you want to grow your network, find new listings, or connect with potential clients, Swordfish AI gives you the tools to succeed.

Key Features of Swordfish AI

Swordfish AI gives you, the real estate professional, powerful tools to increase your prospecting more effectively. Let’s take a closer look at these features —

  • Reverse Search

With the Reverse Search, you can enter details like a name, location, or email to get detailed contact data. It helps you quickly find property owners or potential clients, making it easier to start conversations and build relationships for future deals.

  • Prospector

Prospector tool comes with a large B2B contact database, helping you filter and identify potential leads. You can target potential clients based on criteria like location, job title, or industry, making it simpler to find prospective buyers, sellers, or investors.

  • Chrome Extension

Swordfish’s Chrome extension lets you directly collect contact data from various online profiles, including platforms like LinkedIn. You’ll have immediate access to contact info, which is key to improving lead generation.

  • Email Verifier

Email Verifier improves your communication by verifying email addresses, which helps cut down on bounce rates. For you, having accurate email contacts is crucial for successful email marketing campaigns that seek to engage potential clients.

  • File Upload

You can improve your existing contact databases with this File Upload. By uploading a CSV file, you can refresh your lists with new emails and phone numbers, keeping your database accurate and actionable.

  • Refresh Title and Data

This tool updates your CRM systems with the latest job titles and company data. It’s particularly useful for you to keep track of changes in your clients’ careers, which could lead to new engagement opportunities.

  • API

Swordfish offers custom API solutions that can be added to various applications, including CRM systems. By automating the updating and enrichment of contact databases in your existing software, you keep your data current and useful.

  • Bombora Intent Data

With Bombora’s intent data, you can see which prospects are interested in buying or selling real estate. This knowledge lets you customize your outreach, focusing on prospects who are more likely to respond. 

  • CRM Integration

When you integrate CRM effectively, all the contact details that Swordfish AI gathers become instantly accessible in your everyday tools. It lets you handle your client’s information more efficiently, improving your follow-ups and making your interactions more personal with up-to-date data.

Final Words

So far, the best way to find real estate leads is by using Swordfish AI. It lets you analyze user intent with Bombora Intent Data. Thus, if you identify and connect with quality real estate leads, you can find quality leads.

Plus, it’d be best to use a blend of classic methods and modern technologies. Besides, your success depends on an effective online presence, where you interact directly with potential clients. 

To attract the right audience, use data-driven advertising and enhance your social media pages. You need engaging content, an active online presence, and strategic networking to attract clients. By using these techniques, you’ll reach more people and capture more leads.

Try Swordfish Ai


Where do realtors get most of their leads?

Most real estate agents find that referrals from friends, relatives, or neighbors are the primary way they gain new clients, says the National Association of Realtors. For this reason, you need to build a strong network.

Does buying leads for real estate work?

Purchasing leads can be a method to expand your client base, but it’s not the only strategy. Successful agents often use a mix of buying leads, effective marketing, and professional real estate photography to generate more valuable leads.

How much do realtors spend on leads?

The price for real estate leads can vary costing as little as under $1 or as much as over $1,000 per lead. Additionally, many companies that provide leads charge a monthly subscription fee, such as $250, plus about $3 per lead.

The post 24 Best Ways to Find Real Estate Leads for New Agents in 2024 appeared first on Swordfish.

This post first appeared on Hireez Pricing: The Ultimate Solution For Small Businesses On A Budget, please read the originial post: here

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24 Best Ways to Find Real Estate Leads for New Agents in 2024


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