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The Role of GPT-4 in Developing Intelligent Virtual Assistant

GPT-4 Is Here: Using Multimodal AI’s Potential to Reimagine the Future of Communication.

One of the fields of technology that are advancing most quickly these days Artificial Intelligence (AI), which has led to ground-breaking developments in machine learning (ML) and natural Language processing (NLP). AI has the potential to revolutionize a number of facets of our lives, including business, education, and entertainment. With so many innovations coming the way, the development of Natural Language Processing (NLP) models is one of the most recent innovations in AI, which is taking over the crowd expeditiously. These models have transformed how computers comprehend and analyze human language spreading its web across a wide range of sectors.  

Though, humans have a propensity to be complicated, ambiguous, and speak in context with references… it can be challenging to understand and produce rich natural language. 

Let’s first see how different and effective this AI is!   

  • The most recent iteration of the ground-breaking AI engine – GPT-4, that runs ChatGPT has been released by US artificial intelligence company OpenAI.
  • Microsoft-backed OpenAI claims to have spent six months improving the accuracy and safety of GPT-4.
  • GPT-4 performs better on advanced examinations like Uniform Bar (90th percentile), the LSAT (88th percentile), the Math SAT (89th percentile) and the GRE Quantitative exam (80th percentile).

What are Generative Pre-trained Transformers?

The Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) series is one of the most prominent NLP models. They are deep neural networks that train enormous volumes of text input via unsupervised learning. These models, among other things, may produce human-like reactions, respond to inquiries, and even write essays. 

In 2018 OpenAI presented GPTs in a paper titled “Improving Language Understanding by Generative Pre-Training,”. In this study the semi-supervised learning approach utilized by GPT was defined in contrast to other natural language processing models that employed supervised learning and labelled data. 

There are number of parameters in the model that scales with the GPT processing capacity; and it increases with each subsequent GPT model. GPT-1 and GPT-2 each have 0.12 billion and 1.5 billion parameters, respectively, whereas GPT-3 contains almost 175 billion parameters. Although the precise number of parameters in GPT-4 is unclear, it is estimated to be greater than 1 trillion. 

In short, 

ChatGPT is an interactive computer interface that can summarize lengthy texts, compose original pieces of work in a variety of academic areas, and generate precise answers to user questions through text input. 

Machine learning algorithms called GPTs respond to input with text that resembles that of humans. They exhibit the following traits:

Generative They generate new information. 
Pre-trained They first undergo an unsupervised pre-training phase using a sizable data corpus. After that, they undergo a supervised fine-tuning phase to direct the model. Models can be tailored to do particular tasks. 
Transformers They make use of a deep learning model called transformers, which tracks relationships in sequential data to understand context. GPTs specifically keep track of the words or other tokens in a sentence and forecast the next one. 

GPT-4 – The New Generation AI 

The Generative Pretrained Transformer (GPT) language model, a type of AI language production model that employs deep learning methods to produce text that resembles human speech, has released its fourth iteration, known as GPT-4 on March 14, 2023; over four months after the company made ChatGPT available to the public at the end of November 2022. 

The latest and most capable language model – GPT-4 ushers in a new era of AI capabilities by building on the achievements of its predecessor, GPT-3.5, which showed impressive language generating capabilities. 

GPT-4 is a sizable multimodal model (accepting image and text inputs, generating text outputs) that performs at a level comparable to humans on a variety of professional and academic standards, despite being less adept than humans in many real-world settings. 

It can comprehend and produce logical and comprehensible language since it has been trained on a vast amount of data. The Transformer design, which has been shown to be a successful approach to natural language processing (NLP) problems, serves as the foundation for the model’s architecture. 

For instance, 

You might upload a worksheet to GPT-4 and it would be able to scan it and output answers to the questions. Additionally, it might read a graph you upload and perform calculations based on the information it contains.  

What Makes GPT-4 Different from GPT-3  

GPT-3 does only language processing as it is a huge language model while GPT-4 is a sizable multimodal model that can handle inputs of both text and images. GPT-4’s main objective was the expansion of deep learning, according to OpenAI. 

The following are some other ways in which the two models diverge. Let’s have a look: 

Basis GPT-3 GPT-4
Training Data Trained on a variety of sources, such as books, articles, and websites. Trained on more varied and substantial datasets, including text and images.
Multilingual Support Supports over 40 different languages. Outperforms GPT-3 in 24 tested languages.
Few-Shot Learning Can produce writing that is coherent with only a few examples. Improved short-term learning capacity with visual input.
Contextual Understanding Able to comprehend context and produce language that is pertinent to the given circumstances. Can comprehend more context and provide more appropriate content.
Accuracy Has shown impressive accuracy in generating text. Enhanced accuracy, especially for complex problems.
Release & Accessibility Variations accessible through the OpenAI Playground and through business pricing plans. Accessible with a membership to ChatGPT Plus and waitlist open access to GPT-4 through the OpenAI API.

Curious to Know More About GPT-3? – Click Here

GPT-4 outperforms GPT-3 in terms of content filtering and factuality, scoring 40% higher on some factual tests and being 82% less likely to provide responses that include prohibited information.  

Further, GPT-4 also allows developers to customize their AI’s voice and verbosity, which was not feasible with the prior version of the AI chatbot development technology. The capacity to adopt several conversational tenses, such as the Socratic method of answering questions, is one of the intriguing new aspects of GPT-4.  

The previous version’s set tone and style are not present in this. With more flexibility and customization choices in the future, ChatGPT users will be able to alter the tone and manner of the chatbot’s responses. 

How Does ChatGPT-4 Work?

The GPT-3.5 architecture, a modified version of GPT-3, serves as the foundation for ChatGPT-4. With 175 billion parameters, GPT-3 is one of the most sophisticated language models available today. GPT-3 can produce text that appears to be written by a human, but it cannot converse. OpenAI made a number of changes to the GPT-3 architecture to enable this feature, resulting in GPT-3.5. The installation of a question-and-answer module was one of the most significant changes.  

While ChatGPT-4 supports multi-turn chats. It can recall the conversation’s context and make use of that knowledge to produce more pertinent responses. For instance, ChatGPT-4 will comprehend the relationship between the two questions and produce a more insightful response if you ask it a question and then follow it up with another inquiry on the first. 

Using the input it receives, this module enables ChatGPT-4 to create questions, which it can then respond to using its language generation abilities. 

Features That Made GPT-4 Different from Priors 

The main benefit of GPT-4 is its improved comprehension and creativity when given challenging instructions. What else? 

GPT-4 is considerably more capable of original creativity and efficient user participation on creative projects, according to OpenAI. This includes a variety of creative writing genres like music, screenplays for movies, technical manuals, and even “understanding a user’s writing style.” Nonetheless, in a nutshell, the following are GPT-4’s most notable new features: 

Processes 8x the Words of ChatGPT 

The GPT-4 model, according to OpenAI, can react with up to 25,000 words, as opposed to the 3,000-word cap on the free edition of ChatGPT. As a result, the chatbot can read lengthier text strings and reply with more context and depth. Not only blog posts but even entire websites can be compressed in this way. 

Is it regarded as one of the popular new GPT-4 characteristics? Obviously not! 

Handling Text and Images 

In contrast to the current ChatGPT version, GPT-4 has the ability to process inputs in both text and image formats. At a recent AI symposium, Microsoft made a hint about a future video input option for OpenAI, but the company has not yet shown off any such functionality. 

Even jokes are now understood by GPT-4! 

You can also use it to get jokes you don’t understand. This is one of the more intriguing new GPT-4 features. 

Building Websites from Just an Image 

OpenAI showcased the platform’s capacity to take a crude website schematic and transform it into a fully operational site that not only ran JavaScript but also created more material to populate the site during the GPT-4 Developer Livestream. 

This is one of the most anticipated new GPT-4 features. 

Doing Taxes 

Finances are now handled by the GPT. Although GPT is not a tax expert, it would be wonderful if GPT-4 or a subsequent model could be modified into a tax tool that enables consumers to prepare their own returns, regardless of how complicated they could be, and avoid the tax preparation industry. 

Future versions of GPT-4 might benefit greatly from this capability. 

Multimodal Input: A Breakthrough in AI Communication 

A combination of text and images can be processed and interpreted by GPT-4; thanks to its multimodal input functionality. The model can assess and comprehend cues that have both written and visual components. GPT-4 redefines the possible applications of AI across multiple industries by expanding its capabilities to a wide range of picture and text forms, including papers with embedded images, diagrams (both hand-drawn and digital), and screenshots. 

Improved Language Understanding and Context Recognition

Because of its vast training dataset and sophisticated algorithms, GPT-4 demonstrates a higher understanding of human language. It is skilled at understanding linguistic subtleties, slang, and idiomatic expressions, which increases its adaptability and versatility in many conversational contexts. Additionally, the GPT-4 AI system’s enhanced context recognition skills allow it to sustain consistent and prolonged conversations by remembering past conversational topics and avoiding irrelevant or repeating responses. 

More Emotionally Intelligent AI

GPT-4’s emotional intelligence, which enables it to perceive and react to users’ emotions, is another ground-breaking function. GPT-4 creates sympathetic and contextually relevant responses by assessing the tone, attitude, and aim of communications. This improves the entire communication experience and promotes more natural interactions between humans and AI powered assistants. 

Domain-Specific Expertise

GPT-4 can be adjusted to gain knowledge in specialized fields like finance, medicine, or law. GPT-4 provides specialized knowledge and terminology by concentrating on domain-specific data, making it an invaluable resource for businesses and organizations in a wide range of professional fields. 

Further, if you are planning to develop any similar app with all features involved, feel free to reach out to Matellio- an AI development company with years-long experience in creating similar AI applications for many leading companies worldwide. Generate a query and we will give you the best of free consultation with ideas at its peak. 

Now, let’s see if GPT-4 is error-free… 

Yes, GPT-4 Does have Limitations! 

Notwithstanding the gains made by GPT-4, OpenAI notes that the new language model does have some constraints. According to OpenAI, the current version of GPT still exhibits “social biases, hallucinations, and antagonistic prompts.” 

Despite being a big step forward for AI, ChatGPT-4 still has numerous issues that need to be fixed. The following are some of ChatGPT-4’s main drawbacks: 


ChatGPT-4, like other language models, is subject to bias depending on the data used to train it. The result produced by ChatGPT-4 may be skewed if the data is prejudiced. Making sure that the training data is diverse and reflective of various viewpoints and experiences is crucial. 

Absence of Common Sense

ChatGPT-4 only generates responses based on the data included in the input text. It lacks common sense and real-world experience, which can sometimes result in replies that are illogical or inappropriate.

Restricted Context

ChatGPT-4 can retain a conversation’s context, but its use is still constrained by the context that is provided. ChatGPT-4 may produce inaccurate or irrelevant responses if the context is unclear or lacking.

Lack of Emotional Intelligence

ChatGPT-4 is incapable of understanding or expressing emotions because it lacks emotional intelligence. This can be a drawback for applications like virtual therapists or chatbots for mental health, where emotional reactions are crucial.

Processing Power

The ChatGPT-4 model is computationally demanding and needs a lot of processing power to operate. In some applications, especially those with low computational capabilities, this can make deployment difficult.

Privacy Issues

ChatGPT-4 is learned using a lot of data, some of which may be personal. There are issues with how this data is gathered, kept, and used, especially in programs like chatbots and virtual assistants that engage with users directly.

Applications of GPT-4 

The world is your oyster when it comes to the potential applications of GPT-4. Here are just a few of the most exciting use cases for this groundbreaking technology: 

  • Stripe Inc., an Irish American financial services company that handles payments for both small and large businesses online, is conducting tests to determine whether GPT-4 can improve user experience and fight fraud. 
  • Mobile app in Danish Be My Eyes links blind and visually impaired persons with volunteers who assist with many daily activities, such as helping to identify a product. Be My Eyes has started creating a GPT-4-powered Virtual Volunteer for the app thanks to the new visual input feature of GPT-4. 
  • GPT-4 is being used in the language-learning program Duolingo to improve user experience when practicing dialogues and to identify errors during language sessions. 
  • GPT-4 is being used by American financial services major Morgan Stanley to organize and improve the retrievability of wealth management data. 

GPT-4’s Impact on Industries

The innovative features of GPT-4 have the potential to transform a wide range of sectors, including: 

Customer Support

GPT-4 can transform customer service by offering quick, accurate, and sympathetic support. It can read and respond to visual elements like images or diagrams thanks to its multimodal input capabilities, which improves consumer interactions and satisfaction. 


Medical practitioners can benefit greatly from GPT-4’s information on symptoms, diseases, and therapies based on both textual and visual inputs. Due to its high emotional intelligence, it can also help patients effectively manage their mental health. 

Also Read: A Complete Guide on Conversational AI in Healthcare


GPT-4, a virtual tutor, may provide individualized learning experiences and respond to student inquiries on a variety of topics. Due to its multimodal capabilities, it can comprehend and explain intricate visual aspects like graphs and diagrams, further enhancing the instructional process. 


GPT-4 can produce high-quality content in a variety of formats, easing the production process and allowing content producers to concentrate on innovation and strategy. As a result of its capacity to analyze and comprehend visual components, content producers now have new opportunities to produce more engaging and interactive resources like infographics, image captions, and visual narratives. 

Sales and Marketing

GPT-4 can assist companies with generating leads, interacting with clients, and making tailored product suggestions. It can scan and understand visual data, such as product photographs or user-generated content, to improve marketing tactics and boost sales thanks to its multimodal input capabilities. 

Design and Engineering

GPT-4’s ability to comprehend and interpret sketches and diagrams can help designers and engineers improve their ideas and convey them more clearly. Its sophisticated language abilities can also aid in producing precise and thorough descriptions of visual components, speeding up the design process. 

Research & Data Analysis

By analyzing and summarizing complicated data, including visual components like graphs and charts, GPT-4 can play a crucial role in research and data analysis. It can offer precise insights and recommendations based on the examined data because of its domain-specific expertise. 

The Connection Between Intelligent Virtual Assistant and GPT- 4 

Intelligent virtual assistants are a sort of AI technology that converses with people and carries out tasks in accordance with their requests using natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning techniques. By enhancing Intelligent virtual assistants’ capacity to comprehend and react to natural language instructions and enquiries, GPT-4 may have a substantial impact on the advancement of Intelligent virtual assistants. 

Intelligent virtual assistants with more sophisticated natural language processing capabilities might be created using GPT-4’s potential for even more sophisticated language models. For instance, GPT-4 could make it easier for Intelligent virtual assistants’ to comprehend and react to complicated questions, handle conversations with several turns, and produce more individualized responses depending on user preferences and behavior. 

The creation of more sophisticated voice recognition and speech synthesis technologies may be another GPT-4 use case in Intelligent virtual assistants. This might increase the precision of voice commands and increase the accessibility of Intelligent virtual assistants’ for those with disabilities who might find it difficult to type or use a touchscreen. 

Overall, it is likely that GPT-4 will play a significant role in the continued development of intelligent virtual assistants and other AI applications that rely on natural language processing and machine learning algorithms, even though the precise capabilities and features of GPT-4 are not yet known. 

Further, if you too are interested in developing any such AI-based software, you can always reach out to any staff augmentation company like us.    

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The Role of GPT-4 in Developing Intelligent Virtual Assistant


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