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15 Best Practices For Managing Remote Teams

15 Best Practices For Managing Remote Teams

The paradigm of the traditional workspace has seen a monumental shift in recent years, with companies and professionals gravitating towards the realm of remote work. This evolution is spurred by advancements in technology, the desire for flexible work arrangements, and the undeniable fact that talent knows no borders. The digital age has made it feasible for organizations to assemble teams from every corner of the world, each individual contributing their unique skills and perspectives to achieve collective goals.

Remote work is not just a fleeting trend; it’s fast becoming the new normal. Companies are realizing that the walls of an office are no longer essential to maintaining productivity or fostering collaboration. Virtual platforms and tools now simulate, and often enhance, the interpersonal connections and operational efficiencies once only thought possible within a co-located environment. Furthermore, remote working setups offer employees a much-desired balance between their professional and personal lives, as they can craft their workdays around their individual needs and preferences.

Yet, while the allure of remote work is undeniable, it comes with its own set of challenges. To harness its full potential, there’s a need to adapt, evolve, and innovate. As we journey further into this digital frontier, understanding how to thrive in a remote work ecosystem becomes paramount.

The Challenges For Managing Remote Teams

Lack of Clear Expectations

In a remote work setup, the absence of face-to-face interactions can sometimes blur the lines between responsibility and accountability. When expectations aren’t explicitly set, team members might feel uncertain about their roles, deliverables, or the standards they need to adhere to. This lack of clarity can lead to reduced productivity, misalignment with organizational goals, and increased chances of task overlap or omission. Furthermore, when employees are unsure of what’s expected, it can result in diminished morale, as they may feel they’re constantly navigating in the dark, unsure if their efforts align with the broader objectives of the team or company.


In the realm of remote teams, effective communication becomes both a boon and a challenge. Without the natural ebb and flow of in-person conversations, teams might grapple with misinterpretations, missed messages, or a lack of timely feedback. Over-reliance on written communication can lead to nuances being lost, and the absence of non-verbal cues can sometimes escalate minor misunderstandings into bigger issues. Furthermore, without regular check-ins and spontaneous interactions, remote team members may feel isolated or disconnected from their colleagues, leading to reduced team cohesion and a potential decline in collaboration and morale.

Feel of Isolation

While remote work offers flexibility and autonomy, it can also inadvertently create feelings of isolation among team members. Deprived of the casual social interactions that an office environment provides, remote workers might experience a sense of detachment from their colleagues and company culture. This isolation can have a profound impact on an individual’s mental well-being and job satisfaction. Over time, feelings of loneliness and disconnection can erode team camaraderie, hinder collaboration, and even lead to burnout. Addressing this challenge is critical for maintaining team morale, engagement, and overall productivity.

Work-Life Balance

The boundary between professional and personal spaces can become increasingly blurred in a remote work setting. While the idea of working from home may initially seem like a boon to achieving a better work-life balance, the opposite can often be true. Without a clear separation between ‘work mode’ and ‘home mode’, employees might find themselves overworking, leading to burnout and decreased productivity. Additionally, the constant accessibility that comes with digital tools can result in an expectation of being “always-on”, making it challenging for individuals to disconnect and truly rejuvenate. Striking the right balance becomes crucial to maintain well-being and sustain performance.

Tips for Managing Remote Teams

Create SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures)

Introducing clear Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) is instrumental for remote teams to thrive. These documented processes serve as a compass, guiding team members through tasks, ensuring consistency, and setting a baseline for expectations. For remote teams, SOPs mitigate ambiguity, providing a reference point for frequently undertaken tasks or addressing common challenges. They streamline operations, foster accountability, and can significantly reduce the time spent on training or clarifying doubts. By having SOPs in place, teams can operate more autonomously, ensuring that even in the absence of real-time communication, members have a roadmap to follow. As remote work inherently requires a degree of self-management, well-defined SOPs become invaluable in aligning efforts and maintaining standards.

Emphasize the Communication

In the vast digital landscape of remote work, communication becomes the linchpin holding teams together. Emphasizing its importance goes beyond just ensuring tasks are completed. It’s about fostering a culture where open dialogue, feedback, and collaboration thrive.

it’s vital to select the right tools. Whether it’s video conferencing for face-to-face interactions, messaging platforms for quick queries, or shared documents for collaborative tasks, the right tools facilitate smoother communication. Also, training team members in effective digital communication, including clear writing and active listening, ensure messages are received as intended. By prioritizing and emphasizing communication, managers can cultivate an environment where remote teams feel connected, understood, and valued.

Often Check-Ins

Routine check-ins are the heartbeat of a thriving remote team. They not only ensure the continuity of projects and alignment with objectives but also act as touchpoints to gauge the well-being of team members. In the virtual workspace, the absence of daily, in-person interactions can obscure potential problems, both task-related and personal.

Regularly scheduled check-ins, be they daily, weekly, or even monthly, create structured opportunities for team members to share updates, clarify doubts, and highlight challenges. These sessions can take various forms: one-on-one meetings, team huddles, or even department-wide updates. Moreover, it’s not just about work progress; these check-ins can be avenues for recognizing achievements, providing feedback, or simply connecting on a personal level.

For managers, consistent check-ins also offer insights into team dynamics, making it easier to identify and address potential issues before they escalate. By integrating routine check-ins into the remote work structure, teams can foster a sense of belonging, ensure clarity, and drive collaborative success.

Determine Goals

In the vast expanse of remote work, setting clear, actionable goals becomes the compass that directs effort and measures success. Determining and articulating these goals serves as a foundational step for any remote team’s strategy.

Firstly, clear goals provide a unified vision, ensuring every team member knows not just what they are working on, but why. This alignment increases motivation and commitment, as individuals can see the direct impact of their contributions. Secondly, with well-defined objectives, managers can prioritize tasks, allocate resources efficiently, and track progress effectively.

Moreover, in the context of remote teams, goal-setting serves as a powerful communication tool. Regularly revisiting and discussing these goals ensures ongoing alignment and offers opportunities for feedback and course correction. Setting short-term milestones alongside long-term objectives can also provide a clear roadmap, fostering a sense of accomplishment and momentum. By determining and continually reinforcing goals, remote teams can navigate their tasks with clarity, purpose, and cohesion.

Opportunities For Collaboration

In a remote work environment, fostering opportunities for collaboration is paramount. While physical distance might separate team members, thoughtfully designed collaborative spaces and activities can bridge this gap. Utilizing digital tools that enable real-time collaboration, such as shared documents or brainstorming platforms, can mimic the synergy of a traditional office. Additionally, setting up regular team brainstorming sessions, workshops, or even virtual team-building activities can enhance teamwork. These initiatives not only facilitate the exchange of ideas and expertise but also reinforce the sense of belonging and camaraderie crucial for remote team dynamics.

Provide Continuous Feedback

Continuous feedback plays a pivotal role in guiding remote teams towards success. Unlike traditional office setups where immediate feedback can be relayed through casual face-to-face conversations, remote settings require a more deliberate approach. Offering timely and constructive feedback ensures that team members know where they stand, what they’re excelling at, and areas that might need improvement. Furthermore, fostering a feedback-rich culture promotes a growth mindset, encouraging individuals to adapt, learn, and innovate.

Organize Remote Training

Training remains a cornerstone of professional growth, and its importance is magnified in a remote work setup. Organizing remote training ensures that team members are equipped with the latest skills, tools, and best practices required for their roles. These sessions, whether conducted via webinars, interactive workshops, or e-learning platforms, provide an avenue for continuous learning and adaptation. Additionally, training helps standardize practices across distributed teams, ensuring consistency in performance. Remote training also serves as a platform for team members to ask questions, share insights, and collaborate on new ideas. 

Organize Remote Team-Building Activities

Even in a digital-first world, human connections remain at the heart of productive teams. Remote team-building activities are essential for fostering camaraderie, trust, and a shared sense of purpose among dispersed members. Activities ranging from virtual escape rooms, trivia quizzes, to collaborative online games can help break down barriers and create shared memories. These initiatives not only promote relaxation and fun but also offer team members a chance to interact outside of work-centric discussions. Regular team-building activities can help in reducing feelings of isolation, promoting open communication, and cultivating a strong team culture that spans across time zones and virtual workspaces.

Be Flexible

In the dynamic landscape of remote work, flexibility emerges as a key differentiator for successful management. Recognizing that team members might be spread across different time zones, juggling varied personal commitments, or facing unique challenges, being adaptable becomes paramount. By allowing flexible work hours, understanding individual needs, or being open to new tools and processes, managers can foster a more inclusive and productive environment. This adaptability not only enhances job satisfaction and retention but also encourages a culture of trust. A flexible approach respects individuality while ensuring collective goals are met, making it a win-win for both employees and the organization.

Create an Atmosphere of Trust

In remote teams, trust is the invisible glue that binds members together. Rather than micromanaging, leaders should empower employees to manage their tasks autonomously. This trust fosters responsibility, ownership, and initiative. Regular check-ins, open communication, and acknowledging achievements further reinforce this trust. When employees feel trusted, they’re more engaged, motivated, and committed to delivering their best.

Be Culturally Sensitive

Managing a remote team often means working with diverse cultures. It’s vital for leaders to be culturally sensitive, understanding and respecting differences in communication styles, holidays, and work ethics. By being aware of cultural nuances, leaders can avoid misunderstandings, foster inclusivity, and ensure that every team member feels valued and understood, thereby strengthening team cohesion and collaboration.

Treat Everyone Equally

In a remote setting, it’s essential to ensure that every team member, regardless of location or role, feels valued and included. Managers should avoid favoritism or biases and ensure equal access to opportunities, resources, and feedback. By treating everyone with fairness and consistency, leaders foster an environment of mutual respect, trust, and collaboration, driving both team cohesion and productivity.

Skill to Recognize Excellence

Recognizing and appreciating excellence in a remote team requires a specific skill set. Managers should proactively identify outstanding contributions and acknowledge them, whether through public praise, awards, or personalized recognition. By developing this skill, leaders not only motivate team members but also reinforce desired behaviors and create a positive work culture. Recognizing excellence boosts morale, engagement, and the overall sense of accomplishment, fostering a more productive and satisfied remote team.

Link Company Goals to Employees’ Ambition

In the tapestry of remote team dynamics, intertwining company objectives with individual aspirations can be a game-changer. When team members perceive their daily tasks and long-term projects as stepping stones toward their personal ambitions, their engagement and commitment levels skyrocket. Managers can facilitate this by initiating dialogues to understand each team member’s professional goals, aspirations, and passions. By actively linking these insights with the organization’s broader mission and projects, leaders create a personalized roadmap for each employee. This mutual growth trajectory ensures not only the achievement of company milestones but also fosters an environment where individuals see their dreams taking shape alongside the organization’s success.

Remote Setup: Pros and Cons


Flexibility: Remote work offers unparalleled flexibility, allowing employees to tailor their work schedules around personal commitments, resulting in increased job satisfaction.

Access to Global Talent: Companies can harness expertise from around the world, breaking geographical barriers and benefiting from diverse perspectives.

Cost Savings: Businesses can significantly reduce overhead expenses related to office space, utilities, and on-site amenities.


Communication Challenges: The absence of face-to-face interactions might lead to potential miscommunications or feelings of detachment among team members.

Isolation: Remote work can sometimes lead to feelings of loneliness or disconnect from the company’s culture and team spirit.

Security Concerns: Relying on various networks and devices to access company data can introduce potential security vulnerabilities, demanding robust cybersecurity measures.

Office Work: Pros and Cons


Direct Communication: Face-to-face interactions in an office setting can lead to faster decision-making, clearer understanding, and spontaneous brainstorming sessions.

Team Cohesion: Physical presence allows for better team bonding, easier collaboration, and a shared sense of purpose fostered through daily interactions.

Structured Environment: Offices often provide a distraction-free, dedicated workspace, equipped with all necessary resources, promoting higher levels of focus and productivity.


Commute: Daily commuting can be time-consuming, stressful, and can contribute to decreased work-life balance for employees.

Limited Talent Pool: Hiring is typically restricted to local talent or those willing to relocate, potentially missing out on global expertise.

Higher Operational Costs: Maintaining an office involves significant expenses, including rent, utilities, equipment, and amenities.

Hybrid Model: Pros and Cons


Flexibility & Structure: The hybrid model offers the best of both worlds, allowing employees the flexibility of remote work while still having periodic office interactions for structured collaboration.

Wider Talent Reach & Team Cohesion: Companies can tap into a broader talent pool without full geographical constraints and simultaneously maintain team bonding through occasional in-person meetings.

Cost Efficiency: While retaining an office space, costs can still be reduced as not all employees are on-site daily, leading to savings on utilities and amenities.


Management Complexity: Balancing between remote and in-office teams can be challenging, requiring adaptive managerial skills to ensure everyone remains aligned and engaged.

Potential for Inequities: There might be perceived differences in opportunities or visibility between those who come to the office regularly versus those who predominantly work remotely.

Technical Challenges: Ensuring seamless collaboration requires robust tech solutions that cater to both in-office and remote work environments, which might demand frequent updates or adaptations.


The world of remote work is multifaceted, and its success hinges on adaptability and understanding the unique dynamics each company brings. This is where InterVenture’s approach shines brightly.

InterVenture is adept at mirroring the operational ethos of their partners. Whether a company prefers traditional office settings, a hybrid model, or a fully remote setup, InterVenture seamlessly aligns its way of working to match. This fluid adaptability ensures that the collaboration feels organic and integrated, making the transition smoother and more efficient.

Furthermore, InterVenture’s commitment extends beyond just work alignment. They stand as pillars of support for their clients, offering assistance, guidance, and resources tailored to the specific working model a company adopts. This unwavering support translates into a partnership that’s both productive and reliable, regardless of geographical or operational differences.

Moreover, fostering deeper connections is at the heart of InterVenture’s philosophy. They warmly invite their partners to visit, transforming digital collaborations into tangible relationships. Through organized mutual activities, they cultivate a sense of community, camaraderie, and understanding, further solidifying the bond between them and their partners.

In essence, InterVenture isn’t just a remote team provider; they are partners in the truest sense, shaping the future of remote collaboration through adaptability, support, and genuine connection.

This post first appeared on Interventure, please read the originial post: here

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15 Best Practices For Managing Remote Teams
