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Ayrshare - Social Media Api News Blog

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Ayrshare's blog about the latest social media news, social APIs, and platforms.
5 Tips For Great Developer API Docs
So, you’ve built a phenomenal API, but if your documentation reads like a tax manual, even the bravest developers will flee. Or worst, it is incomplete or has mistakes…ouch!… Read More
User Profile Tagging In Ayrshare
In this video, we show how to tag user profiles in Ayrshare. This is a great feature to segment your users directly in Ayrshare. You can use the tags to filter in the Ayrshare web dashboard… Read More
Instagram Collaborator API
Instagram recently introduced a feature that enables users to co-author posts by tagging others as collaborators. This update allows you to designate other Instagram users as creators on you… Read More
Ayrshare Quick Start Guide [video]
We take you through the Ayrshare Quick Start Guide to explain how to get started with the Ayrshare social media API. In this video, we use an Ayrshare API Key to post to 4 social networks… Read More
How To Use Firebase Queues
If you are a Firebase user you likely appreciate the plethora of built in capabilities such as real-time snapshots, Firestore triggers, and authentication. I was recently reading about Deno… Read More
The Instagram API Just Went To 11
We are really excited to announce a whole crop of new Instagram API capabilities via the Ayrshare API. While Meta has had some recent layoffs, their Instagram API team has been rocking it… Read More
The Free Video Metadata Inspector
The Ayrshare Free Video Metadata Inspector is a simple web tool for extracting metadata from multimedia streams and codecs based on ffprobe, which is part of the ffmpeg package. When used to… Read More
How To Enhance Firebase Emulator Logs
Pretty up, remove noise, and enhance your Firebase emulator logs. I’m a big fan for Firebase and extensively use the emulator for local development with our social media API. There… Read More
What Is A Link In Bio Page?
As you scroll through your Instagram feed, you may have noticed a common phrase popping up in captions: “link in bio.” But what does “link in bio” mean and why has it… Read More
HURL: Run And Test HTTP API Requests
A few weeks ago I saw a front-page Hacker News post on a new text based HTTP runner based on CURL and written in Rust called Hurl. Intriguing! We’ve been looking for a simpler way to r… Read More
Social Media Demographics Comparison
We looked at the data from numerous sources to understand the demographics of some of the most popular social networks. In this analysis we focused on the age group and gender. Social med… Read More
Social Media APIs For Beginners
A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding What are Social Media APIs and How to Use Them. Everyone knows the internet is built on APIs. From booking flights on Expedia, doing online pa… Read More
How do you share a podcast on Instagram? You can’t directly upload an audio file to Instagram stories or a feed, but there are ways to easily share your latest podcast episode, such as… Read More
When asked what social media is, there are a lot of answers. It’s a group of social networking sites where subscribers connect with old and new friends. It’s a tool used in the m… Read More
We’re serious. There are really good reasons not to use Ayrshare for your social media management and scheduling. Simply put, if you spend hours creating amazing creative content t… Read More
Social Sign-On APIs Let Apps Authenticate Users Seamlessly Social login is a way to use the authentication and security of someone’s social network account to make it easier to log… Read More

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