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Amazon DynamoDB is a fully managed NoSQL database service designed for fast and predictable performance. It supports both key-value and document data structures, making it versatile for vari… Read More
1% of the world’s electricity is consumed by data centers, contributing significantly to global carbon emissions. As businesses increasingly rely on cloud computing, understanding the… Read More
Have you ever wondered how to supercharge your AWS Lambda functions for better performance and cost-efficiency?  AWS Lambda stands as a pivotal service that lets developers run code… Read More
What does it really mean to integrate AI with AWS? As the digital landscape continues to evolve, artificial intelligence (AI) emerges as a pivotal force in technology development. … Read More
Even when the code for software seems to be perfectly written, it decays over time due to the ever-changing technology ecosystem and changing user needs. Small bugs and issues pile up gradua… Read More
Both DevOps and SRE are gaining ground in the software development world because they enhance the product release cycle, foster collaboration, and promote automation. The ultimate goal of&nb… Read More

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Know the common mistakes in CI CD (Continous Intergration and Continuous Deployment) - Forgeahead
