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Software development blog.
While web3 trends are definitely on the rise today, that doesn’t necessarily mean many people have the best idea of which web3 examples of innovation and forward thinking are going to… Read More
When consumers initially start using your product, they usually require some assistance. It’s only natural that you lead them around the essential areas of your design so they can use… Read More
Product management is essential for the success of a product or service. Good product management ensures a product is streamlined and efficient from inception to disposal. Great product mana… Read More
A user persona is a brilliant tool to help you design and market your digital product. With the right approach, you’ll be able to better identify your target market and create meaningf… Read More
If you read any entrepreneurship blog or magazine, chances are you’ve been told that the best, most successful products and services solve a problem. You’ve heard that creating s… Read More
Product Discovery 101
Has anyone ever told you that you’re ‘overthinking’ something? Or by contrast, have you ever navigated a vague situation in work or life and were desperate f… Read More
The Product Strategy That Works For You
When any successful company or proactive team detects a new approach to satisfying a customer segment they automatically start to think about and envision the best product to fit this need… Read More
The Digital Product Lifecycle
When people talk about the lifecycle of a product it usually starts when the product is launched and focuses on the live lifecycle. But what about the lifecycle throughou… Read More
How To Work And Manage A Team Remotely
What we learned working from home during the pandemic Welcome to those who have come to this post. For starters, I am going to tell you a little about the place where I’m working. We a… Read More
In 2018, 70% of the people around the globe worked remotely at least once a week and it was estimated that 3.9 million Americans worked from home at least half the week. Remote work has grow… Read More
Divide And Conquer With Microservices
How microservices are changing the way we make applications The way to build software has changed over time; there are now many paradigms, languages, architectures and methodologies. Buildin… Read More
How was your 2018? For us at UruIT, 2018 was all about overcoming challenges, celebrating achievements, starting and ending nearshore projects, learning from each other, designing interfaces… Read More
Three Reasons We Love Xamarin
And why it could be the best solution for your company In the last couple of years, we’ve noticed a trend in companies searching for a cross-platform solution for mobile apps. The main… Read More
UruIT’s Achievements In 2017
Our dev shop’s year in an infographic This was a great year for us in UruIT, full of learning, growth and fun. Now we want to celebrate it with you! If you’re wondering our pl… Read More
Eat, Surf, Code: A Digital Nomad Life
How to be a developer and live a nomad life I always dreamed about going to Indonesia; that place with perfect waves, amazing views, active volcanoes, incredible culture and everything else… Read More