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ARKES V7.5 Has Been Released

ARKES V7.5 Has Been Released

The new version of ARKES has been released with certain feature enhancements and bug fixes recently. We hope this new version will be a useful update for our customers. These are the bug fixes and enhancements in this new version:

  • Supports Microsoft Exchange Server 2016.
  • Added two new reports named “Sent Item Report and Received Mail Item Report” under “Mail Item Reports” category in both Built-in Reports and Power Reports module.
  • Provision to select users and groups under “Recipient Picker” Dialog for “Mailbox Reports” under Recipient Reports category and for all reports under Mail Item Reports category.
  • Added Non-Working Hours filter option at “Step 2 of 3: Additional Filter Settings” for “Sent Item Report and Received Mail Item Report” under “Mail Item Reports” which helps to report data only at specific date and time period given in the filter option.
  • Added Non-Working Hours filter option named Search Filter under “Power Reports” Module at “Step 3 of 6: Search Scope & Criteria” applicable only for “Sent Item Report and Received Mail Item Report” under “Mail Item Reports” which helps to report data only at specific date and time period given in the filter option.

Supports Microsoft Exchange Server 2016

Provision to support Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 in ARKES. Included the Exchange 2016 option in Exchange Version in Add Server dialog.

“Sent Item Report” and “Received Mail Item Report” added under “Mail Item Reports” category in both Built-in Reports and Power Reports module

Included two new reports “Sent Item Report” and “Received Mail Item Report” under the Mail Item Reports category in Built-in Reports and also in the Power Reports module to show the list of sent and received mail items.

Provision to select users and groups under “Recipient Picker” Dialog for “Mailbox Reports” under Recipient Reports category and for all reports under Mail Item Reports category

Added “Recipient Picker” dialog for the Mailbox Reports under the “Recipient Reports” category for all the reports. This will be useful for the end users to find and select the user/group easily.

Non-Working Hours filter option Added at “Step 2 of 3: Additional Filter Settings” for “Sent Item Report and Received Mail Item Report” under “Mail Item Reports”

Added Non-Working Hours filter option for the Sent Item and Received Mail Item Reports under the “Mail Items Reports”. This will help us to generate reports at the specific date and time period which has been given in the filter option.

We can generate the report based on the emails sent by users in a specific office after hours (i.e., after standard business hours, weekends, company closures).

Non-Working Hours filter option named Search Filter Added under “Power Reports” Module at “Step 3 of 6: Search Scope & Criteria” applicable only for “Sent Item Report and Received Mail Item Report” under “Mail Item Reports”

Included Non-Working Hours filter option for the Sent Item and Received Mail Item Reports under the “Mail Items Reports” in “Power Reports”. This will help us to schedule and generate reports at the specific date and time period which has been given in the filter option.

We can generate the report based on the emails sent by users in a specific office after hours (i.e., after standard business hours, weekends, company closures).

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This post first appeared on SharePoint Migration & Office 365 Reporting Management Solutions, please read the originial post: here

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ARKES V7.5 Has Been Released
