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God Bless you at Easter


Remember now
at Easter time
The gift
that Jesus gave
He sacrificed
His life for you
that your life
He could save

May the blessings of
Easter remain with you
throughout the year



As the Son of Man on earth He was born
In a lowly stable quite forlorn
And in Nazareth as a child He grew
These things came to pass, for me, for you

He preached to the people and brought the Word
The greatest tidings they ever heard
Salvation offered, a gift given free
Only believe Him, for you, for me

He healed all the sick and He raised the dead
Away from the curse of sin He led
He offered us life for eternity
The free gift of God, for you, for me

Betrayed in the garden and led away
His foes sought to kill our Lord that day
They smote Him, they mocked Him,
they flogged Him too
He suffered these things, for me, for you

They stripped and beat Him, put thorns on His head
And then to Calvary’s Cross they led
They jeered as our Lord was nailed to a tree
He hung and suffered, for you, for me

Then all the badness and all of the sin
In all the world, He took upon Him
And as God looked away, in pain He cried
Then for you, for me, our Saviour died

But He rose again upon the third day
For He is the Life, the Truth, the Way
Now He reigns in glory and majesty
He waits in heaven, for you, for me



This special greeting
is coming today
For you dear one
especially to say
May God Bless you richly
now Easter is here
And may He watch over
you all through the year




At Easter we think
of the joys of Spring
All the new life that
the season will bring
But there is a gift
just waiting for you
A new life on earth
and in heaven too
Jesus paid with His life
so the gift is free
Peace in your heart
and life eternally

May God Bless
you this Easter


This post first appeared on THE GIFT POETRY, please read the originial post: here

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