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Neuroscience – Visuals And Sounds In Advertisements

Neuroscience – Visuals And Sounds In Advertisements

Have you ever wondered what makes you look at a hoarding or advertisement on your phone or TV longer than usual? The reason lies in the impact of colours and sounds that interest you, taking your attention. A catchy jingle, theme song or a creative visual could instantly grab a customer’s attention, leaving a lasting impact in their minds.

In the cutthroat competitive advertising market, thousands of ads are being made every day with creative scripts, thought-provoking messages, different concepts, the latest trends, catchy beats or sounds and many others etc. So, if you want your advertisement to stand out and resonate with your audience, using relevant and impactful visuals and sounds will make a perfect combination to allure your targeted customers towards your advertisements. By getting an understanding of how the human brain works, advertisers can target and reach out to customers in a more effective way.

The Co-Relation Between Neuroscience And Advertisements

Did you know that 90% of the information conveyed to the brain is visual? We know that the impact advertisements have on sales is unanimous, making it a vital part of promoting and growing a business. According to HubSpot, 70% of organizations invest in content marketing which comprises visual marketing plans.

Advertisements can change the mood and set impressions about your brand in seconds, giving people a clear idea about your product or service. In such a case, using even a single visual incorrectly or a disturbing sound could impact your brand greatly.

Here Are The Roles Of Visuals In Advertising

1. Use of Colours and Conversational Theme

Every colour affects the human brain differently. Some colours can attract you, portray or evoke different emotions and impact your mood. Hence, colours have a significant role in advertisements to reach out to consumers correctly.

Example: The above advertisement uses the colour green, which also symbolizes freshness and safety, subconsciously giving us the message that the produce is fresh and safe for consumption.

Likewise, conversational communication is a great way to keep consumers engaged in advertisements.

2. Attention-Grabbing Visuals

According to a book by psychologist Dr. Gloria Mark, the attention span of an average human has been reduced over the years, which is now approximately 47 seconds. Considering the less time, the advertisement needs to be attention-grabbing, which is possible by designs and visuals crafting a more detailed and physically appealing way to reach the audience.

Example: The advertisement draws attention through its visuals, shapes, elements, and colours. The transformation from a fruit to a frooti to the miniature characters makes the ad simple, appealing, and clear of the purity of the product.

3. Consumer Decision Making (Emotional Engagement)

Did you ever feel emotional after watching a specific ad? Advertisements that focus and depict emotions through showing bonds of friendships or family relations hit the chord, impacting and resonating with the audience through an emotional appeal. Such ads often take you back to memories of your loved ones, urging customers to make their next purchase.

According to a study, in comparison to rational thinking, emotional reactions occur 3,000 times faster. Such factors significantly affect consumer behaviour.

Here Are The Roles Of Sounds In Advertising

Sounds are a powerful tool that is a great way to captivate the audience by capturing attention, registering recall memories, displaying emotions, and providing a completely enhanced advertisement experience.

1. Brand Recognition and Recall

Jingles are catchy, which is why they are effective at grabbing an audience’s attention. The short and simple rhymes or sets of words together with tunes make it catchy and easy to remember.

Such tunes and jingles get registered in the recall memories of the customers, enabling them to remember the brand/product. According to a research study, 74% of respondents could recollect the names of a product or brand with the help of its jingle.

2. Enhances the Ad Appeal

When accompanied by the right sound, visuals are highly effective. Music plays a vital role in portraying emotions and sets the advertisement’s tone. Sounds and tones support the brand message and enhance the ad’s overall effect on the consumer. Ads are supported with different types of audios, like human conversations, alert sounds, sounds of musical instruments, voiceovers, etc.

They act as an informative narration that gives the audience a clearer idea about the product or service by explaining product features and much more. Even if consumers aren’t glued to watching the ad, they subconsciously hear about it.

 3. Multisensory Experience

Ads today have become an integral part of our daily lives by their presence everywhere. However, visuals alone are not sufficient; sounds complete the experience.

Combining visuals with sounds helps transform and elevate the overall experience of the ads. Thereby evoking cognitive functions to visually show the product and coordinate it with the right sound to match and enhance the ad experience.

Example: Maggie ads always bring back nostalgic memories taking you back to childhood. Showing people of different age groups relishing their favourite Maggie noodles much likely shows its prominent presence in the market over the years, making it a part of so many people’s childhood memories.


In the advertising world, brands constantly try to use creative strategies to make their ads appealing to the audience. While ads have evolved over the past years, brands have come a long way in creating various targeting strategies. So, the next time you’re watching an advertisement with the perfect blend of visuals and sound, you already know how well-crafted the ad is to resonate with its audience.

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Neuroscience – Visuals And Sounds In Advertisements
