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Haden Interactive - Websites That Introduce Themse Blog

Haden Interactive offers website design and content, SEO strategy and implementation, professional blogging and social media management, and content marketing for businesses and organizations in Northwest Arkansas and beyond.
Intent-based Ads Vs. Keyword-based Ads
If you use Google Ads, you have doubtless been encouraged to try out Performance Max ads, the intent-based ads in Google Ads. These are Google’s AI-supported ad campaigns. Google is on… Read More
Is Google Analytics A HIPAA Threat?
Google Analytics is not HIPAA compliant. Does that mean you should not use GA if you are subject to HIPAA? Is Google Analytics a HIPAA threat? First, let’s be clear on what it means to… Read More
Finding Your Customers
In general, the object of a web site is to allow your customers to find you. You make your site eminently findable with good SEO and SEM, make sure it says what you need your customers to kn… Read More
Developing a list of keywords is the first step in plenty of digital marketing strategies, including Google ad management. But how many do you need? And should you keep adding them to your c… Read More
Recently we’ve had a couple of clients reach out to us in alarm because they are seeing more spam. They see more spam comments, more spam subscriptions, and more spam emails. It’… Read More
Local Search And Franchises
When we prepare to build a website for a local company, we begin by checking out the competitive landscape. One of the tools we use is Spyfu, software which shares estimates of the performan… Read More
Floating Along With Your Website
  It’s the nature of my job that I’m usually working on building sites or rebuilding them. But one of the great things about a website is that it will continue to work for y… Read More
The Future Of Search
The Washington Post is warning that Google’s new AI search will slash website visits by 25%. The New York Times agrees. We’re not sure about that, but we do believe that the tren… Read More
Websites For Authors
While we work most often with health and wellness organizations, we have built quite a few websites for authors over the years. While each one has his or her own specific needs and strategie… Read More
If you have a WordPress website, you might have seen this announcement recently in your admin area: It’s a paywall for Jetpack stats, the WordPress analytics tool. Jetpack is allowing… Read More
How Will New Tech Laws Affect You?
Google and Facebook might have to pay journalists whose websites show up in search. TikTok might be banned in the United States. Consumers will be able to opt-out of targeted marketing. How… Read More
No Analytics? Now What?
We recently built a new website for a company that had a well-established website. They had not installed analytics, so they didn’t know how many visitors they had. We installed Google… Read More
A client sent an interesting question this morning: should we work on “COFA” or “compact” as a keyword? She didn’t use the terms “keywords” or &ldqu… Read More
AI Dangers
AI is everywhere. It’s speeding up tasks at work, entertaining people, and — for some users who caught it at a bad moment earlier this month — spewing out random nonsense… Read More
Big companies have always advertised online — “always” here meaning ever since it became an option — but there has been a perception that the internet leveled the pla… Read More
Google stopped collecting and processing data in Universal Analytics properties last year, on July 1, 2023. Ideally, you switched over to GA4, the new Google Analytics, before that date and… Read More
Should You Clean Up Your Social Media?
We recently saw a suggestion to go back and clean up your social media — delete old posts on Facebook, for example. Is this a good idea? Remove anything off-brand Did you use terminolo… Read More
A New Preschool Website
You know your preschool needs a website, but how do you get started? How do you plan an effective website for your school? Here are some tips to consider when you’re planning a new pre… Read More
A New Creative Website
A creative website? All our websites are creative, so what does it mean to talk about a creative website? Simply, the site owner is not a doctor or an engineer, but a creative professional… Read More
Lessons From Grubgate
Texas Congresswoman Mayra Flores is facing criticism for posting photos of food on X (formerly Twitter) which she lifted from other social media accounts. Online sources pointed it out and c… Read More
Are Your Pages Indexed?
Many people believe that Google, when they search for something, rushes around the internet looking for stuff. “Google,” they ask, “what is the most effective anti-aging su… Read More
Diane Hagerty is a tax professional and business consultant who needed a new website in preparation for publishing a business how-to book. It needed to showcase her writing and make it easy… Read More
A New Beauty E-commerce Website
Waterfall Day Spa in Kent, Washington, needed a new website for their growing e-commerce business. We built them a WooCommerce site on the WordPress platform. The homepage includes some fun… Read More
What makes a website masculine? If you try and picture a masculine website, it probably looks like it was either designed back in 1950, or it just wandered out of the desert looking for a co… Read More
Content Audit: Sprucing Up Your Blog
Blogging is one of the best things you can do for your website, whether you’re looking to improve SEO, bring visitors back more frequently, or increase leads and sales. If you’ve… Read More
“Christmas creep” is the evocative name journalists have given to the practice of beginning holiday marketing early — October 1st is considered the line in the sand, but Wa… Read More
Chances are very good that your visitors care about digital privacy. Pew Research tells us that 81% of Americans are concerned about what companies do with their data. 67% don’t know w… Read More
Digital Marketing For Medical Tourism
What do Puerto Rico, Spain, Thailand, and Arkansas have in common? Medical tourism. Or rather, the combination of high quality medical care, low costs, and beautiful scenery that makes a pla… Read More
We are in favor of accessibility in websites, and we build all websites with that in mind. But I want to propose a thought experiment to you. Imagine that you have a small resort, dude ranch… Read More
Where Should You Advertise?
We focus on inbound marketing. Our clients see much more traffic from organic search than from any ad buys. However, if you have the funds to do some advertising in addition to your content… Read More
Has your web team told you that you need to update to PhP 8.2? If so, you might have responded with, “What, now?” Let’s explore this announcement a little more closely. Wha… Read More
Quite a few of our clients are authors or have books to promote on their websites. We’ve recently updated the website of a long-term client to showcase his new book. The point of the w… Read More
In one episode of the popular TV show Big Bang Theory, waitress Penny decides to market her crafts for some side income. Theoretical physicist Leonard builds a website (which the gang thinks… Read More
Considering Threads For Your Business?
Threads is a new alternative to Twitter from Meta, the Facebook company.  Compared with Twitter, it allows longer posts: 500 characters, with videos up to 5 minutes long. When you sign… Read More
We’ve created a beautiful new website for a Washington state health coach. Our client has been a professional chef for many years and is ready to add nutrition and alcohol coaching to… Read More
We’ve been seeing falling web traffic at a lot of web sites. While we’re not actually ready to celebrate, it’s becoming increasingly obvious that this is something bigger t… Read More
While leafing through my review copy of  The Web Designer’s Idea Book: The Ultimate Guide To Themes, Trends & Styles In Website Design , I realized that pink, like orange and… Read More
It’s a Friday morning. You wake up, make some coffee, and fire up your computer. You figure you’ll surf the web for a little bit and see what’s going on in the world before… Read More
  Google’s Universal Analytics stopped working on July 1. If your current Google Analytics account uses the Universal Analytics interface, it is no longer collecting data. You sho… Read More
We’re examining all the reports in the new GA4 interface, and we’ve come to the Retention report. This report shows how well you keep visitors coming back to your website. We beg… Read More
Continuing our examination of the reports in the new Google Analytics interface, we come to the User reports. There are two broad divisions: User attributes and Tech. The Overview of User At… Read More
The new Google Analytics Monetization report is a completely new report; Universal Analytics didn’t show all this information unless you customized your dashboard to show it. Even then… Read More
We expect that generative AI tools like ChatGPT will end up being as useful as calculators. Just as we wouldn’t ask a calculator to do our taxes, we don’t expect ChatGPT to be ab… Read More
Over the past six months, we’ve lost 3% of our traffic at this website every month. This is depressing, of course. How did it happen? Life. We were super busy taking care of our paying… Read More
We like long relationships, and most of our clients work with us over the long term. They don’t have to think about WordPress updates, because we take care of that for them. However, w… Read More
Avoiding Copyright Trolls
We have received letters accusing us of copyright violation for the use of photos we paid for, photos in the public domain, and photos registered under Creative Commons licenses. We’ve… Read More
I have a love-hate relationship with stock images. On the one hand, I know they don’t look authentic. I used to be very adamant about not using stock iphotos on this site, and you will… Read More
Setting Your Google Ads Budget
One of the great advantages for Google Ads is that you can set your own budget and pay only for actual interactions with prospective customers. With traditional print or broadcast advertisin… Read More
Tami Dowers, who was the paid search person at a company where I served as the organic search person, once told me that Google Ads is like an auction where whether you get the chair depends… Read More
Tool Tryout Tuesday: Neuroflash
We’ve tried out several AI chatbots. They’re all much of a muchness, frankly, although they are certainly better than they were a couple of years ago. We’re going to bring… Read More
We’ve written before about AI text generators, specifically from the point of view of content marketing.  Now, however, these AI tools are being discussed as game changers for sea… Read More
Does your website need a redesign? A website redesign can do a lot of good things for you, but it can be hard to decide when it’s time to make the leap.  Here are some questions t… Read More
Avoiding Lost Posts
A client recently told me that she was concerned about losing her favorite posts. What’s a lost post? For this client, it could be a great post from the past. Particularly excellent bl… Read More
Dumbing Down Your Website?
“I know I have to dumb down my website,” a business owner told us. He had built his own website, and it contained some good information. We had some suggestions for ways to make… Read More
Yoast Adds Inclusive Language
Yoast SEO, a popular plugin for WordPress websites, is breaking ground with a new feature. The plugin already checked your website’s posts and pages for search engine optimization and… Read More
Website Redesign Process: Mockup
Delivery of the mock up is one of the most exciting moments of a redesign. A mock up is a picture of what the website will look like after it has been built. For Haden Interactive, a mock up… Read More
A New Home Services Website
We’ve just launched a beautiful new home services website for A Beautiful Day cleaning service, an environmentally responsible and socially conscious company offering cleaning services… Read More
Time On Site
One of the metrics you can follow in Google Analytics is the amount of time visitors spend on a page at your website: time on site.  The screenshot below shows that visitors to our lab… Read More
Website Redesign Process: New Ideas
Every website needs updating every two or three years. The technology changes, the styles in web design change, and your business probably changes enough in that length of time that you need… Read More
(Harmless) Stalking For Fun And Profit
Knowing more about your customers can mean knowing the kind of content they’ll enjoy and find useful, the places you should be to connect with them online, and the kinds of offers they… Read More
Facebook As A News Source
Facebook is still a popular news site — 31% of respondents in a recent Pew Research survey said they regularly get their news from Facebook. 59% of those surveyed in 2020 said they tho… Read More
Has your web team told you that you need to update to PhP 8.0? If so, you might have responded with, “What, now?” Let’s explore this announcement a little more closely.&nbs… Read More
Copyright And AI Content
We’ve watched the growth of artificial intelligence tools that generate web content with interest. Our focus has been on whether it works or not — is it a good way to save money… Read More
Trying Out Bertha AI
For Tool Tryout Tuesday, we tried out, a new content generating plugin for WordPress. We paid for the tool and have been using it for about a month now.  Bertha claims to be a… Read More
A New Ecommerce Website
We’ve just launched a new ecommerce website for a long-term client. Ecommerce websites can be different from other website builds. One reason is because they have such clear goals.&nbs… Read More
Increasing Ecommerce ROI
Ecommerce can be a source of market research data, a service to your customers, or a way to encourage consumers to buy your products in brick and mortar stores — but you certainly also… Read More
Launching a new website can be stressful. It shouldn’t be, actually. By the time you launch your new or redesigned website, you’ve done all the hard work of planning your website… Read More
Meet The Openverse
Openverse is a new offering from the people who brought you WordPress. It’s a sharing platform for images and audio right now, though there are signs that they might add other types of… Read More
Rent Or Own: Your Online Presence
Do you rent or own your online presence? You own your website — unless it’s a monthly subscription site. You have complete control over how it looks and sounds, you can leave it… Read More
Diminishing Returns For SEO?
Clients sometimes ask when Search Engine Optimization will be finished — are there diminishing returns for SEO over time? Is there some point at which you can quit, because you’r… Read More
Facebook has been getting some bad press lately. Have you been wondering whether you should advertise with Facebook, in light of the controversy? I was thinking about this as I headed out to… Read More
Time Is Money At Your Website
Time is money for several important aspects of your website, even if it is a cliche. Your domain If you have an old domain, you have a big advantage. If you’ve had something — an… Read More
Jetpack CRM
Jetpack has a Customer Relationship Management tool that they want to share with you. As entrepreneurs themselves, they say, they like to give back. So this is a gift to you. Go to jetpackcr… Read More
The Word Block Press Pattern Directory
WordPress has announced that the Classic Editor plugin will be supported for one more year. The Classic Editor will also continue to be an option within the Block Editor. Still, your web tea… Read More
SEO And Inbound Marketing
I was talking with a client earlier. “I see people are coming to your new website,” I said cheerfully. We hadn’t been discussing SEO and inbound marketing, as it happened… Read More
The Technology report at classic Google Analytics gives you a lot of information about your visitors — and used to give more.  It tells you the devices your visitors use, as well… Read More
The New GA: Monetization Report
The new Google Analytics Monetization report is a completely new report; classic Google Analytics doesn’t show all this information unless you customize your dashboard to show it. Even… Read More

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Haden Interactive - Websites that introduce themse
