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It doesn’t come as a surprise when we hear than the link building process (done rightly) is critical for any website to rank higher in the search engines. Many market influencers still use link building as a priority task to increase their website’s traffic, through posting on credible domains.

To those who need clarification with what the link building process is – Link building is the process of creating quality backlinks on credible domains, that link back to your website and provide good traffic to you. In conclusion, it plays a major role in dominating the SERPs and provides quality traffic to the website.  

Google being the most dominant search engine on the web, prefers the domains in terms of quality and quantity backlinks. So, creating backlinks in both contexts is important. Wondering how? Well, there are still 4 types of link building strategy than market influencers use and increase their website’s ranking.

Please read ahead:

  1. Guest Blogging – Yes, Guest blogging is still relevant as you can scour the internet for market influencers which still use it as a tactic to gain authority and name in the industry vertical. It is a method used by bloggers to increase blog traffic, where bloggers write the posts to be published on other website’s blogs. This helps you in getting quality assured traffic on your website as well as gives you recognition in the market.

Guest blogging can work in one of two ways: You write a post to appear on another person’s blog. Another person (preferably a well known name in the market) writes a post to appear on your blog. This strategy works well vice versa for both.

Wondering how to start guest blogging? Well, it’s pretty easy – Just go to google and if you have a website name in the mind, to which you would like to contribute, then type “Website name + Contribute”.

For example – If you want to contribute to MAG Studios’s blog, then type:

  1.  Use graphics like Infographics as a click bait

Infographics and other visual representations are a great way to drive traffic to your website. The infographics have jumped on the visual bandwagon, exploding as a form of shareable content and guaranteeing marketers measurable results.

We use infographics at, a lot. Such as for Best SEO practices for 2017 infographic, see here.

Remember, Visual content performs in the best way and it’s pretty certain that people would prefer reading pictorial representation more, than reading 1,000-words information. Because all they just want is, to go through your infographic and get that information in just a few seconds or minutes.

  1. Try your competitor’s approach for the link building task

If you are looking for link building strategies, then be aware of the fact that your competitors are on the same page or may be ahead of you. Which is why, it is important for you to check where your competitors stand and what are their existing link building strategies OR which websites are linking back to their website.

In this case, Ahrefs has a very good feature named Ahrefs alerts which creates backlink alerts for each of your competitors in the “Backlinks” section of Ahrefs Alerts. This will send you a weekly email, listing all new backlinks Ahrefs has discovered for the site.

So, if you are an ahrefs user, login to your account, then go to Alerts > Backlinks > New Alert, enter your competitor’s URL and choose the desired interval between the emails. This way, you will get plenty of backlinks for competing well with your competitors website.

  1. Build a company blog; make it a valuable, informative and entertaining resource

Blogs that have freshly written unique content, are consistent and of high value create buzz on the web for the blogger/website. Whenever you publish a blog, always remember to target the needs of your readers, include required searches/keywords and link your other relative posts in it as well. This helps the reader to find your content easily, provides a better insight to them and most probably helps you in ranking well on the SERPs.

Such as, if you are looking for an article with reference to ‘Backlinks and its relevance in SEO’, then you need to add all the related short and long tail keywords into the post – On exemplary basis, please see the below mentioned:

  • backlinks seo
  • backlinks important
  • why backlinks in SEO
  • what is backlinks in seo example
  • high authority backlinks list
  • free link building sites list
  • create backlinks free
  • how to create backlinks for my website
  • how can we get quality backlinks
  • do backlinks matter anymore

Also, try to participate in conversations across the web and earn listings and links from other blogs, including blogrolls (recommended blog posts by other bloggers on your website) as well. This effort is just to create the buzz in the world of marketing and gaining people’s trust and add more to the link building strategy.

Remember, it takes time to build good backlinks and increase the ranking of your website. And, in aggregate publishing quality content and marketing it well with these 3 evergreen link building strategies, will not only help you in getting more traffic to your website but also increase your credibility in the market. So, rather than focusing on any black hat techniques, let’s just follow the right ones.

Mag Studios specialises in providing Digital Marketing services in India and overseas as well. So, if you are looking for the credible source to help you out with your website’s ranking, then get in touch with us at OR call us at +91 99100 70501.

The post 4 LINK BUILDING STRATEGIES FOR 2017 (SEO) appeared first on MAG Studios.

This post first appeared on Mag-Studios, please read the originial post: here

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