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Publish My Docs Blog

publishdocs A tech blog focused on blogging tips, SEO, social media, mobile gadgets, pc tips, how-to guides and general tips and tricks
Top 25 Diversity Job Boards
Diversity of thought in management and work culture helps a company with innovation and creative decision-making. It is also increasingly an expectation of employees and consumers more broad… Read More
8 Ways To Tell If A Bill Is Fake
Counterfeit money is currency produced by someone other than the government intended to deceive the recipient into believing it is authentic. The Secret Service seized over $505 million in c… Read More
Is It Right For Your Business?
CallRail is a call tracking software with trackable phone numbers, local minutes, and text message credits. It also offers marketing and conversation analytics, enabling businesses to make m… Read More
Optimizing Shopify product pages and blogs gets easier with Yoast SEO, which launches this month and offers the same features as the popular WordPress plugin.Slated to launch on January 18… Read More
A man was shot and critically wounded Tuesday afternoon in South Austin on the West Side. The 28-year-old was sitting on a back porch about 5:20 p.m. in the 200 block of North Central Avenu… Read More

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