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Chartogenie: A Monthly Custom Chart Graphic Subscription for $10

Chartogenie: A Monthly Custom Chart Graphic Subscription For $10

We work hard with all of our clients to produce incredible, high-end content that builds out their content library. With a significant portion of our time spent on research and writing of a compelling article for their site, we often don’t have the resources or time to develop a customized chart or graphic that would enhance the article.

Enhancing your article with a data-driven chart will provide you with a few advantages:

  1. SEO Benefits – an aptly named image file and well-defined alternative text tag will help search engines better index your content and make it available for image searches.
  2. Cognition – adding a statistic to your article is great, but seeing the statistic visually will improve its performance. Readers are visual, tend to remember more when its an image, and associate imagery with text.
  3. Sharing – social updates with graphics get more engagement and more shares… having a professional, custom graphic is going to increase the visibility of your content online.

Today, I spoke with the CEO of Chartogenie, a monthly graphic design service that can provide you with 5 data-driven graphics for $10 per month. It doesn’t get much easier or less expensive than that to improve your article output!

To keep things affordable, they have a selection of pre-designed templates that can be customized to your data and color needs. You simply upload your project description and they’ll knock out the work for you – typically returning a graphic within one business day… and sometimes sooner!

To test, I asked for charts of some podcast data that I provided and here were the results:

Chartogenie Process

The process is pretty simple: Login, make a wish, add your brief, and they’ll make your graphic. They will do one redo for you if needed and you won’t ever get the raw illustration returned – but hey, for $2 a graphic, that’s a no-brainer.

We like the service so much that we’ve signed up as clients and an affiliate for Chartogenie!

Get Your First Graphic Today!

Disclosure: We are an affiliate of Chartogenie.

© 2020 DK New Media, LLC, All Rights Reserved

This post first appeared on How To Optimize Prestashop For Increased SEO And Conversions, please read the originial post: here

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Chartogenie: A Monthly Custom Chart Graphic Subscription for $10
