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The best Android smartphones

The Best Android Smartphones
Moto G5S, £229
Screen size: 5.2 inches
Battery life: 19 hours talk time
Lenovo's series of Android smartphones are some of the best value buys  out there. This model is an upgrade on the hugely popular Moto G5, bringing a slightly larger screen at 5.2 inches. It includes an upgraded 3GB of RAM and 32GB of internal storage plus room for a dual SIM. Its front and rear mounted cameras are reasonable, with a 16MP rear facing camera.
It has a sleek, aluminium body and runs on Android 7.0, keeping its menu and systems simple and in line with the original design. Other features include a fingerprint scanner and NFC to use apps like Android Pay

This post first appeared on Super Marketing 2018 Tips And Tech, please read the originial post: here

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The best Android smartphones
