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How to Find Best Content Ideas for Blogs


We all have heard that “Content is King” and by writing for your audience first and latter for search engines can bring your online business to boom. Then there is nothing is wrong in it.

But here, the question arises whenever we are about to write, that on which topic I should write to help the people in the best manner, or what are the topics for which audience quest for? And a many more questions like this. It seems to be the simplest work but in actual, it is the hardest one.  So if you are also suffering from the same phase which is known as Writer’s Block then let I help you to overcome this.

In simple words I will make you aware of the ways through which you can find best content ideas for your blogs:-

Always Keep a Notebook with You

It is the most common thing with all us that many good ideas come to our mind when we are out of the work, and we think we will write on the same topics in the future. But when are about to write just everything goes missing and disremembered. Thus, one of the easiest things you can do is to keep a notebook always with you. So whenever any idea comes to your mind, you can jot it down and hold it for the topics of future writing.

Scrutinize the Forums, Q/A sites

Yes, search the Forums and Q/A sites of particularly your niche and also the general sites which provide answers for all types of questions. There are many sites like Quora, Yahoo Answers, LinkedIn Answers and a much more from where you can get enormous content ideas for your blogs. As countless people ask different types of questions to get the answers and your posts can become an answer for their questions. And also even to those questions which many are less willing to answer.

Look Your Blog Posts Comments Section

It is also one of the good ways to get an idea for content for blogs. I am saying this because the people who leave a comment in your comment section are the ones who love to read your blogs the – targeted audience.  So do keep an eye on that what they are saying and what more they want to know as many times many readers put questions in the comment box to know about the particular topic. And these topics are in actual the content topics you can write on. Also, keep an eye on the comment section of other blogs of your niche as well, so that you can get more and more content ideas and hence organic traffic too.

Writing Greatly on Evergreen Topics

Writing on evergreen topics is also among one of the best content creation ideas for your blogs or websites. It is because of the truth that Evergreen Topics never end up and always need a new write up by great writers with new and updated knowledge. So if you think you can write on some existing topic better than before, then you are again with a new content idea for your blog.

Slide sharing site – SlideShare

There are many slide sharing sites out there like Slideshare. SlideShare is one of the best sites to get content ideas for writing a blog. The reason behind this is that it presents solutions for almost all categories and which is indeed a great thing. Thus, you can just type keyword related to your niche, and you will be with man content creation ideas.

By Paying Attention on Social Media Platform

Social Media platforms are also among the points which can help you to find List of Blog Post Ideas. How? It is very simple as for getting a list of ideas for content creation you have to keep an eye on your followers, that what they are seeking for and what they are posting on social media platforms and other sources of communication. Also along with that keeping an eye on, also those you follow on social media platforms. By this, you will get to know what is trending in the market and what people looks for.

Tips Providing and Tutorial Posts

The posts based on providing tips and tricks and online tutoring have an enormous click through rates. So writing on the topics of how to, tips for and similar in the category can prove to be a boon for your blog. And it is also among one of the best content creation ideas.

Networking in Real Life

Many times you might have noticed that people around us don’t get a working solution of their problems. Thus, if you are capable of solving their problems either by telling them directly or even through your post, nothing can be better than that. And if the topic is related to your niche then it is like icing on the cake. And in this way you have got a good content idea for your blog.

Also, check out our benefits of adding your blog to free basics by facebook and steps for addition for maximizing the reach of blog posts in the countries where the internet is less accessible and hence to get deriving organic traffic from it.

The post How to Find Best Content Ideas for Blogs appeared first on ContentBloggers.

This post first appeared on ContentBloggers | Search Engine Optimization Blog, please read the originial post: here

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How to Find Best Content Ideas for Blogs
