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Botox Training in New York – Dates Announced

Botox Training In New York – Dates Announced

Improve your dental practice with Botox certification, the medical opportunity that could not only help the lives of your patients but also increase your bottom line and support the growth of your business. You may not have considered Botox ever before, considering it not that similar to dentistry, but a new training course that has been developed called Dentox has shown people that that simply isn’t true. Anyone who has dental training can easily pick up the skills that are required for Botox administration, and this course could therefore double the number of patients that you have coming through the doors of your dental practice.
Sometimes running your own business by yourself can be an overly demanding thing, and you can start to tire. You start to lose track on new opportunities, and you feel as though you could do with some advice about how to increase your business. Dentox is the perfect answer to this problem, not only giving you new skills that you can use during your practice, but also providing a way for you to transform current dental patients into new Botox patients. The crossover from your two skill sets could double your bottom line, giving your dental practice a new lease of life and ensuring that you do not have to worry about improving your business from pure dentistry alone.

Many medical professionals, including dentists, have for some time looked down on Botox as a purely cosmetic procedure, and it is true that in many cases that is the reason that the patient chooses to have it. But that is not something that you should penalize patients for: after all, how many of our patients come into our consultation rooms looking for braces, or teeth whitening, or veneers? The desire to look good does not have to be a bad thing. Furthermore, Botox administration is often now used in many medical treatments, including those who have nerve pain, people who struggle with oversweating, and even people who have severe migraines. Opening up your dental practice to all of these people would not only benefit you, but also benefit them.

Now is the time to take the step towards Botox, and take part in the exciting training course that Dr Howard Katz has put together: a course that not only takes just one day so that you only miss one day of work, but it is also taking place right here, in New York on February 3rd 2017 making it possible for you to be home by dinner time! Now that Botox training is within your reach, you should consider seriously whether this is the perfect time for you to diversify. The training day itself will actually offer three methods of increasing your patient numbers and income – the standard Botox training, then dermal filler training, and then platelet rich plasma, an area that is not often covered. As well as the expert training offered by Dr Howard Katz, you will be able to practice on live patients who will actually be at the training event too, so you will be able to leave with confidence in your new skills.

Spaces are going to be limited to this fantastic event, and there are going to be plenty of New York dentists who see the value of expanding their dental practice in this way, so we would recommend that you book early to make sure that you are not disappointed. This one day could mean the difference between your dental practice going on as it always was, or completely changing your fortunes and offering you the chance to really make something of it. Take that chance, and receive your Dentox training.

Dr. Katz will be in New York teaching his latest course on Botox, Dermal Fillers, and Platelet Rich Plasma on February 3rd, to register or learn more about the course, see the Botox Training New York Course Page

The post Botox Training in New York – Dates Announced appeared first on Botox Education & Training News.

This post first appeared on Botox Education & Training News, please read the originial post: here

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Botox Training in New York – Dates Announced
