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Plumbers Wanted in Australia


Plumbers Wanted in Australia

Going into 2018 there are so many plumbers wanted in Australia. It’s a simple case of supply and demand and with demand vastly outstripping the supply of good, well qualified plumbing professionals they top the Down Under Tradies Rich list by earning, on average $88 AUD an hour.

At Lets Go Global we’ve seen a remarkable 120% increase in plumbers moving to Australia over the last two years alone.

Having successfully immigrated many industrial, commercial and domestic plumbers our Down Under Tradies team are experts in their field with a 100% success rate when it comes to assisting those plumbers wanted in Australia.

So, now you know there’s plumbers wanted in Australia how do you go about finding the right immigration visas and plumbing jobs in Australia.

Take Our Free 30 Seconds Online Visa Assessment To Check Your Chances Of Moving To Australia

Firstly, let’s look at what plumbers are wanted in Australia
The following plumbing occupations are currently in demand in Australia:

334111: Plumber (General)
334112: Air-conditioning and Mechanical Services Plumber
334115: Roof Plumber

All of these plumber occupation specializations are eligible for full Permanent Residency Visa status which rank as some of the most sought after visas currently available in Australia.

There’s only a certain number of occupations eligible for the 189 and 190 Permanent Residency Visas and the fact there’s so many plumbers wanted in Australia it’s no surprise the occupation is so good in terms of Immigration.

Plumbers wanted in Australia for Permanent Residency.

If you class yourself in one of the occupation codes above then you’ve passed the first stage of your eligibility test for a skilled migration working visa.

Permanent residency visas for Plumbers have the following benefits
1. Live and work in Australia
2. Come and go from the Country as much as you like
3. Not tied to any employer or work contract
3. Access education for your children without financial contribution
3. Full access to Medicare fir your family
4. Access to financial services
5. No restrictions on purchasing property
6. Convert to full Citizenship and Dual Nationality after four years
7. Sponsor any eligible family members after two years
8. Your partner or spouse can work full time

Both the 189 and the 190 visa for plumbers have all the rights and privileges listed above. On the 189 visa you are free to live and work anywhere in Australia from day one whilst on the 190 visa you’ll be expected to live and work in a particular state for two years. And after the two years period you’ll be free to live and work anywhere.

How to move to Australia as a Plumber Stage One
Firstly you need to assess your eligibility or a Plumber visa to Australia. In terms of skilled migration work visas you’re going to be aged under 45, have a good few years of hands on plumbing experience under your belt, and have the right qualifications in your country i.e. NVQ Level 3 or Red Seal.

You’ll be looking to score a minimum of 60 points on the Australian Immigration points score.

Take our 30 seconds Online Visa Assessment for an exact points score

How to move to Australia as a Plumber Stage Two
After identifying your edibility to emigrate to Australia as a plumber the next stage is to get the ball rolling.

If you’ve decided to use one of our plumbing migration specialists to handle your case they’ll work with you very closely over the first four weeks of your application to gather the required evidence for your Plumbing Skills Assessment.

The list of documentation required is long and detailed. It’s designed to ensure you have the right skills, experience and qualifications to move to Australia as a plumber and your paperwork will be reviewed against set Plumbing Immigration criteria.

Plumbing skills assessment for Australia Paperwork Requirements

1. Passport
2. CV
3. All qualifications
4. Accompanying transcripts and details
5. Payslips
6. References covering the right points
7. Current first aid certificate

If you’ve had any periods of self-employment as a Plumber we’ll work with you closely to evidence these and if you have any difficulty obtaining any references we will provide the correct sworn statements for you to have signed.

Plumbing Skills Assessment Australia Stage Two
The trades team at Lets Go Global have a 100% success rate for plumbing occupation codes along with many other technical trades and professions such as welders, bricklayers and electricians.

The second stage of your Skills Assessment will be a technical interview with an Australian assessor via secure site at a test centre. Your Account manager at Lets Go Global will ensure you’re 100% prepared for this technical interview so you needed worry too much about this.

Plumbing Skills Assessment Australia Stage Three
Upon successful completion of your technical interview you’ll be awarded our OTSR (Offshore Technical Skills Record). This doesn’t have anything to do with working offshore, more that anything taken outside of Australia is classed as ‘offshore’ to the Country.

This plumbing OTSR gifts you the equivalent Australian qualifications and allows you to start work as soon as you land in country after your successful visa process and additionally, our Lets Go Global account manager will also advise you on various recruitment options as soon as the OTSR paperwork has been issued.

Plumbing Skills Assessment Australia Provider

Your plumbing skills assessment for Australia will be processed by a third party organisation that’s licensed by the Australian Government called Vetassess who levy their own professional fees.

Plumbing Skills Assessment Australia Fees (as of December 2017)
Paperwork review: $960 AUD (including a $300 Government supplement)
Technical Interview or Practical Assessment: $1640 AUD

How to move to Australia as a Plumber Stage Three
After your OTSR it’s time to submit an Expression of Interest (also known as an EOI).
From submitting your EOI the waiting game begins although because there’s a good amount of plumbers wanted in Australia you shouldn’t be left waiting in the EOI pile for long.

Eventually you’ll be called forward from EOI stage to formally apply for your Permanent Residency Skilled Migration Visa which is again, a long, complex and legal process that needs to be completed correctly the first time because mistakes and errors can be punished by rejection and being banned from making another application for up to 10 years.

Take Our Free 30 Seconds Online Visa Assessment To Check Your Chances Of Moving To Australia

Plumbing sponsorship Australia

Plumbing sponsorship opportunities in Australia do exist although over the past six months the Australian Government announced a raft of changes affecting the 457 Employer Sponsored Visa. Whilst the 457 has always been a temporary four year Woking visa it will no longer lead to Permanent Residency. This means there are plenty of Plumbing jobs in Australia for UK Citizens (as well as those from Europe, the US and Canada) although the majority require you to have arranged your visas prior to making an application.

Drawbacks of the 457 Visa for Plumbers in Australia
1. Temporary 4 years visa
2. No opportunity to convert into Permanent Residency Status
3. No free education for children
4. Limited access to Medicare
5. The visa and your stay in Australia is tied to your employer

With this in mind we always recommend the 189 or 190 visa pathway for Plumbers migrating to Australia.

Plumber in Australia Salary

Because there’s a high number of plumbers wanted in Australia it’s no surprise its number one on the top ten list of well paid down under tradies jobs.

1. WA Plumbers make an average of $88 an hour
2. WA Electricians earn an average of $87.33 an hour
3. NSW Builders average of $77.87 an hour
4. NSW Plumbers are on $77.03 per hour
5. VIC Plumbers are coining $77.03 an hour
6. QLD Electricians are earning $75.23 an hour
7. WA Builders are making $72 per hour
8. QLD Landscape Gardeners hedge an average $70 an hour
9. VIC Sparks are on $68.68 for an hours work
10. QLD Plumbers are pulling $68.58 per hour

If you’re a qualified plumber seriously considering immigrating to Australia take our free 30 second online visa assessment today to check if you’re eligible to make the move down under with a Plumber visa.

Take Our Free 30 Seconds Online Visa Assessment To Check Your Chances Of Moving To Australia

Let’s Go Global

Plumbers Wanted in Australia Specialists

The post Plumbers Wanted in Australia appeared first on Lets Go Global Australia Immigration.

This post first appeared on Let's Go! Global Migration Blog, please read the originial post: here

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Plumbers Wanted in Australia
