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Ciao Readers! Today I thought I’d wish you happy holidays with uniquely New Mexico holiday traditions….I’m guessing we are the only state that has these things, but if I&r… Read More
Ciao again Readers!I had so much fun blogging yesterday I think I’m ready to get back to it (and as an added bonus I get to do it while enjoying my Rosenberg’s Deli delivery here… Read More
Ciao Readers! So, seeing that my last post was from this same time last year (or are we just trapped in some type of Matrix?), I think I have broken my own record for the longest I haven&rsq… Read More
Ciao Readers! Boy, it’s feast or famine with me and blogging…. For those of you who don’t know me personally, I recently became a federal court of appeals mediator –… Read More
Ciao Readers! I hope this blog finds you and yours doing as well as can be expected. It has been quite some time since I blogged…I suppose like many of us I have just been at a loss f… Read More
Picturesque Pena Palace, Portugal
Ciao Readers! So, if you’re anything like me, you get back from a nice vacation with the “real world” already knocking on your door – whether in the form of a nasty c… Read More
Feliz 2020 From Lisbon, Portugal
Olá Readers! Happy 2020! So far it’s been an interesting start to the new year here in Lisbon – last night we partook in what has to be the most mellow midnight ce… Read More
Olá Readers! Happy (almost) New Year!!! I have many thoughts and insights (and food) to blog about, but for today I thought I’d just share some photos. Portugal is known for its… Read More
Hello Readers! So, these have been somewhat heavy times for me and maybe for many of us.  However, this is not that kind of blog (if you’re interested in the heavier stuff, follow… Read More
Ciao Readers! As I promised, this blog post is about the cutest of all creatures – LIVE pandas.  Why the stress on the “aliveness” you may ask…let me explain&he… Read More
Ciao Readers! Happy Festivus! So, while I have one more Italy blog in me (“Siena’s 500+ year-old Palio: violent horse race or community therapy?”), it’s going to take… Read More
Ciao Readers! Happy Monday! Today (Sunday) I got to do something amazing that I had no idea I was going to do – I went on a real truffle hunt! So, to back up for a bit, when we lived i… Read More
Ciao Readers! Well, here I am in lovely Siena Italy (after a “short” journey involving 2 cars, 2 planes and 3 trains)!  I got in yesterday afternoon and did all I could to s… Read More
Ciao Readers! Sorry about that last post – not sure why that happened as I was updating our Neighborhood Association website.  Anyway, if you happen to live here, the clean-up is… Read More
Originally posted on New Mexico to Italy: It’s just a fact.  Italians wear scarves.  If you want to try and pass as an Italian, wear a scarf (and don’t wear white runni… Read More
Ciao Readers!  Happy Monday! So, here we are at the end of my trip to Lucca (boo hoo)….  I still have so many nifty photos I haven’t posted as well as some random stor… Read More
Ciao Readers! So, when we lived in Florence (the more times I write that the less real it seems) we took a day trip to a little town called Castiglioncello to see the ocean, which I fol… Read More
Ciao Readers! I am already in Lucca Italy, so slower strolling on my mind and agenda, but I couldn’t let the NYC half marathon come and go without a post!  Honestly, I’ve be… Read More
Ciao Readers! So, those of you who know me know I don’t (didn’t) buy into the whole social media hoopla…. Well, long story short, I decided I can’t accomplish everyt… Read More
Ciao Readers! It’s been awhile!  So, the title of this post is a play on the title of my blog, and a preview of some hopefully exciting blogs to come.  I am off to New York n… Read More
Ciao Readers! Today I introduce my latest artist obsession – Hieronymus Bosch. Now, I admittedly know very little about Bosch (apparently no one does)*, but what I’ve seen of his… Read More
Ciao Readers!  And HAPPY FRIDAY! Today I wax poetic about the most humble of foods, but one that if done correctly can be elevated to soaring heights of yumminess….the simpl… Read More
Ciao Readers! Today we go back to one of my favorite topics – the art of Van Gogh, with some yummy food thrown in for good measure. Despite catching colds and being rained on for sever… Read More
Ciao Readers!  Happy Belated Turkey Day! Yes, it has been quite a while.  Recently a friend and fellow blogger commented that I must not be blogging because I am busy at work… Read More
Hola Readers! It’s been quite a while!  As you know, we’re back here in the Land of Enchantment…and one of the most enchanting things about New Mexico (and Albuquerqu… Read More
Ciao Readers! Well, as at least one of you predicted, experiences continue to happen that warrant (scream out) to be blogged about.  Today was just such an adventure.  Lest you wor… Read More

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New Mexico to Italy | …and beyond!
