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Bespoke local tours


Airport Taxi Transfers  offers a range of bespoke local tours customised to the requirements of each customer .

You can set your own itinerary and decide exactly where you want to visit . Customers interested should phone 07576-127097 or  contact us online for a quote

Tours normally start at 9.30 am .

Normal pickup point is Edinburgh or Glasgow city centre or the airport .

Your tour can feature a visit to the Kelpies , the Falkirk Wheel , Linlithgow Palace , Stirling Castle or any other visitor attraction .

Stirling Castle is one of the top tourist attractions in central Scotland . The castle features the Royal Palace , the Great Hall and the castle.

Stirling Castle has been named Scotland’s best visitor attraction at the inaugural 2016 Scottish and Outdoor Leisure Awards. The castle, which attracts about 460,000 visitors per year, beat competitors including Edinburgh Zoo and Dynamic Earth.
If you go into the Great Hall in the castle you can take a seat at the top table and picture yourself as the King or Queen of Scotland .

‘ So let us pass … to the ports of Sterling ; where stands a beautiful and embellished Castle, elevated on the precipice of an impregnable rock , that commands the vallies ( as well as the town ) and all those habitable parts about it … ‘- Richard Franck , Northern Memoirs , 1656

Stirling Castle is built on the volcanic rock high above the town. From the castle you can see Stirling Bridge and the Wallace Monument.

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Bespoke local tours
