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A pastor's perspective on life and faith.
The Lord invites His disciples to rest, which comes from Him alone. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sign up to have podcasts and blog posts emailed to you:… Read More
Jesus sends the Apostles two by two to prepare the towns and villages for His coming, and we are like the villagers who take up the message and spread it. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #Gosp… Read More
Jesus is limited by the lack of faith among his hometown citizens, and St. Paul speaks of his thorn as ways to understand his reliance on God's Grace. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOf… Read More
The story of Jairus’ daughter and the woman suffering from hemorrhages for 12 years tells us to have have in the Lord’s ability to heal. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTh… Read More
Jesus calms the storm, and can calm our hearts if we look for Him. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sign up to have podcasts and blog posts emailed to you:… Read More
The Kingdom of God grows from the smallest of steps. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sign up to have podcasts and blog posts emailed to you: Give feedbac… Read More
Jesus heals and drives out demons, causing others to question and accuse Him of doing the work of the Evil One... and Jesus teaches of the unforgivable sin. What are the elements of this si… Read More
The Lord Jesus gave us the Eucharist as a Memorial Covenant by which we are drawn into Him. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sign up to have podcasts and blog posts emailed to y… Read More
The mystery of the Holy #Trinity cannot be fully explained in ways we understand, which I why He reveals Himself as Father, Son, and Spirit. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sig… Read More
Where the Church is divided, the Holy Spirit is needed most. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sign up to have podcasts and blog posts emailed to you: Give… Read More
Thou, on those who evermore Thee confess and Thee Adore, in Thy sevenfold gift, Descend; Give Them Comfort when they die; Give them Life with Thee on high; Give them joys which never end. Am… Read More
Bend the stubborn heart and will, melt the frozen warm the chill. Guide the steps that go astray!The Gift of WisdomEmbodying all the other gifts, as charity embraces all the other virtues, W… Read More
Heal our wounds--our strength renews; On our dryness pour Thy dew, Wash the stains of guilt away.The Gift of CounselThe gift of Counsel endows the soul with supernatural prudence, enabling i… Read More
If Thou take Thy grace away, nothing pure in man will stay, All his good is turn'd to ill.The Gift of UnderstandingUnderstanding, as a gift of the Holy Spirit, helps us to grasp the meaning… Read More
Light immortal! Light Divine! Visit Thou these hearts of Thine, And our inmost being fill!The Gift of KnowledgeThe gift of Knowledge enables the soul to evaluate created things at their true… Read More
Thou in toil art comfort sweet, Pleasant coolness in the heat, solace in the midst of woe.The Gift of FortitudeThe Gift of Fortitude By the gift of Fortitude the soul is strengthened against… Read More
Jesus Ascends to heaven and takes His seat, and guides us home. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sign up to have podcasts and blog posts emailed to you: G… Read More
Thou, of all consolers best, Visiting the troubled breast, Dost refreshing peace bestow.The Gift of PietyThe gift of Piety begets in our hearts a filial affection for God as our most loving… Read More
Come. Father of the poor. Come, treasures which endure; Come, Light of all that live!The Gift of FearThe gift of Fear fills us with a sovereign respect for God, and makes us dread nothing so… Read More
Our Lord gives us a commandment to love, and love is an act. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sign up to have podcasts and blog posts emailed to you: Give… Read More
Our Lord prunes off the dead and non-bearing branches of our lives so that we can produce good fruit. It is painful, but necessary. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sign up to h… Read More
We are God's Children, and the Lord protects us from every kind of evil. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sign up to have podcasts and blog posts emailed to you:… Read More
The Resurrected Jesus appears to the apostles who doubt and are fearful. He asks for something to eat to prove He is real. He wants to give us proof, too. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #Gosp… Read More
Do we really believe in the Resurrection and Eucharist? #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sign up to have podcasts and blog posts emailed to you: Give feed… Read More
Ninth Day:Today bring to Me SOULS WHO HAVE BECOME LUKEWARM,* and immerse them in the abyss of My mercy. These souls wound My Heart most painfully. My soul suffered the most dreadful loa… Read More
Eighth Day:Today bring to Me THE SOULS WHO ARE DETAINED IN PURGATORY, and immerse them in the abyss of My mercy. Let the torrents of My Blood cool down their scorching flames. All these soul… Read More
Seventh Day:Today bring to Me THE SOULS WHO ESPECIALLY VENERATE AND GLORIFY MY MERCY,* and immerse them in My mercy. These souls sorrowed most over my Passion and entered most deeply in… Read More
Sixth Day:Today bring to Me THE MEEK AND HUMBLE SOULS AND THE SOULS OF LITTLE CHILDREN, and immerse them in My mercy. These souls most closely resemble My Heart. They strengthened Me during… Read More
Fifth Day:Today bring to Me THE SOULS OF THOSE WHO HAVE SEPARATED THEMSELVES FROM MY CHURCH,* and immerse them in the ocean of My mercy. During My bitter Passion they tore at My Body an… Read More
Fourth Day:Today bring to Me The PAGANS AND THOSE WHO DO NOT YET KNOW ME. I was thinking also of them during My bitter Passion, and their future zeal comforted My Heart. Immerse them in… Read More
Christ is raised and gives us more blessedness than we had before the Fall of Adam and Eve, breaking our union with God. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sign up to have podcast… Read More
Third Day:Today bring to Me ALL DEVOUT AND FAITHFUL SOULS, and immerse them in the ocean of My mercy. The souls brought Me consolation on the Way of the Cross. They were that drop of co… Read More
Second Day:Today bring to Me THE SOULS OF PRIESTS AND RELIGIOUS, and immerse them in My unfathomable mercy. It was they who gave Me strength to endure My bitter Passion. Through them as thro… Read More
Our Lord gave His life for us and our salvation. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sign up to have podcasts and blog posts emailed to you: Give feedback at… Read More
First Day:Today bring to Me ALL MANKIND, ESPECIALLY ALL SINNERS, and immerse them in the ocean of My mercy. In this way you will console Me in the bitter grief into which the loss of souls p… Read More
As we enter this Holy Week, we hear again the Passion of our Lord. We begin before that first Holy Thursday, because what our Lord did at His Last Passover was connected to His sacrifice on… Read More
Our Lord offers Himself and is thus glorified. We are to offer ourselves, too. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sign up to have podcasts and blog posts emailed to you: https://i… Read More
God loves us, but this is not a little thing - He sent His Son to die on a cross for us. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sign up to have podcasts and blog posts emailed to you:… Read More
As our Lord cleansed the Temple, He desires to cleanse us, too. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sign up to have podcasts and blog posts emailed to you: G… Read More
Our Lord goes into the desert and is tempted, and gives us the model of both our Lent and our need to confront temptation, both internal and external. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOf… Read More
As we begin the season of Lent, we are to enter the battle against our own sin and concupiscence with the weapons the Lord has provided. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sign up… Read More
As the Lord willingly heals the leper, He is willing to heal us. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sign up to have podcasts and blog posts emailed to you:… Read More
Job forgets why he exists, perhaps. St. Paul knows his purpose and mission, and so is able to be all to all. Our Lord provides the model of saying no to others to fulfill the mission He was… Read More
Our Lord teaches, and enlightens our darkened minds. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sign up to have podcasts and blog posts emailed to you: Give feedbac… Read More
As our Lord calls the fishermen, He invites them to reform their lives and conform to His, and in doing so they will transform the world. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sign u… Read More
All are called to follow the Lord, and in our Sunday readings, we hear of how others were called and helped others discern. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sign up to have podc… Read More
As we celebrate Epiphany, we listen and follow the example of the Wise men who saw and followed the star that marked our Lord’s birth. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sig… Read More
On this Octave of Christmas, we contemplate the meaning of the Incarnation of our Lord - that He is born of Mary and she is rightly called the Mother of God. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #G… Read More
As we gather on this Sunday within the Octave of Christmas, the Church invites us to reflect on the nature of family and contemplate the model: the Holy Family. #Catholic #homily #Scripture… Read More
The Promised savior is our peace. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sign up to have podcasts and blog posts emailed to you: Give feedback at… Read More
The Promised Savior is born for us. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sign up to have podcasts and blog posts emailed to you: Give f… Read More
Our Lord entered a our world at a real time and place, and comes to change everything. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sign up to have podcasts and blog… Read More
God has made promises, and the Blessed Mother cooperates with His promises. Do we have the strength to do the same? #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sign up to have podcasts and… Read More
John the Baptist invites us to prepare the way of the Lord by repentance. Are we seeking repentance? #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sign up to have podcasts and blog posts ema… Read More
We are to prepare for our Lord's coming by lower the mountains and raising the valleys. The Blessed Mother is a wonderful model of this. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sign up… Read More
As we begin #Advent, our Lord asks us to watch and to do what we are tasked with. St. Joseph can provide us a model and guide. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sign up to have p… Read More
Jesus is King of the Universe, but is aware of the little ones and the deeds done for and by the little ones. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sign up to have podcasts and blog… Read More
Homily from the Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service. What are we thankful for? #Catholic #homily #Scripture #Thanksgiving Sign up to have podcasts and blog posts emailed… Read More
The Lord gives us everything. Are we stewards of those gifts, returning to Him everything? #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sign up to have podcasts and blog posts emailed to yo… Read More
The wise virgins thought of the end, and acted appropriately. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sign up to have podcasts and blog posts emailed to you: Giv… Read More
When leaders fail to live good examples, evil results. This affects vocations. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sign up to have podcasts and blog posts emailed to you: https://i… Read More
Our duty is to pray for those who have gone before us. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sign up to have podcasts and blog posts emailed to you: Give feedb… Read More
The Saints longed to see God, and they are with Him, seeing Him as He is. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sign up to have podcasts and blog posts emailed… Read More
Jesus proclaims the Great #Commandments, but what is #love, and how do we show it? #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sign up to have podcasts and blog posts emailed to you: https… Read More
Jesus is asked about paying taxes, and in giving the answer, tells us the proper relationship between the State and God, and what is proper to be given to each. #Catholic #homily #Scripture… Read More
Our Lord Jesus tells a parable of those who reject the invitation of the King, and those that come unprepared to change. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sign up to have podcast… Read More
God our Father has created everything for us, and only asks of our harvest. Do we yield to Him? #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sign up to have podcasts and blog posts emailed… Read More
Jesus invites us to follow Him in responding to the Father's will. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sign up to have podcasts and blog posts emailed to you:… Read More
Our Lord tells a parable about a generous vineyard owner who pays his workers a just wage, but it seems unfair at first glance. Fairness is not a Christian virtue, however, but that is not… Read More
How many times must I forgive? Ultimately, the number is not important, but that we forgive is. But why? #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sign up to have podcasts and blog posts… Read More
Our Lord calls us to correct others in Love, but how do we do it well? #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sign up to have podcasts and blog posts emailed to you:… Read More
Our Lord prophecies His death, and Peter objects, but it is through the Cross that Jesus saves us, and through our taking up of our own cross that we come to eternal life. #Catholic #homily… Read More
Who is Jesus Christ, and what difference does that make? What (or better, Who) is the Eucharist, and does that make a difference? #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sign up to hav… Read More
Jesus gives the Canaanite women the help she sought, though He was sent to the Lost Sheep of Israel, who did not lose their call, but didn't use it. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTh… Read More
Mary is the Ark of the New Covenant, and is assumed into heaven body and soul. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sign up to have podcasts and blog posts emailed to you: https://i… Read More
Jesus walks on the water, and invites Peter to walk to Him. When Peter focused on the wind and waves, he faltered but was saved. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sign up to have… Read More
As our Lord is revealed as the Son of God, the revelation allowed the apostles to get beyond the scandal of the Cross. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sign up to have podcasts… Read More
Jesus shares parables about the Kingdom of Heaven - that it is discovered and it's value is discerned and the price of obtaining it is everything. Seeking the pearl, first, everything that… Read More
The Parable of the Sower and the Seed helps us understand why some receive the Gospel so readily, and others not. Are we the good soil? #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sign up… Read More
The Lord's heart is meek and humble, but this is more of strength than weakness, and He invites us to work with Him in the battle against evil. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay… Read More
When we give ourselves in love the the Lord first, we find everything. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sign up to have podcasts and blog posts emailed to you:… Read More
We are called to love everyone, even if they hate us. The Lord promises that what is hidden will be revealed, and the causes of hate will be revealed too. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #Gosp… Read More
What do we see in the Sacred Heart of Jesus - mercy and forgiveness or condemnation or something to be mocked? #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sign up to have podcasts and blog… Read More
As we celebrate the Most Sacred Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, we meditate on the reality of Who we receive in the Eucharist. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sign up… Read More
Who is God, and what does that mean for us? What is His invitation as we worship the Holy Trinity? #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sign up to have podcasts and blog posts email… Read More
We need the Holy Spirit for inspiration and the ability to communicate to our culture. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sign up to have podcasts and blog posts emailed to you: h… Read More
Jesus ascends to the Father, in His Humanity, and continues to direct our work to make disciples. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sign up to have podcasts and blog posts emaile… Read More
When Jesus is sanctified as Lord in our hearts, we have reason for hope. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sign up to have podcasts and blog posts emailed to you:… Read More
Jesus proclaims a radical statement: that He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He is the only way to the Father. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sign up to have podcasts and… Read More
Jesus is the Good Shepherd who speaks to us. Are we able to hear His voice, or are we only listening to the phony voices of the world and Satan? #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay… Read More
Jesus Christ accompanies two disciples as they discussed the events of the Christ's death and Resurrection. He teaches them and then fulfills them. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfThe… Read More
 From today’s Liturgy of the Hours Office of Readings (see for more):From a sermon by Saint Gaudentius of Brescia, bishop(Tract. 2: CSEL 68, 30-32)The inheritance of… Read More
Jesus risen gives peace. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sign up to have podcasts and blog posts emailed to you: Give feedback at… Read More
Our Lord Jesus Christ is risen, conquering sin and death, and gives eternal life to all. #Catholic #homily #Scripture #GospelOfTheDay Sign up to have podcasts and blog posts emailed to you:… Read More

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