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Vedic Practices In Kaaba Islam

it is curious to know that the history of Arabia  before the advent of Prophet Muhammad  is blank.

The Pre Prophet  Arabian history is summed up in the statement that the Arabs were Nomads, warring tribes and worshiped Pagans.

Islamic History records that Muhammad, after his return from Medina destroyed 360 Idols in Kaaba.

This was done with the help of Seven allies with whom Muhammad formed an alliance and these people were tribal chiefs.

The early unruly and warring tribes of Arabia was subjugated by King Vikramaditya of India in 100 BC.

He established Hindu Dharma and laid the foundation of Sanatana Dharma in Arabia.

Along with other idols , he also installed a Shiva Linga in Kaaba.

it is believed that Jats from India were entrusted with the protection of the Kaaba temple.

And they also doubled up as physicians.

‘It is mentioned in the Abadis i.e., the authentic traditions of Prophet Mohammad compiled by Imam Bukhari that the Indian tribe of Jats had settled in Arabia before Prophet Mohammad’s times. Once when Hazrat Ayesha, wife of the Prophet, was taken ill, her nephew sent for a Jat physician for her treatment. This proves that Indians enjoyed a high and esteemed status in Arabia. Such a status could not be theirs unless they were the rulers. Bukhari also tells us that an Indian Raja (king) sent a jar of ginger pickles to the Prophet. This shows that the Indian Jat Raja ruled an adjacent area so as to be in a position to send such an insignificant present as ginger pickles. The Prophet is said to have so highly relished it as to have told his colleagues also to partake of it. These references show that even during Prophet Mohammad’s times Indians retained their influential role in Arabia, which was a dwindling legacy from Vikramaditya’s times.9slaram, net)

There is yet another evidence that priests were sent from Kerala by the King Cheraman Peruman Nayanar to perform Poojas in the Kaaba temple.

He was a contemporary of Prophet.

As a matter of fact this is the only solid historical evidence from external sources for the existence of Prophet.

Ibn Battuta accounts say that Calicut King Cheman Perumal had a head priest cum accounts in-charge at the Shiva Temple ( called PAGAN temple by the west ) at Mecca which was a watering oasis for the camels , enroute to Jerusalem and Petra.

For whatever reasons, the disturbed King decided to make a trip to Mecca , as soon as he heard that Mohammed founded Islam and installed a black stone , on the SE corner of the Kaaba.

He took a ship from Calicut to Salalah and form there went by caravan route to Mecca. He met Mohammed , and the Islamic grapevine says that he was impressed by Islam and got converted from Hindu to Muslim.


The King’s court at Calicut does NOT record this conversion, though messages were sent fast by carrier pigeons and hawks. The Encyclopedia Islamia admits as much when it says: “Muhammed’s grandfather and uncles were hereditary priests of the Kaaba temple which housed 360 Vedic idols!” The encyclopedia Britannica records this too.( Captain Ajit Vadakayil)

That the Kin was converted to Islam is not corroborated.


The Vedic Practices in Kaaba that are observed even today.

Kaaba doors open at Pradosha Time, between 4. 30 and 5. 30 PM.

1.The perambulation  in the anti clock wise direction around the Kaaba is the Hindu practice of perambulating  Shiva in the anti clockwise direction direction during pradosha, the sacred day to worship Shiva.

2.Shiva Linga,after Abhisheka(bathing the Deity, is dried by slightly applying Silk Cloth .

“One of my Pakistani Second Engineers, who had done religious studies in Khandahar and in Iran for many years , told me that every time he went to Mecca his friends and relatives would gives him dozens of silk handkerchiefs , to rub on the black stone . And every time he spent some time hurriedly doing that , he would get whipped quite severely by someone who was paid to do this (to time usurpers )( captain Ajith Vadakayil)

3. In Hinduism deities are to be worshiped by wearing unstitched cloth, Dhoti.

The Muslim garment worn in Kaaba is without stitches.

‘As the pilgrim proceeds towards Mecca he is asked to shave his head and beard and to don special sacred attire that consists of two seamless sheets of white cloth. One is to be worn round the waist and the other over the shoulders. Both these rites are remnants of the old Vedic practice of entering Hindu temples clean- and with holy seamless white sheets.’

4. Ganga Water is sacred for Hindus and those ho visit Varanasi bring the Ganga River water in a Brass vessel. Of late people bring this in a plastic bottle.

Another Hindu tradition associated with the Kaaba is that of the sacred stream Ganga (sacred waters of the Ganges river). According to the Hindu tradition Ganga is also inseparable from the Shiva emblem as the crescent moon. Wherever there is a Siva emblem, Ganga must co-exist. True to that association a sacred fount exists near the Kaaba. Its water is held sacred because it has been traditionally regarded as Ganga since pre-Islamic times (Zam-Zam water).

[Note: Even today, Muslim pilgrims who go to the Kaaba for Haj regard this Zam-Zam water with reverence and take some bottled water with them as sacred water.]

5.Namaz and Pancha Maha Yagnyas.


Recital of the Namaz five times a day owes its origin to the Vedic injunction of Panchmahayagna (five daily worship- Panch-Maha-Yagna) which is part of the daily Vedic ritual prescribed for all individuals.

6.Anga suddhi. Purification of the parts of the Body.

Muslims are enjoined cleanliness of five parts of the body before commencing prayers.

This derives from the Vedic injuction

‘Shareer Shydhyartham Panchanga Nyasah’

7.Etymological similarities.

Kaaba temple from Kabaaleeswara( Shiva)

Eed means worship and Griha means ‘house’, the Islamic word Idgah signifies a ‘House of worship’ which is the exact Sanskrit connotation of the term. Similarly the word ‘Namaz’ derives from two Sanskrit roots ‘Nama’ and ‘Yajna’ (NAMa yAJna) meaning bowing and worshiping.

8.Vratas and Months.

The Muslim month ‘Safar’ signifying the ‘extra’ month (Adhik Maas) in the Hindu calendar. The Muslim month Rabi is the corrupt form of Ravi meaning the sun because Sanskrit ‘V’ changes into Prakrit ‘B’ (Prakrit being the popular version of Sanskrit language). The Muslim sanctity for Gyrahwi Sharif is nothing but the Hindu Ekadashi (Gyrah = elevan or Gyaarah). Both are identical in meaning.

Four months of the year are regarded as very sacred in Islamic custom. The devout are enjoined to abstain from plunder and other evil deeds during that period. This originates in the Chaturmasa i.e., the four-month period of special vows and austerities in Hindu tradition. Shabibarat is the corrupt form of Shiva Vrat and Shiva Ratra. Since the Kaaba has been an important centre of Shiva (Siva) worship from times immemorial, the Shivaratri festival used to be celebrated there with great gusto. It is that festival which is signified by the Islamic word Shabibarat.

The Islamic term ‘Eed-ul-Fitr’ derives from the ‘Eed of Piters’ that is worship of forefathers in Sanskrit tradition. In India, Hindus commemorate their ancestors during the Pitr-Paksha that is the fortnight reserved for their remembrance. The very same is the significance of ‘Eed-ul-Fitr’ (worship of forefathers).

The Islamic practice of observing the moon rise before deciding on celebrating the occasion derives from the Hindu custom of breaking fast on Sankranti and Vinayaki Chaturthi only after sighting the moon.

Barah Vafat, the Muslim festival for commemorating those dead in battle or by weapons, derives from a similar Sanskrit tradition because in Sanskrit ‘Phiphaut’ is ‘death’. Hindus observe Chayal Chaturdashi in memory of those who have died in battle.

The Islamic practice of Bakari Eed derives from the Go-Medh and Ashva-Medh Yagnas or sacrifices of Vedic times. Eed in Sanskrit means worship. The Islamic word Eed for festive days, signifying days of worship, is therefore a pure Sanskrit word. The word MESH in the Hindu zodiac signifies a lamb. Since in ancient times the year used to begin with the entry of the sun in Aries, the occasion was celebrated with mutton feasting. That is the origin of the Bakari Eed festival.

[Note: The word Bakari is an Indian language word for a goat.]

9. Shiva Stuthi by Muhammds’ Uncle.

The Shiva Sloka

Kafavomal fikra min ulumin Tab asayru
Kaluwan amataul Hawa was Tajakhru
We Tajakhayroba udan Kalalwade-E Liboawa
Walukayanay jatally, hay Yauma Tab asayru
Wa Abalolha ajabu armeeman MAHADEVA
Manojail ilamuddin minhum wa sayattaru
Wa Sahabi Kay-yam feema-Kamil MINDAY Yauman
Wa Yakulum no latabahan foeennak Tawjjaru
Massayaray akhalakan hasanan Kullahum
Najumum aja- at Summa gabul HINDU



The man who may spend his life in sin
and irreligion or waste it in lechery and wrath
If at least he relent and return to
righteousness can he be saved?
If but once he worship Mahadeva with a pure
heart, he will attain the ultimate in spirituality.
Oh Lord Shiva exchange my entire life for but
a day’s sojourn in India where one attains salvation.
But one pilgrimage there secures for one all
merit and company of the truly great.

Citation and References.


Filed under: Hindusim, Islam Tagged: Arabia, bakrid, Islam, Kaaba, Kaaba shiva, namaz, Prophet, Shiva Arabia, Vedic practice Islam, Zam Zam water

This post first appeared on Ramani's Blog | Education Health Hinduism India Li, please read the originial post: here

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Vedic Practices In Kaaba Islam


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