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Allow Each Other To Follow Their Path
by Michael Donahoe Is it aggravating to anyone else, or is it just me? I mean the fact that no matter what you believe, what your interpretation, someone always has a completely opposite… Read More
What I Used To Think
What I Wish I Had Known by Jim Gordon Having grown up in church all my life, there are many things I used to think and believe that have changed over the years. If I could go back fift… Read More
by Jim Gordon It is sad that Christianity is divided into so many different groups. We all have a little different interpretation of the Bible and a little different understanding of doct… Read More
By Mike Edwards Acceptance of certain creeds or doctrines is often expected to join a church. They may concern whether the Bible is inspired by God, how one obtains salvation, afterlife beli… Read More
By Mike Edwards Many want to believe in a God but not the God often claimed by Christians. I wrote here  why some don’t pursue God more or leave the institutional church but not G… Read More
We Are Called To Love
by Jim Gordon Jesus told us in the New Covenant to love God with all our heart, soul, strength and mind, and to love others as ourselves. So why is there so much disagreement and arguing… Read More
By Mike Edwards If you read my weekly Posts, you know I write on this topic a lot. It’s just that I believe many have a misinformed view of what God is like which drives them away from… Read More
By Mike Edwards No one knows definitively what awaits us after death. Not all scholars agree the English word “Hell” translated from Greek in the Bible suggested a fiery, torturo… Read More
By Mike Edwards We Must Rethink The Bible When It Comes To Gays! Why Can’t We Discuss Our Political, Science, Or Religious Differences? How Do We Know Our Truth Is The “Truth?… Read More
God Is Like Jesus, Loving And Kind
by Jim Gordon I grew up in the traditional church environment and followed the religious teachings and doctrines over the years. I have seen a lot of things that I now question and wonder… Read More
Merry Christmas Or Happy Holidays?
by Michael Donahoe I know there is always a debate this time of year about how we greet people during the Christmas season. Yet, just because we live in the United States, we need to r… Read More
By Mike Edwards We have been told forever it seems that Jesus’ death on the Cross was to spare us from going to Hell to appease God’s anger about our sins. All we have to do is d… Read More
Can We Prove Spiritual Things?
by Jim Gordon Have you noticed how often people get offended and feel they need to prove their point on so many topics and online posts: It usually does not go well once that starts, espe… Read More
Christ Is Our Focus
by Jim Gordon A good friend of mine wrote the following paragraph: ‘There is an old hymn that says On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand. As important a… Read More
By Mike Edwards Warning parents – Words of advice to your kids don’t nearly matter as much as your behaviors/actions. It determines if kids want to be like you and even if your k… Read More
Social Media
It Can Cause Much Hatred by Michael Donahoe I have watched with displeasure at times the discussions and comments on Social Media. This is a common way of communication these days and… Read More
God Is Not Up There Somewhere
by Jim Gordon Have you noticed how people like to look up toward the sky when they think of God? I recently watched several football players giving God praise by looking up and pointing t… Read More
Politics And The Christian Life
by Jim Gordon With political activity starting to ramp up in the United States, and with all the various issues and events in politics today, you may wonder if Christianity and politics c… Read More
By Mike Edwards The Gospel or God’s main message has been hijacked! We have been told forever it seems that Jesus’ death on the Cross was to spare us from going to Hell to appeas… Read More
Can We Really Be At Peace With All
by Jim Gordon To be at peace with all people, including believers and non-believers, it seems almost impossible in our world today. We have so many different thoughts and ideas, different… Read More
The Church And LGBTQ
by Jim Gordon Unfortunately, we know many people have been treated wrong within the church system. Some more severe that others, but none of it is good. I think one of the groups that… Read More
By Mike Edwards Jesus was asked what was the most important law by a religious-type (Mark 12:28-34). Religion-keepers try to stay in power by declaring their rules are God’s rules. Jes… Read More
What About Our Emotions
BEHIND THE MASK by Jim Gordon Growing up in Christianity, I found myself usually wearing a mask when I went to church. Not a physical mask, but an imaginary mask to hide my true emotio… Read More
The Spirit Of God Lives Within Us
by Jim Gordon I see a common problem among those of us who follow Christ these days. We talk about Jesus as a person from the past and seem to learn about him only from books, pastors and… Read More
Where Is God?
by Norman Mitchell I’ve struggled a lot with the apparent withdrawal of God from the world. The old testament is full of stories about God inte… Read More
By Mike Edwards Belief in a loving God can provide meaning and purpose in life. A belief in a God who loves us can be a valuable source for support and comfort. What is the harm in telling o… Read More
By Mike Edwards Let’s stop with the excuses! Certain actions are immoral regardless of whether you claim faith in God or no faith at all. I am bias that a belief in a moral, loving God… Read More
By Mike Edwards One may claim God is all-powerful or Omnipotent to show respect toward God. But perfect power is uncontrolling.  A perfect God’s love can’t be controlling. H… Read More
Is There Abuse In The Church?
Yes, but not for us by Jim Gordon It seems when I mention that my wife and I left the organized church, people assume something happened to hurt us or make us mad. Just to be clear… Read More
Is Church A Place? Do We Need To Go?
by Jim Gordon As someone who has grown up in organized religion and spending many years in the traditional church, I can honestly say that the institutional church has fallen way off cour… Read More
Oh No…Am I Woke?
by Michael Donahoe I hear this term often these days, so I finally decided to look up the definition and see exactly what it meant. It seems we hear it mainly as a negative thing, yet… Read More

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Done with Religion | The Writings of Jim Gordon,
