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Peace in the Midst of Turmoil

Friends of mine asked why I was talking so calmly about our world's current state of affairs. 

I am not worried. My Savior has it all under control. He loved those who follow Him so much that He took the time to inform them about what was to come, so they would know He is real and so they could have peace. God is in control! As His child, I am under His protection. 

I find what is going on fascinating and exciting! I have looked forward to the day I would meet Jesus ever since I accepted Him as my Savior. That's almost 50 years of waiting. While I want to complete the mission He has for me on this earth, I am also eager to the best part of my existence...eternity with Him. 

I am confident in God's ability to protect and provide for me and mine. 

This post first appeared on Contentment Acres, please read the originial post: here

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Peace in the Midst of Turmoil
