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Amanda is the heroine in this story.

Amanda Is The Heroine In This Story.

I've known what a starter in a car looks like since I started dating Clint at 16 and kept him company while he put one in his Chevelle.

The starter went out on our Suburban last night. We are on a fairly tight deadline to leave for a trip. Clint and Caleb took the bad starter off last night.

I told him I would try to get the starter installed today before he got home. Note my wording. My plan was to ask Amanda to put it in, and she did. I am very thankful to her for that.

However, Clint thought **I** was going to try.

So, me, being me, I knew I could have some fun with him.

I sent him this text this morning, and I had fun with him asking really dumb questions until he figured out I was playing with him. He caught on when I sent a video of the truck running and accused me of having co-conspirators! HA!

I am so thankful the Lord gave us a sense of humor so that we can ease the stress of daily living for our loved ones.

(That is most definitely NOT a starter in the picture. It's a master cylinder to a Cougar.)

This post first appeared on Contentment Acres, please read the originial post: here

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Amanda is the heroine in this story.
