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Contentment Acres Blog

We are a Christian homeschooling family of 9 sharing experiences on our 14 acre farm in rural Virginia. Blog entries could feature anything going on in our lives: our walk with Christ, triumphs and struggles, homeschool, family life, helpful hints, tips for large family living, rural living, herbal medicine, etc. If you enjoyed your visit, please drop us a line at [email protected]
Courage Gets A Sibling
When Brandon was hired at HW, he had to give up Courage due to the 75% travel time requirement. All of us loved Courage and were sad to see him go. But, we frequently hear from the couple wh… Read More
Brandon New Kind Of Training
Once a year, Brandon gets to hang out with some knowledgeable friends. This year, Brandon is in New Mexico camping and training on BLM land. His bosses encouraged the trip by paying for one… Read More
Not Junk Or Stuff, Resources
A strong Christian told me once not to see things as "junk" or "stuff," but to call our possessions God-given resources. This way of labeling possessions fills us with gratitude for God's pr… Read More
I am very tender towards losing little creatures. A rural upbringing and our homesteading have hardened me somewhat, but sometimes the losses still get to me. It is harder when it is somethi… Read More
 It happened. I have to wait. I want to respect boundaries Read More
Someone asked me today how do you know the difference between God speaking to your heart and what you want Him to say to your heart? My answer...Scripture will lead you there. God will… Read More
It is very busy around here. All is well. It is a good kind of busy. We are trying to balance family life with work, projects, farm, and the gardens. We are also trying to catch up on the th… Read More
If you say you do not have any skeletons in your closet, you just threw one in there. You are a liar. God's Word says, "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Roma… Read More
Wild Lettuce
Wild lettuce (aka "opium lettuce") is safe to forage but is best in early spring while the leaves are tender. I transplanted some to a big planter this year and let them grow so I could make… Read More
Cauliflower Leaves
My cauliflower plants are shaded, so they are still putting out plenty of leaves. These can be eaten raw in salads or cooked like collards.Make use of what is growing in your garden Read More
Caleb and Elora have decided they do not want to wait another year to marry. With the uncertainty in this crazy world of ours, they want to go ahead and get married.They spend every moment t… Read More
We have raised quail many times off and on since 1995. This time, there is much more of an interest in the birds and quail products than ever before. Part of that is the larger Asian and Lat… Read More
In the interactions with customers, family, and friends the question of how I peel quail eggs has come up frequently. I have finally put it in writing to make it easier to share. For those w… Read More
Seeking "God experiences" and "new revelations" outside of His Word show a lack of comprehension of the magnitude of our sin and God's mercy and grace.  Read More
Last week, I was asked to share a tip for people new to homesteading or raising animals. My answer was a little different from the others, and people liked it.My answer:Invest in good infras… Read More
Karen, a long-time friend and dear sister in the Lord, told me that she has stage 4 cancer with open wounds. She has been in stage 4 for 18 months and feels what she is doing is prolong… Read More
Harvest Time
As a young woman, I could not imagine doing what I will do today. I was too weak-minded and not connected to the food I ate. I am grateful to the Lord for the mental strength, the provision… Read More
Want To Raise Some Of Your Own Food?
One of the highlights of my farm chores is collecting the 4-5 dozen quail eggs a day. We have raised them off and on since 1995. The humble quail eats very little but gives so much in return… Read More
A friend has been picking my brain about releasing some coturnix quail on his farm. He just wants to see them around and realizes they may not do that well. It's not something I would person… Read More
‘She sat at the back and they said she was shy,She led from the front and they hated her pride,They asked her advice and then questioned her guidance,They branded her loud, then were s… Read More
Both Emily (16 years old) and Hannah (15 years old) were enrolled in college today! Penn Foster was happy to give them both a waiver since they are under 17 years old. Caleb is purchasi… Read More
Goose Scribble
I should have switched to a different pencil for the neck to make those areas look lighter.This was drawn from a picture of one of our geese Read More
Sarah, Rebecca, Josiah, Angel Noel, Abigail, Benjamin, Mary, Isaac, and JonathanFaith is not a magic pill that removes our pain. Faith is what helps us bear it. Today, I choose to be th… Read More
There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are the messengers of overwhelming grief, of deep… Read More
Clint and I are enjoying a spur-of-the-moment 10-day vacation. We decided to "run away together" in the middle of a hectic week. We found a beachfront house in the 4x4 area we enjoy. Then we… Read More
Caleb and Elora are engaged to be married. Clint and I are very happy for them. Our entire family is ecstatic! God has poured out blessings upon us! Read More
"Cheap grace is the preaching of forgiveness without requiring repentance, baptism without church discipline, communion without confession, absolution without personal confession. Cheap grac… Read More
 Religion tells you what you must do to be saved, Christianity tells you it is done for you. Jesus said "It is finished!" on the cross. The Bible is clear all we have to do is BELIEVE… Read More
 But all these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs. Matthew 24:8A birth pang is a contraction during pregnancy.synonyms for pang: agony, anguish, discomfort, spasms… Read More
Hannah's Graduation Photo
Hannah graduated at 14 years old in December 2023 if you go by the completion of her course. But, due to some issues on the school's part, she graduated at 15 years old in January 2024 if yo… Read More
Security the course of this lesson, Pastor Woods goes into why we, those who believe in Christ as Savior, can not lose our s… Read More
I don't mention my miscarried and stillborn babies often because I don't want to drag others down. Today, I will mention one of them briefly. I want it in our family archives that I did not… Read More
Hatching Time Quail Cage Update
Because I recommended the cage to so many, I want to give a full disclosure. I am using JB Weld Water to fix the leaking issues with our 5-layer Hatching Time quail cage. This is a… Read More
Friends of mine asked why I was talking so calmly about our world's current state of affairs. I am not worried. My Savior has it all under control. He loved those who follow Him so much… Read More
  Happy Eas✞er!to our family and friendsnear and far, old and new,close and estrangedfrom The Asbell Family!Dear Reader, As we observe Easter, let us examine ourselves… Read More
I recently shipped a young friend a box of cuttings, plants, etc from our farm to get her started at her new home. She asked me if she could put the plants on her porch to protect them from… Read More
Plant Tags
(I am an Amazon affiliate. They pay me a tiny commission for sharing links. I appreciate everything you purchase through one of my links.) I gave up buying the write-on plant tags a goo… Read More massive altar for the red heifer sacrifice has already been built. See it in the video embedded in the article.  Read More
My Amazing Husband
 Chainsaw Clint has many talents including electrical, technical, construction, car repair, HAM radio, and even calming frightened and rearing horses, etc, etc, etc!!! He also enjoys th… Read More
KingsHatchery on Ebay: I paid for 210 quail eggs. They sent 258. Of those, 215 hatched. That is an 83% hatch rate. I've ordered from them twice before and have another order on the way. They… Read More
At 9:20 a.m. today, I had a phone call from Joshua. He and Caleb were in the direct path of a fleeing fugitive this morning. In an effort to evade police, the fugitive engaged a co-worker in… Read More
I bought myself a bulb to force so I would have some color in the house during late winter.This is a double red amaryllis and there are still two bulbs to open Read More
Seed Organization Part 2
A few years ago, I reorganized my seeds and put the packets into folders in bins because no other organization method works. Shortly before a singular audacious murine vermin invaded my… Read More
Caleb Taught Emily How To Do A Burnout.
Caleb was loading a car on his trailer to take to the metal yard. He saw Emily and decided to teach her how to do a burnout before he loaded it. I am so thankful they let me be part of momen… Read More
Please pray for our friend S. I went to middle and part of high school with him. He has been mentioned in the blog previously for cancer. He went to TX for a trial drug. His condition has de… Read More
Plant Fun
After my ginger died back for the winter, I planted rye over it to give me something green to enjoy in the house. I'll feed this to my geese soon. I had to add the googly eyes! Have a great… Read More
We had an abandoned newborn right at the same time the high fever hit me.Life kicks hard. Kick back harder!Perseverance gets it done.The baby was born a few days before 2/14 and had to be bo… Read More
"There are those who say that God won’t give us anything we can’t handle. That’s only true for temptations. Other than that, He gives us more than we can handle so that we… Read More
X2 Kitties At The Window Seat
Caleb's Ace, the one who is supposed to stay outside, and Emily's MarvelAce comes indoors to sleep. He goes outside at night.I rarely ever see Marvel because she is almost always next to Emi… Read More
Joshua moved into an apartment with a good friend today. We will miss having him at home, but we are also happy for him on this next big step in life. 4 moved out, 3 to go Read More
I have several elderly friends on very limited budgets trying to eat well and also pay for medical necessities. Many are going hungry, eating unhealthily, or having to budget very carefully… Read More
Brandon is making the most of his training in Houston for Honeywell. He was able to see the Houston Space Center Saturday and attended Sugar Land Bible Church Sunday. He is also showing some… Read More
A Daughter Is A Blessing To Have
There are days I feel like a failure. Then one of my children builds me up.I am so very thankful for the close relationships I have with all of my children.As flawed as I am, I am also very… Read More
289 More Eggs In The 'bator
 I just set another 289 quail eggs in the incubator. They are from ebay seller KingsHatchery2013 who I was delighted to learn are my brothers and sisters in the Lord. They sent a card w… Read More
“All Satan’s Apples Have Worms. I do not deny that the Devil has some pretty apples; I just say that all of them are fakes and that after you bite into them, you will find they h… Read More
Rooting Thai Basil
rooting station with Thai basil cuttingsThai basil is savory and spicy and pairs well with beef or chicken. We like it in Pad Kra Pao (Thai basil beef). My whole family LOVES it. Medicinally… Read More
Sarah has been mentioned in the blog before. Our family loves her. She is young and has had many major health issues, but she has a very strong faith and bold testimony for Jesus.Sarah had a… Read More
Tippy has been mentioned in the blog before. He is family friend and a co-worker of Clint's and Amanda's. Tippy recently discovered he has brain cancer. He is undergoing treatment this… Read More
Incubating Quail Eggs In A Pan Of Rice
My incubator is homemade. I've used it for several years, and Clint just overhauled it this year. To test it, I purchased quail eggs.I did not have quail egg trays, so I used rice in an alum… Read More
$6 Quail Brooder
Picture came out darker than reality, but Clint made me a quail brooder last night. We found the cooler left behind on one of our remote camping trips a few years ago. We packed it out with… Read More
Colorful Eggs
I have had all of the colorful egg layers over the years, so they aren't a big deal to me. However, my sweet Emily said she wanted some green and blue eggs. So, I bought her some chicks. :-)… Read More
Brandon is in Texas for the next two weeks for Honeywell. He is giving retired military personnel exposure to the company in addition to work/training. He is loving his job! Read More
Amanda Goofed
The airline wrapped around the roll, so she had to quickly shut off the large machine to avert a bigger issue.Her co-worker told my fun-loving girl to pose for a picture Read More
A Helping Hannah
As a homeschooling parent, I always tried to reinforce and reward the behavior I wanted. It has paid off. I came inside from doing something and saw this. Hannah saw sand on the couch from t… Read More
With my particular set of God-given interests and talents, I used to think I should have been born during a different time period. When I was a teen and in my 20s, none of my friends were in… Read More
I do not care if I fit in with another person or a group of people.I do not care if they love me or hate me.I want to reflect Jesus.I am His Read More
"Real love is not simply the words 'I love you.' Real love, God's love, is the love described in 1 Corinthians 13. It's a daunting checklist because we fall so short of God's definition of r… Read More
I lost a goose that I had for over 10 years today. It could simply hear my voice and come running and flying to me honking with exuberant joy. That made conversations in the yard or by an op… Read More
"Beware of manufacturing a God of your own: a God who is all mercy, but not just; a God who is all love, but not holy; a God who has a heaven for everybody, but a hell for none; a God who ca… Read More
Hannah's high school diploma arrived yesterday evening!Thoughts:I have worked myself right out of a job.I have taught seven people to read and write. That was an honor and a privilege.I have… Read More
Our Christian school made us wear culottes for PE. They had to be within an inch of our knee cap or they were considered immodest and we would be sent home. When my first daughter was a pre… Read More

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Contentment Acres
