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Yom Kippur
    by Reb Gutman Locks          Yom Kippur     … Read More
    by Reb Gutman Locks         Redemption!     … Read More
   by Reb Gutman Locks      5785 The New Year       This… Read More
The Furthest Ends
   by Reb Gutman Locks The Furthest Ends        Even if you go to the furthest ends of the Heave… Read More
Be Happy
   by Reb Gutman Locks      Be Happy        If y… Read More
Getting Ready
   by Reb Gutman Locks    Getting Ready        The month of Elul: Gettin… Read More
   by Reb Gutman Locks        The Curses        This week's Torah reading, Ke Savo, lists the horrible curses that can, G-d… Read More
   by Reb Gutman Locks         Home        I wrote, "Be happy that you are here, and do what you are supposed to d… Read More
Relaxing Music        I was asked about using music as a meditation tool. I answered that I listen to a short music piece that I made on an instrument th… Read More
A Success Story
   by Reb Gutman Locks            A Success Story   When you listen to good advice … Jonathan wrote:    &n… Read More
    by Reb Gutman Locks           Life!        In English, "Life" has a big "if" in the middle of it. Actuall… Read More
Giving And Getting
   by Reb Gutman Locks     Giving and Getting        I noticed when someone goes by and puts a coin or two into the charity box a… Read More
      by Reb Gutman Locks    Blessings         Count your blessings. There are a lot of them. When you are blessed but d… Read More
A Ton Of Feathers
    by Reb Gutman Locks        A Ton of Feathers        How much does a ton of feathers weigh? Obviously, it weighs a t… Read More
Alternative Healing?
   by Reb Gutman Locks          Alternative Healing?        A recent news article on alternative healing practices… Read More
    by Reb Gutman Locks          G-d is One!        G-d's most holy name is "Hashem." The letters spelling "Hashem… Read More
   By Reb Gutman Locks       Saying Something Right        We do not sit with one leg on top of the other in shul, and surel… Read More
Picking It Up
   by Reb Gutman Locks        Picking It Up        Early this morning… by the Kotel, two young baal teshuva look… Read More
Act Like G-d!
    by Reb Gutman Locks          Act Like G-d!        How can you say such a thing? How can man, a speck of c… Read More
    by Reb Gutman Locks      OW!        I have a friend who… Read More
What To Tell Them?
    by Reb Gutman Locks         What to Tell Them?        One comment asked how to answer Jews who ask if Hashem r… Read More
   by Reb Gutman Locks         Help        It was a little before 1:00 in the morning. I was walking through the a… Read More
Our Life
   by Reb Gutman Locks        Our Life        Each life in all of creation seems to be a separate, individual life. At… Read More
Gutman’s Poem
   by Reb Gutman Locks    (It's that time of year again) I wrote this poem some 15 years ago and each year it seems to be more and more true   &n… Read More
    by Reb Gutman Locks           Amazing        If you have been reading my posts you know the tool I have f… Read More
This Way Or What?
     by Reb Gutman Locks        This Way or What?        A young, soon-to-be rabbi stopped me on the street a… Read More
The Unclean Power
   by Reb Gutman Locks      The Unclean Power        Before I knew to follow Hashem's Torah, I searched many places looking… Read More
I Already Did That
   by Reb Gutman Locks I Already Did That     He's from France. He lives in Israel half the year and in France half the year. He was on his way out b… Read More
Temple Mount Today?
   by Reb Gutman Locks         Temple Mount Today?        There is a lot of confusion today as to why we do not ye… Read More
Far Reaching
   by Reb Gutman  Locks        Far Reaching         A Chabad rabbi came into the Kotel area and a bunch of gu… Read More
Standing Close
   by Reb Gutman Locks         Standing Close   A reader wrote:      This is something that bugs me since I v… Read More
   by Reb Gutman Locks               Holy        What is holy? The fact is that only Hashem is holy… Read More
A Chassid
    by Reb Gutman Locks          A Chassid        Chassidism is a movement of Orthodox Torah observance that was f… Read More
Anti Semitism!
   by Reb Gutman Locks   Anti Semitism!        Why is there antisemitism? Especially now, and all over the world?    … Read More
Hashem Bless
   by Reb Gutman Locks         Hashem Bless        Every day, pray for our soldiers, that Hashem should protect th… Read More
What To Do
   by Reb Gutman Locks         What to Do        My advice: Speak softly and lovingly to Hashem as you go through… Read More
    by Reb Gutman Locks            Holiness        When we affix a mezuzah to its proper place, put on t… Read More
   by Reb Gutman Locks         Yikes!        I made a big mistake. Without knowing it, I bought a ballpoint pen th… Read More
I Forget!
   by Reb Gutman Locks         I Forget!        A couple of things you can do about it.    … Read More
   by Reb Gutman Locks          Tell Him What You Want        After he read the Shema, I told him to go stand by t… Read More
    by Reb Gutman Locks       Forbidden        In Israel, every hour someone dies from cigarette smoke, either because he sm… Read More
Our Deeds
   by Reb Gutman Locks    Our Deeds        Time is ongoing and accumulative. Moment after moment… going on and on, and as each m… Read More
A Story
   by Reb Gutman Locks        A Story        I was on my way to the Kotel to daven Mincha… and I said, "Hashem… Read More

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