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We owe our ability to hold elections to those who fought and gave their lives so valiantly in two World Wars. Yesterday, June 6, was the 80th anniversary of D-Day, commemorating the Normandy… Read More
Yesterday, someone online posted the following photo of a page from a history book: Someone else, replying to the image, said that it came from a volume by the famous British historian AJP… Read More
Carrying on from Lionel Shriver’s pointers for spotting ‘the next mania’, here is a quote from Dietrich Bonhoeffer explaining why a stupid person is more dangerous than a m… Read More
Dehenna Davison was one of the rising stars of the 2019 Conservative MP intake. Unfortunately, she is not standing for re-election. Amazingly, she was the first Conservative to win in the no… Read More
‘What have the Romans ever done for us?’ is the tongue-in-cheek British question. In terms of architecture and infrastructure, quite a lot, actually. Furthermore, in 2023 and 202… Read More
Seasoned home bakers know that measurements are everything. Most know about the differences between metric, American and British measurements. However, sometimes, despite our best efforts at… Read More
Privately, many Christians in England celebrated Easter with much joyful reverence. Publicly, the media covered the greatest feast day in the Church year quite differently. It’s not th… Read More

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Churchmouse Campanologist | Ringing the bells for
