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I have worked in a factory for the last 31 years. Looking back I should have been fired a long time ago for absentism. I have seen a lot of different changes that have happened out there. The last few years they have started having Cells. It is 4 or 5 lines that have come up with a compass and the direction that they want to go. I work in Cell 4 in UP2 (Powders) which is th BOGO (Buy 1 Get One Free) Our message is that we are a family that Leads By Example to be #1. We are 100% Committed to our job and to do our very best to meet or exceeds our customers expectations. To be honest I didn't know what the purpose of all the team building activities that was going on at work. Now it is coming clearer and clearer. I have a vision and clarity now. The outside clutter is not inside me anymore. We cannot place money first. I have the Serenity and the Peace that I haven't had in a long time. Awesome CD's or DVD's

This post first appeared on The Star Team, please read the originial post: here

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