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1-23-23 Rapture Ready News


Rapture Ready End Times News 23 Jan 2023 Published on: January 23, 2023 by RR8 The Internal Debate in the Iranian Elite Over the Hijab Protests The four-month-long protests deeply worry the Iranian leadership. The hijab is a basic tenet of the Iranian ayatollahs’ theology. The wave of protest is now a force that threatens the stability of the regime. So far, between 400 and 500 people have been killed in the protests, among them members of the Iranian security forces, and about 18,000 people have been arrested. The execution of Ali Reza Akbari symbolizes the victory of the extremist faction of the Iranian elite. Some senior officials at the top of the Iranian regime believe that flexibility should be shown in handling the protests to calm the atmosphere. In the US, COVID decreased prayer attendance but increased levels of faith The study polled 9,425 Americans by phone and online between February and April 2022. To help researchers focus on pandemic-driven changes, the study included only individuals who had registered their religious affiliations and church attendance patterns in a previous survey between 2018 and March 2020. The report concluded that religious identity remained stable through the pandemic but religious attendance was significantly lower in spring 2022 than it was pre-pandemic. Mysterious antennas keep popping up in Utah’s mountains On Wednesday, Jan. 4, officials with Salt Lake City, Utah’s recreational trails management team had to hike up a mountainside to retrieve a mysterious antenna popping through the snow. But this antenna was not the first they’ve encountered. As many as a dozen have now been found. “These towers have been bolted into different peaks and summits and ridges around the foothills,” Fonarow told KSL 5 TV in a recent interview. Subpoena emails, phone records, polygraph law clerks to nab Dobbs leaker, urges ex-Gorsuch clerk “The fact that the draft decision leaked … along with a separate leak of the internal deliberations shows me it was probably a law clerk,” he said. “It was probably one of the 12 law clerks to the three liberal justices who were upset that they were gonna overturn Roe v. Wade, and they were trying to change votes. Expert Warns: Twitter Files Prove America Fast Becoming a TOTALITARIAN STATE When asked what will happen if the country’s current trajectory continues for three to five years, Peterson said, “We’ll be in totalitarian state territory, there’s no question about it.” remember, this went so far as the government saying, ‘You need to find evidence that there are Russians influencing the election on Twitter.’ And Twitter saying, ‘No, that’s not happening. Mexican president hails ’40 million Mexicans in the United States’ Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador remarked on the tens of millions of Mexicans living in the U.S. during a recent summit with President Joe Biden. The pair of presidents joined Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in Mexico City last week for an annual gathering of the North American leaders nicknamed the “Three Amigos Summit.” Where Did All The Workers Go? Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell blamed most of the 3.5 million estimated shortfall in the US labor force on premature retirements. He also blamed a large portion – between 280,000 and 680,000 – on “long Covid.” In a footnote, however, Powell acknowledged a far more somber factor: an estimated 400,000 unexpected deaths among working age people. WSJ Shreds Vaccine Makers, Biden Admin Over “Deceptive” Booster Campaign Wall Street Journal editorial board member Allysia Finley has taken a flamethrower to vaccine makers over their “deceptive” campaign for bivalent Covid boosters, and slams several federal agencies for taking “the unprecedented step of ordering vaccine makers to produce them and recommending them without data supporting their safety or efficacy.” US Quietly Boosts Military Training For Taiwan: The training, not previously known, began some time before the spring of 2022 in an attempt to increase the island’s deterrent effect against a possible Chinese invasion and improve U.S.-Taiwan cooperation, sources familiar told Nikkei. While the exact scope and duration of the expanded training mission in Taiwan remain unclear, training of this sort has proven effective in enhancing U.S. partners’ abilities to defend against attackers. Priests Were Called to the Pelosi Home: Nancy Pelosi reportedly arranged for priests to conduct what her daughter called an “exorcism” of the Pelosis’ San Francisco home after the October attack that left Pelosi’s husband, Paul, badly injured. Nancy Pelosi, an ardent advocate of legal abortion, identifies as a “devout” Roman Catholic, AWOL Navy SEAL Confirmed Dead on Battlefield The U.S. Navy has confirmed former SEAL Daniel Swift, who was listed as absent without leave, was killed on Wednesday while fighting alongside Ukrainian forces against Russian invaders, as first reported by Time magazine. Biden is finished. Here are the deep state’s 3 possible replacements Poor helpless, hapless, mumbling, stumbling, bumbling, brain-dead President Joe Biden. It’s all over for him. The puppet’s days are clearly numbered. The cat is out of the bag. Everyone knows. Even most Democrats finally got the message: They don’t want Biden in 2024. For Biden, the end is near. Soon he will be impeached, indicted or forced to resign in disgrace. How the American cultural establishment submits to Islam The American cultural establishment behaves like the Saudis when it comes to Islam. Hamline president Fayneese S. Miller said respect for Muslim students “should have replaced academic freedom.” We are at this level now. What about respect for Catholic, Jewish or Hindu students? Will the A-G declare Netanyahu unfit to serve? Guess again Reports on Friday said that the attorney-general is considering declaring Netanyahu unfit because of conflict of interest. The Myth of Israel’s ‘Mass Anti-Government Protests’ While Israel is a small country, getting 100,000 protesters, on any side, to take to the streets is really not very hard. Here are just half a dozen examples: US forces capture two ISIS members during air and ground raid in eastern Syria The raid occurred on Saturday, according to Central Command spokesperson. Few other details made available. Pompeo to INN: You can’t give an inch on things that matter most Former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo tells Israel National News that the controversy that has erupted this week stemming from a passage in his new book about Nikki Haley plotting to be named Trump’s vice president while she was serving as the administration’s UN ambassador reveals a great deal about the way Washington D.C. functions. “The fact that it became a story of the day tells you a lot about Washington D.C.,” Pompeo says. “The story I was telling was about teams and how you build them and about commitment and duty. ‘The rampant Arab illegal building has come to an end’ Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claimed Sunday evening that during the month of January, the defense establishment cleared 38 illegal structures in Judea and Samaria. … there cannot be one law for the Arabs and one law for the Jews. The law should also be enforced on Khan al-Ahmar and dozens of illegal Arab outposts.” Extreme cold hits China’s Heilongjiang province: Moha drops to -53.0 °C (-63.4 °F) — the lowest temperature in Chinese history The minimum temperature at Jingtao automated weather station in the town of Amur, Mohe City in Heilongjiang Province, China fell to -53.0°C (-63.4°F) on January 22, 2023, marking the lowest temperate ever recorded in the province and the lowest ever observed by the Chinese meteorological system (preliminary). Davos: Electric Cars for Commoners, Fuel Cars for WEF Elites – RAIR In Davos, Japanese journalist Masako Ganaha spoke to a chauffeur who drives the World Economic Forum (WEF) VIPs around. He told her he could not use a plug-in car to transport VIPs. He went on to say that electric vehicles are very “dangerous.” ‘Vaccinated’ Japan Brought to its Knees by Covid: Record Hospitalizations and Deaths While Pfizer has “pledged” to conduct further studies into the efficacy and safety of the Covid vaccine, Japan, perhaps the most disciplined country in the world, is facing a dramatic situation. The state is setting record after record in Covid hospitalizations and deaths, ranking first in the world for the number of infections. Moreover, in October 2022, Japan also received the vaccine adapted for Omicron. Deadly Skies: FAA Moves Medical Goalposts for Pilots – Putting Your Life At Risk It’s one thing for a professional athlete to collapse on the sports field as so many have been wont to do since the roll-out of mRNA vaccines, but it’s something entirely different for a pilot while flying a plane with the lives of hundreds of passengers in the balance. Muslims Erupts After Qur’an Burning: Turkey Rejects Sweden’s NATO Membership Unless It Submits to Islamic Blasphemy Laws Protests in Stockholm on Saturday against Turkey and Sweden’s bid to join NATO, including burning a copy of the Qur’an, have massively escalated tensions with Turkey. Especially at a time when the Nordic country needs the Islamic nation’s backing to gain entry to the military alliance. It appears that after Sweden did not comply with Turkey’s demands to impose Sharia blasphemy laws on its population, Turkey is saying no to Sweden’s NATO application. Davos Attendee: Agenda is to Create a “New World Order” A Davos speaker explicitly outlined the World Economic Forum’s agenda when he stated that the goal was to create a “new world order.” Meta is told ‘free the nipple’: Facebook and Instagram are lifting ban on bare breasts Meta has been told to ‘free the nipple’ at its Oversight Board’s recommendation that the ban on bare breasts violates ‘human rights’ of women, transgender and non-binary people. Individual CO2 Limits Needed for Climate Change, Says German Scientist An individual carbon dioxide limit should be applied to every person in order to establish a “planetary guardrail” in the effort to combat allegedly man-made climate change, a leading German scientist has argued. German Government data confirms the COVID Vaccinated did develop Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome in Jan. 2022 & it caused 102k Excess Deaths over the year; a 276% increase on Deaths in 2020 Official Data shows Germany suffered over 102k excess deaths in 2022, a 276% increase on excess deaths recorded in the year 2020, the alleged height of the Covid-19 pandemic, and prior to the emergency use authorisation of Covid-19 injections. Does this prove that the COVID Vaccinated did go on to develop Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome as predicted in an official report published by the ‘Robert Koch Institut? The Pfizer-Gate Scandal: Mortality Rates reveal a Shocking Truth as 2 Million Excess Deaths are recorded across USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand & Europe ….recent reports from the Governments of the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the UK and most of Europe have raised alarm bells as they confirm that 2 million excess deaths have been recorded since the mass roll-out of the Covid-19 injections. Further reports published by the UK Government also confirm that mortality rates are lowest among the unvaccinated in every single age group. Church of England bows to pressure and will allow blessings of same-sex civil unions for the first time Although stopping short of allowing a full-blown church wedding, the Anglican bishops are proposing church blessings for gay and lesbian civil unions that will include ‘prayers of dedication, thanksgiving and God’s blessing following a legal marriage ceremony.’

This post first appeared on ARE WE LIVING IN THE END TIMES, please read the originial post: here

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1-23-23 Rapture Ready News
