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8-17-21 Rapture Ready News

Rapture Ready End Times News 17 Aug 2021 Published on: August 17, 2021 by RRadmin7 Taliban To Afghan Christians: We Know Who You Are, And We’re Coming For You The images pouring out of Afghanistan right now via social media as Kabul falls to the Taliban are simply horrifying. Hundreds of people flooding the airport in Kabul, desperate to escape. Men who were clinging to the landing gear of a U.S. Airforce plane falling to their death as it took off in a scene gut-wrenchingly reminiscent of people plummeting from the burning Twin Towers. The wild-eyed looks of terror on those left behind, many of whom had worked with coalition forces for years and knew they were about to pay for it with their lives–and that there would likely be no rescue. Events in Afghanistan will embolden Iran, ISIS, officials warn Israeli officials remain largely mum on US actions in Kabul so as not to embarrass Washington, but some assert that Afghanistan’s fall into the Taliban’s hands has “clear and direct implications” for Israel and the Middle East in general. Afghanistan: ‘America will pay a price for years to come,’ say experts WASHINGTON – The US’s chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan has cast a shadow over the Biden administration’s foreign policy. That the Taliban easily drove through Kabul to recapture the presidential palace is a blow for the administrations’ assessment. Hamas congratulates Taliban for ‘defeating’ US In response to the Taliban re-conquest of Afghanistan, Hamas on Monday congratulated the Afghan people for “defeating” the US. “We congratulate the Muslim Afghan people for the defeat of the American occupation on all Afghan lands, and we congratulate the Taliban movement and its brave leadership on this victory, which culminated its long struggle over the past 20 years,” Hamas said in a statement. Haiti: Death toll in massive earthquake rises above 1,200 At least 1,297 people were killed in Saturday’s 7.2 magnitude earthquake in Haiti, authorities said Sunday. Hundreds of people are still missing and more than 2,800 were injured, Haiti’s civil protection services added. Sunday’s figures are a tragic rise in the death toll, which was at just over 300 on Saturday. NASA: New Data on Asteroid Bennu Still Suggests Possible Threat to Earth Bennu and other asteroids are considered near-Earth objects (NEOs). Scientists identify such objects as those having the possibility of coming within 50 million kilometers of Earth’s orbit. ‘Plague’ of wildfires worldwide: ‘Part of Elijah’s prophecy’ But who can endure the day of his coming, and who can hold out when he appears? For he is like a smelter’s fire and like fuller’s lye. Malachi 3:2 As wildfires burn around the world, one rabbi turns to the prophet Malachi who wrote that such fires would precede the pre-messiah appearance of Elijah, burning away evil while comforting the righteous. Massive fires have been breaking out all over the globe. Wildfires broke out in Canada in June and on Sunday, 105 fires were burning in Ottowa. Other fires raged in the Western US with the largest in northern California … Rocket from Gaza triggers sirens in Sderot, Western Negev Terrorist groups in the Gaza Strip fired a rocket into Israeli territory on Monday morning, triggering sirens in Sderot and other Western Negev communities, according to the Israel Defense Forces. Israel’s Iron Dome air-defense system intercepted the projectile, said the IDF, and no casualties or damage were reported. Texas Senate Passes Vote Integrity Bill, Democrats Face Arrest Warrants for Fleeing State to Stymie Democracy The Texas state Senate passed a Republican-backed voting integrity measure Thursday after a Texas Democrat ended her 15-hour filibuster. (Image: Unsplash-Joshua Woroniecki) Even though state Sen. Carol Alvarado knew she couldn’t block the legislation, Alvarado kept speaking on the Senate floor. Just minutes after she put down the microphone, the Senate passed the measure 18-11. PRIDE COMES BEFORE THE FALL: US Embassy in Kabul Was Celebrating Pride Month as Taliban Launched Final Campaign to Retake Country As the Taliban launched their final campaign to retake the country the Biden Administration and General Milley were celebrating Pride Month in Kabul. That’s important. Grace approaching Dominican Republic and Haiti, heavy rainfall expected Tropical Depression “Grace” is approaching the southern coast of the Dominican Republic and Haiti, rising the threat of flash flooding and mudslides across Hispaniola today. Military veterans discover sinister ‘child sex trafficking camp’ with ‘underground jail for kids’, ‘rape tree’ and name ‘Maddie’ etched into branch AN alleged child sex trafficking camp with a sinister underground bunker, a so-called “rape tree” and the name “Maddie” written on a branch has been discovered by US veterans on patrol. The abandoned camp, just outside of Tucson in Arizona, was uncovered by an ex-armed forces group which helps homeless veterans. Biden Sends 3,000 Troops, Offers Taliban Bribes, As Afghanistan Disaster Looms …Biden has been reduced to bribing the Taliban with foreign aid in exchange for a promise not to attack the United States embassy in Kabul. The proposal to fund terrorists is criminally treasonous and since the ranks of the Taliban include any number of Jihadis, and their old Al Qaeda allies have a presence in Afghanistan, that’s setting up our diplomats to be killed. What exactly is causing illness worldwide if SARS-CoV-2 has never been isolated, purified and shown to cause any human disease, let alone a pandemic? As the phrase “COVID-19” is permanently tattooed into our brains, epidemiologists still haven’t found a natural animal reservoir for the origination of SARS-CoV-2. Even more astounding, no virologists has isolated and purified this novel coronavirus nor proven it replicates in a human cell line! So, what is SARS-CoV-2 and what does the ubiquitous term, COVID-19 represent? What is actually causing infections and deaths worldwide? Why are human rights under assault? What are the real reasons for severe illness, and where is this suffering coming from? U.S. border has collapsed completely as Biden regime now busing COVID-infected migrants all across U.S. It should be completely obvious by now that whoever is running the Biden regime is out to destroy what is left of our American experiment in self-government, based on reports this week about the worsening situation along the U.S.-Mexico border. Western supply chain collapse eminent as China closes massive shipping facility, claiming COVID “case” Regular readers are aware of all the ways Western Marxists have used and abused the COVID-19 pandemic to increase their power, but now the virus is set to cause a major disruption all on its own. Israel Issues Call For International Aid To Combat Massive Fire That Is Raging Right Now Around Capital City Of Jerusalem, Origin As Yet Unknown Israel performed mass evacuations of Jerusalem area residents today, getting thousands of people out of the path of the largest fire in Israel since the Carmel blaze in 2010 that killed 44 people. The cause of the fire has not yet been determined, but with all the events with the Taliban seizing control in Afghanistan, can anyone help but wonder if this fire might be connected to that? One thing’s for sure, watching Biden ‘handle’ Afghanistan can only be empowering and encouraging terrorists across the Middle East. America is a FAILED STATE… God’s wrath being unleashed to take down a nation of sin… Prepare yourself to walk through the valley of the shadow of death As the world watched in dismay, the fall of Kabul painted a vivid picture of the crumbling of the United States of America. The US military, hell bent on going “woke” with transgenderism and gays in the military, is utterly unable to protect its own personnel overseas, and has been impotent in protecting the US southern border from a relentless invasion of illegals that are pouring into the country. How Long Do the Vaccinated Have to Live? (Dr. Mylo Canderian is of the opinion that 95% of the world’s population are “Useless Eaters” who need to be euthanized as quickly as possible.) …Graphene Oxide is an oxygen sponge which deprives the body of necessary oxygen and causes many complications, including but not limited to anaphylactic shock, toxic blood clotting, fatal lung paralysis, mitochondrial cancer, and endothelial cancer.” Dr. Mylo Canderian’s viewpoint is much the same as Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, and the Big Pharma CEO’s: LET THEM ALL DIE! Minnesota Parents Refuse Lockdowns And Mask Mandates Dozens of Minnesota parents refuse lockdowns and have voiced their opposition to Democrat Governor Tim Walz’s latest mask mandates for school children in Minnesota. AMERICA LAST: Biden Pentagon Says That Americans Trapped Will *Not* Get ‘Priority Treatment’ As Afghanistan Falls Into The Hands Of Taliban Just imagine that you are an American worker in Afghanistan who has just watched the Taliban march in and take the entire nation including Kabul in less than 7 days. Imagine your feelings of shock and horror as you watch the American military desperately trying to airlift frightened people to safety in all the noise and confusion. Now imagine that your government just announced that Americans still trapped in Afghanistan will receive no ‘special treatment’ or ‘prioritization’ to be taken out. Could it get any worse? Just wait. Former Pfizer Employee Turned Whistleblower Confirms Poison in COVID Vaccine Karen Kingston, a former Pfizer employee and current analyst for the pharmaceutical and medical device industries, came forward with indisputable documentation that should be shared with the ENTIRE WORLD! The inoculation being referred to as ‘COVID Vaccines’ is a poisonous death sentence, and nobody should subject themselves to the shots. Widespread panic buying now taking place in the UK amid the spread of new COVID variant; better stock up while you can in the U.S. COVID seems to be the viral gift that keeps on giving, as the world is now dealing with a second wave of illnesses stemming from a variant of the original strain called Delta.

This post first appeared on ARE WE LIVING IN THE END TIMES, please read the originial post: here

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8-17-21 Rapture Ready News


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