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5-26-21 Rapture Ready News


Rapture Ready End Times News 26 May 2021 Published on: May 26, 2021 by RRadmin7 Kim Yo Jong massacre: North Korea panic as despot’s ‘Devil Woman’ sister orders killings NORTH KOREAN’S Kim Yo Jong has ordered a string of killings leaving the regime’s officials terrified of “getting on her nerves”. Reports of a massacre carried out by Pyongyang’s “Devil Woman” have trickled out of the isolated regime in recent days. Sources within North Korea have said that Kim Jong-un’s sister has given orders for a purge of government agencies. China shows off military might – ‘thousands’ of bombs dropped in mammoth exercise Over recent months, Beijing has asserted its dominance in the region and has built several military bases on some of the atolls. Now, according to China’s state broadcaster, aircraft assigned to the South Sea Fleet released “thousands of munitions” during the May 14 and 15 drills. During the exercises, pilots trained in “precision strike” and “saturation attack” as warplanes dropped bombs, anti-ship rockets and autocannon fire at floating targets in the sea. Anti-Trumpers left frustrated by DOJ document A part of the document that supported former Attorney General William Barr’s decision not to charge then-President Trump with “obstruction” over the now-debunked Russia collusion claims has been released, and it’s leaving anti-Trumpers frustrated. It’s because it reveals that the official legal recommendation in the case was that Trump would not be charged based on the evidence even if he was a private citizen – and not given any presidential immunity. “The bottom line is that legally, Trump could not be prosecuted even if he wasn’t president. That’s not going down very well on the Left today.” Hikind blasts Sanders: With Jews like him, we go to the gas chambers So what is his sickness? He cannot — he calls himself a Jew and says he’s proud.” “With Jews like him, we go to the gas chambers, by the way,” he added. “He’s got to throw in Islamophobia when there are no numbers, it ain’t happening. Excuse me, I haven’t seen anything on television about Muslims being attacked. I see Muslims attacking Jews.” Hikind went on to say that Sanders is “directly responsible” for attacks on Jews and added, “Who’s side are you on?” Iran: Large fire reported at oil refinery, day after drone factory blast The refinery was inaugurated by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani just a few months ago, with an expectation of generating about $1 billion in revenue for Iran. Gaza reconstruction would undermine Hamas, Blinken says “If we do this right,” Blinken said, “reconstruction and relief for the people of Gaza, far from empowering Hamas, has the potential to undermine it. I say that because Hamas thrives, unfortunately, on despair, misery, desperation, on a lack of opportunity.” Abbas: Ceasefire must include end to Jewish visits to Temple Mount The ceasefire between Israel and Hamas must include banning visits by Jews to al-Aqsa Mosque compound on the Temple Mount, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas told Egypt and Jordan. Coughing with difficulty breathing, Nasrallah speaks and threatens Israel Nasrallah called for the creation of a “new equation:” Any violation of Jerusalem would lead to a regional war. The threat by Nasrallah comes after clashes were reported between police and Palestinians on the Temple Mount in recent days. Israeli parliamentarian calls on Jews: Go up to Temple Mount Israeli Knesset member Simcha Rothman visited the Temple Mount on Thursday. While on the mount, Rothman said: “My hope is that we return to the Temple Mount as a nation.” “I believe that going to the Temple Mount is something that will strengthen our resolve to return to the Temple Mount” he continued saying that: “The Temple Mount needs to be in our hands and not just as a mantra from the Six-day War, but in actuality.” The IDF Explains: Where Does Hamas’ Money Go? not much has changed. Instead of using its power to benefit the people of Gaza, Hamas spends the majority of its resources on terrorist activities. Thousands attend pro-Israel rally in New York City The demonstration, “United Against Antisemitism. United Against Terror. United for Us,” took place at Ground Zero and in 14 other cities across the United States, among them Miami, Los Angeles, Orlando, Austin, Denver, Houston and more. It was organized by the Israeli-American Council together with 100 other Jewish community organizations. US State Dept admits Hamas may use “Humanitarian” funds for buying rockets against Israel As Secretary of State Anthony Blinken meets with Netanyahu this week to discuss the recent hostilities between Gaza and Israel, a White House report cited a senior State Department official as admitting that the humanitarian aid President Biden pledged to help rebuild Gaza might end up being usurped by Hamas for use in terrorism and rockets targeting Israel. Significant damage after M5.3 earthquake near Nyiragongo volcano Significant building damage was reported after a shallow M5.3 earthquake (RMB) hit Rubavu, Rwanda at 09:03 UTC (11:03 LT) on May 25, 2021. The USGS is reporting it as M4.7 at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles). MORE LEAKS: Facebook Whistleblowers Reveal Secret ‘Filter’ for ‘Liberty-Based’ and ‘Religious-Based’ ‘Objections & Skepticism,’ Including ‘Vaccine Passports’ On the heels of Project Veritas’ Bombshell Facebook Insider release on Monday – there is more information coming out from our Insider’s leaked documents, expanding on the company’s efforts to stifle comments critical or skeptical of COVID-19 vaccines. Cities Pushing to ‘Defund the Police’ Are Struggling with Record-High Crime Rates Liberal cities that backed the push to “defund the police” are now struggling with record-high violent crime rates, according to reports. New York, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, Philadelphia, and other Democrat strongholds are facing a dramatic rise in violence. 18 Cases of Heart Inflammation After COVID-19 Vaccination Reported in Connecticut A single state has recorded 18 cases of myocarditis in people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. All of the cases in Connecticut required hospitalization. Feds seize $90k from left-wing BLM supporting activist who goaded Trump supporters into invading Capitol If you are a supporter of President Donald Trump and never believed that it was plausible for others of his supporters to participate in a riot, and particularly at the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C., your instincts were correct. Corn prices are up by over 50% in 2021 alone Corn prices have been steadily increasing over the past year, rising more than 50 percent in 2021 alone. Corn is now worth $7.50 a bushel, its highest price tag since 2012. COMPROMISED: Harvard subjects students to trips, research papers authored by Chinese Communist Party propaganda front. The Harvard Kennedy School – a public policy-focused graduate school – has collaborated extensively with various propaganda arms of the Chinese Communist Party seeking to influence Western organizations to “adopt positions supportive of Beijing’s preferred policies.” Do covid vaccines contain GMO “Magneto” protein capable of remotely controlling behavior, brain activity? American researchers have developed a new method of mind control that sounds oddly similar to what some suspect is contained within Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines.” Superparamagnetic nanoparticles delivered via vaccines; Operation Warp Speed a TRAP for Democrats, and the engineered collapse of America accelerates A study published in the National Library of Medicine in 2014 proves that “superparamagnetic nanoparticles” are successfully delivered into the body via vaccines, and once in the body, they can be used to inject DNA into cells, altering their genetics. The study is entitled Superparamagnetic nanoparticle delivery of DNA vaccine. DeSantis to Critics of CRT Ban: Florida Students Will Learn ‘Historical Fact,’ Not ‘Non-Empirical Ideology’ Now that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has banned Critical Race Theory from public schools, his critics are on notice that Florida’s students will learn “historical fact,” not “non-empirical ideology.” The World’s Top Billionaires Are Racing To Be First To Market With Brain Computer Interface Microchips Bringing Us Closer To Mark Of The Beast What is the Mark of the Beast? Glad you asked, it’s a human-implantable device that allows the host to conduct financial transactions commonly known as ‘buying and selling’. Pretty simple concept to understand, yes? No knowledge of Greek or Hebrew needed, just a dime store King James Bible that bargain stores literally sell for one dollar. So is anyone surprised that that two of the world’s top billionaires who make their fortunes with money, Thiel of PayPal and Musk of Bitcoin, are now racing to bring to market the first human-implantable brain chip? Chicago Mayor Seeks to Retain Key Policing Powers In Civilian Oversight Plan Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot on Monday unveiled her version of a civilian police oversight plan that allows her to retain the key powers of picking the police chief, negotiating contracts with police unions, and deciding on police policy disputes. Pagan Pope Urges 1.5 Billion Followers To Protect ‘Mother Earth’ As He Preaches The Green Gospel Of Gaia Worship In His ‘Laudato Si’ Launch The Roman pontifex maximus, so called, is launching his Laudato Si platform which is designed to encourage his 1.5 billion Catholic followers to worship Mother Earth in the green gospel of Climate Change. But astute longtime readers of NTEB know this is much more than Climate Change, this is the pagan religion of Gaia worship which Romans 1 warns us about. Interestingly, Pope Francis invites Catholics to ‘to begin a 7-year journey to total sustainability’ with his green gospel of Gaia. Can anyone else tell me something in the Bible that lasts for a 7-year period? Bloomberg writer Clara Ferreira Marques calls for mandatory vaccinations (and PRISON time for refuseniks) to increase spike protein injections that are killing people …Liberals want to “save lives” by forcing injections at gunpoint Catholic church in St. Louis ROPES OFF unvaccinated members like cattle, bans them from parish hall . St. Joseph Catholic Parish in Cottleville, Mo., near St. Louis is reportedly segregating its unvaccinated members from the rest of the congregation by forcing them to worship and take communion in their own separate area of the building. Dr. Robert Jeffress warns Christians not to send their children to this university “What they teach and the underlying philosophy is anti-Christian,” Pastor Robert Jeffress said on the Todd Starnes Radio Show. “And I don’t think any true Christian parent who wants their kids to have a Christian education would allow their child anywhere near Baylor University.” The Governors of Arizona and Georgia Are Increasingly Linked to Election Theft In Their Respective States On Behalf of the CHICOMS Anyone who has certified an election with fraud, is guilty of fraud themselves and subject to criminal action. Governor’s Kemp of Georgia and Ducey of Arizona, knowingly certified a general election in 2020 that was fraudulent! Megadrought Nightmare: No Water For Crops, Horrific Wildfires, Colossal Dust Storms And Draconian Water Restrictions The megadrought that has almost the entire western half of the country in a death grip is starting to become extremely painful. In some areas, irrigation water is being totally cut off for farmers, and that is going to result in a totally lost year for many of them. Without water, you simply cannot grow crops, and irrigation water is the difference between success and failure for multitudes of western farmers.

This post first appeared on ARE WE LIVING IN THE END TIMES, please read the originial post: here

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5-26-21 Rapture Ready News
