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1-14-21 Rapture Ready News

Rapture Ready End Times News 14 Jan 2021 Published on: January 14, 2021 by RRadmin7 Iran is the new home for Al Qaeda terror network – poses ‘grave threat’ to US, Israel, Arab allies – Pompeo reveals The regime in Tehran is not simply allowing al-Qaeda terrorists to crisscross its territory. The leaders of the Islamic Republic have intentionally made Iran the headquarters for al-Qaeda, the global terrorist organization that attacked the U.S. on Sept. 11, 2001 and has continued to attack and kill American citizens and allies in the two decades since. “Al-Qaeda has a new home base: it is the Islamic Republic of Iran,” said U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Tuesday in a major address at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. Kim Jong-un’s Shot Across Biden’s Bow Last year was relatively quiet in U.S.-North Korean relations. That’s likely to change. Having built up his nuclear and missile arsenal during the past four years, North Korean strongman Kim Jong-un has just warned President-elect Biden to expect more of the same. Speaking at the 8th Party Congress, the country’s highest legislative event, Kim praised his munitions scientists for their advances and announced plans for yet more dangerous weapons. These programs likely entail more missile and nuclear testing, which will escalate tensions and pose an early foreign policy challenge for the Biden administration. Israel determined to prevent Iran from achieving ‘Syria Project’ The alleged strikes in the Deir al-Zour and Albu Kamal areas were the latest in a long series of reported Israeli attacks that are designed to thwart the Islamic Republic’s attempts at building a war machine in Syria. The airstrikes nevertheless stood out in light of the extraordinary comments made by a senior American intelligence official, who told the Associated Press that the bombings were enabled by intelligence provided to Israel by the United States. In Final Act, Trump Admin To Present ‘Bombshell’ Findings Blaming Wuhan Lab For COVID-19, WHO Cover-Up The Trump administration will present ‘dramatic new evidence’ that the virus which causes COVID-19 leaked from a Wuhan lab, according to the Daily Mail, which adds that outgoing Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will make a “bombshell” announcement that SARS-CoV-2 did not naturally jump from bats to humans through an intermediary species – and was instead cultured by scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), where both Chinese and foreign experts have warned of shoddy bio-security for years. Meanwhile, China scrubbed “hundreds of pages of information” spanning over 300 studies conducted by the WIV, including some which discuss passing diseases from animals to humans. Totally normal behavior from innocent people, we’re sure. Pro-Life Advocates Cheer Supreme Court Ruling Restricting Access to Abortion Pills Pro-life groups praised the Supreme Court for restoring a federal prohibition against at-home abortions. The Supreme Court on Tuesday overruled lower-court decisions blocking Food and Drug Administration requirements that patients obtain abortion drugs in person. Mallory Quigley, vice president of the pro-life Susan B. Anthony List, said that clinics exploited the coronavirus pandemic to increase business amid lockdowns, encouraging the self-administered abortions that pro-choice advocates once characterized as dangerous “back-alley” procedures. Iran launches missile drill amid tensions Iran’s naval forces on Wednesday launched a major military drill in the country’s southern waters amid rising tensions in the region in the final week of the Trump administration. The two-day missile exercise in the Gulf of Oman, code-named Eqtedar-99 (power), was attended by top military officials, including the chief of army staff, Gen. Hossein Baqeri. Any EU state can sue Facebook: Advocate general Data protection authorities in all EU countries can start proceedings for private data breaches against Facebook even if the company is based in Ireland, advocate general Michal Bobek advised the European Court of Justice on Wednesday. In the case of Facebook, the data protection authority of Ireland is responsible at first place for pursuing procedures over breaches of EU data protection law, Bobek’s opinion suggested. One Person Dead, One Missing After Wind And Rain Pummel Pacific Northwest Rescuers in Oregon were searching through mud as deep as 10 feet Wednesday after a landslide east of Portland, looking for a person who was believed to have been swept away by the debris flow. 75 year old Israeli woman found lifeless hours after second dose of Covid-19 vaccine A 75 year old woman who on Wednesday morning received the second dose of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine was found lifeless in her home in Lod hours afterward, Channel 12 reported. With Middle East on edge, miscalculation could trigger conflagration Few are paying attention to some very dramatic developments taking place in the Middle East involving Israel, the US, Iran and its proxies. But they should. Consider the following: On Tuesday night, 18 airstrikes took place deep inside Syria, near the Syrian-Iraqi border – which foreign reports attributed to Israel, and which reportedly killed more than two dozen Syrian soldiers and foreign fighters. Free-Speech Protesters outside home of Twitter CEO shout Holocaust Denial tweets still on Platform Activists protested at the home of Twitter’s CEO, challenging his hypocrisy in allowing posts calling for genocide while banning President Trump. At the same time, Democrats are comparing Republican challenges to the actions of the Nazis in the Holocaust in a way that many find to be insulting forms of Holocaust denial. Left-Wing Jewish Americans Cheer Death of Jewish Philanthropist In a manner that betrayed their roots in Torah … left-wing anti-Israel Jewish groups celebrated the death of Sheldon Adelson, a billionaire Jewish philanthropist and an ardent lover of Zion. Biden’s Pick for Justice Dept: Anti-Semitism Based in “Indisputable Fact” When the righteous become great the people rejoice, But when the wicked dominate the people groan. Proverbs 29:2 . Biden nominated Kristen Clarke as his candidate to head the US Department of Justice Civil Rights Division. Though eminently qualified, Clarke has some deeply disturbing views that clearly run contrary to the function she is expected to perform. Report: At least 23 Iranian, Syrian troops killed in Israeli strikes in Syria At least 23 members of Iranian and Syrian-regime forces were killed in Israeli air strikes in eastern Syria early Wednesday, and more than 28 militiamen wounded, some seriously, according to a U.K.-based war monitor. The Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported that Israel had struck targets in Deir ez-Zor Governorate, quoting a military source as saying that the strike occurred just after 1 a.m. but providing no further details. Mike Pompeo: ‘History Will Reflect on the Good Work’ Trump Has Done “But history will reflect on the good work that this president and our administration has done. Those books will be written about the changes that we have made in the world, the recognition that we have taken about reality, sovereignty, respect for basic dignity and human rights, a return to the founding principles in a way that previous administrations had not done. Rebellion begins: State of Florida considers divesting from Big Tech Florida will consider divesting from technology companies that have banned or suspended President Donald Trump’s social-media accounts when Gov. Ron DeSantis next meets with his Cabinet. Shots fired at IDF forces on Gaza border Twice on Wednesday, the IDF responded to shots from Gaza near the border by striking Hamas guard posts. After shots were first fired from Gaza around 12 p.m. towards IDF engineering equipment, the IDF responded by striking a Hamas guard post. Shortly after, shots were fired again, and the IDF responded by striking two Hamas guard posts. Reports that Iran has expanded ‘kamikaze drone’ base in Yemen Iran has sent drones to Yemen, enabling the creation of a base for so-called “suicide drones” or what are known as loitering munitions… The report claims that “Shahed-136” drones are now based in Al-Jawf. These are supposedly “advanced UAVs.” The report is unclear as to most of the details, only noting that these drones might have a range of some 2,200 kilometers which puts them conveniently just within range of Israel. Before Becoming Boston’s Mayor, Biden’s Labor Pick Was Embroiled in Union Extortion Scandal President-elect Joe Biden’s pick for labor secretary was once caught on a wiretap admitting that he threatened a development company for refusing to use union workers. Biden chose Boston mayor Marty Walsh (D.) to lead the Department of Labor, praising the longtime union ally as a “good friend” and “stand up guy” in a Friday announcement. Amazon Pulling Parler’s Servers Is ‘Stage 2’ of the Left’s ‘Gross Totalitarian’ Takeover “The odds are 100%. We are coming back. Anybody who thought we were going to take this lying down, you picked the wrong guy,” Bongino said regarding Amazon pulling its servers supporting social media platform Parler, in which the conservative commentator has invested…“You’ll be next,” because liberal censorship is never sated until all opposition is eradicated, Bongino warned… UN textbooks in Gaza, PA full of Israel hatred, praise of jihadists A report published…shows that textbooks distributed by the United Nations’ Palestinian refugee agency includes incitement against Israel and glorifications of terrorists who committed atrocious acts of violence. The report…found that texbooks produced by the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) include inciting material, across all subjects and grades. Jerusalem approves location for new US Embassy Jerusalem municipal authorities said Wednesday they have given preliminary approval to a location for a new U.S. Embassy in the city. In a statement on Twitter, Deputy Mayor Fleur Hassan-Nahoum said the city’s building and planning committee approved the plans. She told The Associated Press that another committee must still grant approval, which she expects to happen in the coming weeks. US Supreme Court Blocks Mail Delivery of Abortion Pill During Pandemic The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday reinstated a requirement that women visit a hospital or clinic to obtain a drug used for medication-induced abortions, lifting an order by a lower court allowing the drug to be mailed or delivered as a safety measure during the coronavirus pandemic. President Trump addresses nation for first time after 2nd impeachment On Wednesday night President Donald Trump released a video statement denouncing political violence, including at events reportedly being planned to take place in Washington D.C. and across the country in the coming days. Trump’s remarks came about an hour after the House of Representatives voted to impeach him on a charge of inciting an insurrection among demonstrators at the Capitol last week. Severe floods and landslides damage more than 10 000 homes in West Java, death toll rises to 21 with 19 missing, Indonesia Severe weather in West Java, Indonesia, has triggered severe flooding that damaged more than 10 000 homes, according to the disaster management agency BNPB. Rescue efforts continue as of January 13, 2021, to retrieve missing people after landslides hit Sumedang District on January 9. 21 deaths have been confirmed, while 19 others remain missing. Category 5 atmospheric river brings flooding rain and strong winds to Oregon and Washington, U.S. An exceptional atmospheric river rated Category 5 (AR 5) is soaking the Pacific Northwest, bringing flooding rain and strong winds in parts of coastal Oregon and Washington, where up to 8 600 customers were left without power on Tuesday, January 12, 2021. Threats of flooding, mudslides, and avalanches continue into Wednesday morning, January 13, before the moisture flow heads offshore and dissipates. Competing Trump scenarios; breaking the spells of FEAR and SCARCITY ..With Italy’s government now collapsing, and the Pope rumored to have been arrested, and a raid having taken place on the Leonardo company that provided the satellite infrastructure used by the deep state to steal the election, it’s obvious that major events are under way on the world stage, all pointing to something much bigger taking place in the next seven days. Does Anyone Else Find It Odd That Despite Winning It All, The Democrats Seem To Be Terrified And Are Working Frantically To Head Something Off? At first glance, it looked like the Democrats were attacking Donald Trump and his 75 millions supporters so vehemently because they had finally seized power and were now enacting their long-simmering vengeance against Conservatives. But the longer I looked, it began to dawn on me that these are not the actions of a group of people who now have control of the House, Senate and White House, and are secure in their power, not at all. They are acting frantic and running scared, like they feel it could all be taken away from them between now and the 20th. Could it? Twitter Flooded with Calls to Arrest George Soros for ‘Treason’ Users on Twitter are flooding the platform with calls for liberal billionaire George Soros to be arrested for “treason.” BREAKING: Texas Election Fraudster Caught in Project Veritas Undercover Sting Arrested For Widespread Vote Harvesting – Faces Up to 20 Years in Prison In October Project Veritas released a bombshell undercover video of a Texas “Republican” consultant violating both Texas and federal laws. Biden’s ‘Humane’ Immigration Plan Gives Green Cards to Illegal Aliens, Harris Reveals Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) has revealed that former Vice President Joe Biden’s immigration plan gives green cards to millions of illegal aliens living in America. Sánchez, Castro Push Legislation to Prevent Naming Things After Trump House Representatives Linda T. Sánchez (D-CA) and Joaquin Castro (D-TX) are working to ensure that President Donald Trump is never memorialized in any official manner.

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1-14-21 Rapture Ready News


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