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6-8-20 Rapture Ready News

Rapture Ready End Times News

8 Jun 2020

June Snow Forecast for Northern UK
The UK, unlike much of the rest of the planet, has experienced a relatively mild 2020 thus far. The occasional blast of Arctic air has still managed to engulf the nation –such as the early May snowfall and record-cold— but on the whole, it’s been mild. “It’s worth mentioning too that on Friday night and into Saturday morning what we are looking at is the risk of some sleet and snow above 700 metres in the hills of northern Scotland. Can you believe that?”
Army labs say ‘some form’ of COVID-19 vaccine will be ready this year, but not for all
“In the event that the virus can mutate, our vaccine is positioned to be able to cover any new strains or species of the virus,” Modjarrad added. While Modjarrad said that the coronavirus has yet to mutate, researchers at Los Alamos National Laboratory recently published a study showing that various strains of the virus had reached the United States at different times, and were demonstrating varying degrees of contagiousness.
Texas Lt. Governor Says Racism Is an “Issue of Love” Healed by Turning to God
The Lt. Governor told Fox News on Wednesday evening that the issue of racism across the country is ultimately an “issue of love,” adding that it boils down to loving God, which leads to loving one’s neighbor. “It’s loving God,” Patrick asserted. “If you cannot love your fellow man, if you don’t love God — and we have a country where we’ve been working really hard, particularly on the left, to kick God out.” …the “culture of a country” cannot change until the “character of mankind” is changed first as it involves the transformation of the heart.
It begins: N.Y. mayor to suck money from NYPD amid calls to defund police
Bill de Blasio announced a plan to shift funding away from the city’s police department and toward youth programs Sunday, as activists push for defunding police departments. De Blasio’s plan is part of a suggestion from the mayor’s task force on racial inclusion, which is chaired by his wife, activist Chirlane McCray.
George Floyd was infected with COVID-19, autopsy reveals
George Floyd, whose fatal encounter with Minneapolis police stirred a global outcry over racial bias by U.S. law enforcement, tested positive for the coronavirus, his autopsy showed, but the infection was not listed as a factor in his death.
Despite Israeli strikes, Iranian forces massing on Syrian border
According to Iranian analyst Mostafa Najafi, a staggering 53,000 Iranian-backed militia members have merged into the army of dictator Bashar al-Assad and are still present along the border with Israel wearing Syrian army uniforms. “In times of crisis, Iran has shown that it is prone to change tactics, instead of strategies,” Najafi said.
Former MI6 head claims COVID-19 was made in a Chinese lab
A former head of the British intelligence agency MI6 has said that he believes the COVID-19 virus was created in a lab and spread accidentally. Speaking to The Telegraph’s Planet Normal podcast, Sir Richard Dearlove cited recent research which claimed to have found key evidence that the virus had been manipulated to bind to humans. If accurate, the research would have far-reaching political effects as governments around the world re-examined their dealings with the Communist state, including raising the question of reparation payments from China to the rest of the world…
Iran prepares to confront Israel in Syria via Hezbollah – report
Iran may be preparing for conflict with Israel in Syria and no longer will accept Israeli airstrikes on its warehouses without a response, a report over the weekend suggested. Veteran journalist Elijah Magnier wrote on the website Medium about whether the “great Middle Eastern war will begin in the Levant” and cited Syria as a potential flashpoint.
‘It’s Time Gulf States Normalized ties with Israel,’ former Top Dubai Official says
Former Dubai Police Chief Lt. Gen. Dhahi Khalfan Tamim sparked controversy over the weekend when, in a series of tweets, he called on of Persian Gulf states and the rest of the Arab world to admit they want to establish open diplomatic relations with Israel,
Secret of squid invisibility used to turn human cells transparent
Of all the superpowers in the animal kingdom, the squid’s ability to turn invisible is one of the coolest. And now scientists at the University of California, Irvine have managed to recreate that in human cells for the first time, … UC Irvine team attempted to introduce that ability into human cells. To do so, they genetically engineered human embryonic kidney cells to express reflectin, and sure enough it worked. On closer inspection, the proteins were seen to gather into particles inside the cells, altering how they scattered light.
New synthetic red blood cells are even better than the real thing
To make the synthetic cells, the researchers start with real ones. These donated human RBCs were first covered with a thin layer of silica, followed by layers of polymers with positive and negative charges. The silica is then etched away, and finally the surface is coated in natural RBC membranes.
Iran prepares to confront Israel in Syria via Hezbollah – report
Iran may be preparing for conflict with Israel in Syria and no longer will accept Israeli airstrikes on its warehouses without a response, a report over the weekend suggested. Veteran journalist Elijah Magnier wrote on the website Medium about whether the “great Middle Eastern war will begin in the Levant” and cited Syria as a potential flashpoint.
Netanyahu’s new adviser: Obama treated Israel like s**thole
Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden should be concerned about colluding with Russia and former President Barack Obama treated Israel “like it was a shithole” are some of the controversial comments made by a new strategic adviser Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hired last week. Aaron Klein, a former journalist for Breitbart, was hired by Netanyahu as a strategic and communications consultant for the Likud Party.
Texas Republicans under fire for posts linking George Soros to protest
Multiple Republican officials in Texas are under fire for social media posts suggesting George Soros is behind the protests sparked by the death of George Floyd…Sue Piner, the chair of the Republican party in Comal County, shared a post on Facebook last week with an image of Soros alongside text that read: “I pay white cops to murder black people. And then I pay black people to riot because race wars keep the sheep in line.”
Syrian currency collapse throws country into uncertainty
The Syrian regime thought it was finally out of the woods in its almost decade-long civil war. It recaptured southern Syria in 2018 and has pushed up against US forces along the Euphrates. It has launched offensives into Idlib with Russian and Iranian backing. In October 2019 the Turkish attack on US-backed anti-ISIS fighters even enabled the regime to take over parts of eastern Syria.
Sweden didn’t lock down, but economy to plunge anyway
Unlike most countries, Sweden never locked down during the coronavirus pandemic, largely keeping businesses operating, but the economy appears to be taking a hard hit nonetheless. Under the Scandinavian country’s controversial approach to the virus, cafes, bars, restaurants and most businesses remained open, as did schools for under-16s, with people urged to follow social distancing and hygiene guidelines.
North Korea: Call from South to North goes unanswered for first time
South Korea’s daily call to a jointly-run liaison office in North Korea has gone unanswered for the first time. The break came days after North Korea said it would pull out of the inter-Korean liaison office, located in the North Korean border city of Kaesong. The agency was set up to reduce tensions between the two nations – part of an agreement signed by leaders Moon Jae-in and Kim Jong-un in 2018.
LGBTQ community names Tel Aviv as Israel’s most gay-friendly city 
LGBTQ activists on Sunday submitted their first-ever Gay-Friendly City Index to President Reuven Rivlin, as Gay Pride month got underway in Israel. The index maps 29 local municipalities according to handling of gay issues and the communities within their purview over the past year. Performance was measured using key criteria: welfare, education, infrastructure, visibility, safety and culture.
Vast locust swarms in East Africa put almost 5 million people at risk of hunger and famine: ExpertsVast locust swarms in East Africa could put almost 5 million people in the region at risk of hunger and famine, according to the International Rescue Committee.
We Are In The Overlap Between The Ending Of The Church Age And Before The Start Of The Time Of Jacob’s Trouble
Events are happening so quickly it is nearly impossible to catch them all, and even if you managed that, you would scarcely have time for that to register when new information would immediately replace it. In a previous article, we told you how everything going on now is all connected, it is all working to accomplish the same purpose, they call it the Great Reset. From a biblical perspective, what we are seeing is the closing of the nearly 2,000-year old Church Age as it is overlapping with the soon-to-be-time of Jacob’s trouble.
The Global Elites Are Calling It ‘The Great Reset’ And It Is Exactly What End Times Books And Movies Have Been Warning You About For Decades
We are living in an amazing time, a time foretold within the pages of the bible, and we have been privileged to watch them leap off the pages and into our daily lives. Prophecy is being fulfilled before our very eyes, and it is awesome. But there is so much happening, with myriad events coming from seemingly unconnected places yet they are all connected and all part of the same plan. The global elites who run things have been kind enough to give it a name, they call it ‘The Great Reset’, and it is the New World Order. It has arrived. Here’s what you need to know.
Democratic mayors are seriously considering DEFUNDING police departments amid persisting riots
Members of the Democratic Party, Antifa and other rioters and demonstrators have begun calling for police departments across the country to be defunded, and some Democratic mayors have responded positively to these demands. In Minneapolis, where the riots began, the city council is even considering abolishing their police department altogether.
U.S. officially demands U.K. hand over Prince Andrew to be quizzed over Epstein
THE US has officially demanded Britain hand over Prince Andrew to be quizzed over his links to billionaire pedophile pal Jeffrey Epstein.
Defunding the Police Means Destabilizing America
It only took three thousand Bolsheviks to change Russia forever.  When the NAZIs emerged in Germany, they began as only a small party, and was even at one point banned for trying to stage a coup.  They committed mass terror, and worked to turn morality on its head.  The dead were just meaningless numbers.  What truly mattered to the men in charge of bringing about tyranny was the revolution.
‘White Coats for Black Lives’ Protest: Healthcare Workers Take a Knee
The protest movement White Coats for Black Lives, where healthcare workers kneel in groups to support protesters demanding racial equality and justice, gathered at locations across the country over the weekend.
Minneapolis City Council announces veto-proof push to disband police in George Floyd aftermath
Minneapolis’ left-leaning City Council members on Sunday announced a veto-proof push to disband the Minneapolis police department, ramping up a major conflict inside the city following the death of George Floyd while in police custody.
Is a Gathering of 19 National Armies Taking Place In Red Sqaure a Sign of Things to Come with Regard the Planned UN Military Intervention Inside the US?
A gathering of potential enemies is happening in Red Square on June 24, 2020 ofr a military celebration and military parade. Putin is sponsoring the event as it has been delayed twice because of fears about the COVID-19 virus. This is the strangest gathering of nations that I have ever witnessed.
Coronavirus is Gone – The Narrative Has FailedJust over a week ago much of America faced jail if they dared break the “social distancing” rules put in place by tyrannical governors and other public officials. Now tens of thousands gather to protest a police killing with impunity.

This post first appeared on ARE WE LIVING IN THE END TIMES, please read the originial post: here

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6-8-20 Rapture Ready News


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