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6-2-20 Rapture Ready News

Rapture Ready End Times News

2 Jun 2020

Secret Deal Results in Saudi Arabia Challenging Turkey for Control of Temple Mount
An article in the Hebrew-language Israel Hayom on Sunday reported on secret negotiations that have been held between Israel and Saudi Arabia since December that would result in including Saudi clerics in the Waqf council that oversees the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. senior diplomats and security officials from Israel, Saudi, and the United States were in dialogue concerning the implementation of President Trump’s Middle East Peace Plan. According to the report, Jordan objected to the proposal but in the wake of recent Turkish interference in East Jerusalem and the Temple Mount, the Jordanian government now supports having Saudi clerics as part of the Waqf council.
Trump says he’ll deploy military to ‘dominate’ riot instigators if governors won’t bring law and order
President Donald Trump announced at the White House Rose Garden at 6:30 p.m. Monday that he is mobilizing federal resources, including military assets to counteract violent and destructive rioting around the country. Trump said he had instructed every governor to deploy their state’s National Guard units so that they can “dominate the streets.” He also said that if governors do not deploy their National Guard units, where appropriate, he would deploy the U.S. military instead.
More Muslim States Break Away from Mold: Side with Israel on Annexation
Netanyahu’s plan to annex Judea and Samaria is causing nations to choose sides but in an entirely unexpected manner, many Arab nations are choosing to stand with Israel.
Gantz orders IDF to prepare for annexation at once
Defense Minister Benny Gantz on Monday instructed Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Aviv Kochavi to accelerate preparations for the possibility that Israel will apply its laws to parts of the West Bank after he and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke with Trump administration officials.
Large fire breaks out on Mount Carmel, segments of Highway 6 are blocked
A large fire has broken out on the slopes of Mount Carmel, causing segments of Highway 6 to be blocked. Due to the heavy smoke and the danger it poses to passing vehicles, police have blocked several roads and are directing vehicles to alternative routes.
UK ready to use veto to block Russia’s readmission to G7 after Trump said he wanted to invite Putin
The UK will oppose any proposal to readmit Russia to the G7, Downing Street has said, after the US president, Donald Trump, floated an expansion of the group of major international powers.
Ebola: Four dead after new outbreak in Congo
Four people have died from Ebola in a new outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the country’s health ministry confirmed on Monday. It comes as Health Minister Eteni Longondo confirmed a new case of the deadly virus in the western province of Equateur, over 1,000km (620 miles) away from the ongoing outbreak in the country’s east.
Sheriff ‘highly recommending’ homeowners ‘blow’ looters ‘back out of the house with their guns’
A Florida sheriff warned would-be looters and home intruders Monday by encouraging residents to fire upon anyone attempting to pillage their homes, following heated protests in the Lakeland area. “And if you try to break into their homes to steal, to set fires, I’m highly recommending they blow you back out of the house with their guns,” Judd said.
US court: Iran, Syria, Hamas, IJ can be liable for ‘lone wolf’ attackers
A US federal court in Washington has set a new precedent with a decision that Iran, Syria, Hamas and Islamic Jihad can be held liable for wrongful death damages for the actions of certain “lone wolf” attackers. The game-changing decision means that terror-groups and state-sponsors of terror could be hit with million and even billion dollar judgments for the 2015-2016 Knife Intifada and for other “lone wolf” attacks going forward…
Israel’s momentous decision: The settlements or the Saudis?
Israel is rapidly approaching a momentous decision. Should our new unity government move quickly to apply Israeli sovereignty over swaths of hotly contested territory known in the Bible as “Judea and Samaria,” and…“West Bank” of the Jordan River? Or should we defer discussions of unilateral annexation for the…higher priority on establishing full peace treaties with Gulf Arab states that are steadily warming towards normalization?
China Halts Some U.S. Farm Imports, Threatening Trade Deal
Chinese government officials told major state-run agricultural companies to pause purchases of some American farm goods including soybeans as Beijing evaluates the ongoing escalation of tensions with the U.S. over Hong Kong, according to people familiar with the situation. State-owned traders Cofco and Sinograin were ordered to suspend purchases, according to one of the people, who asked not to be identified discussing a private matter.
Protests in Amsterdam, Dublin over killing of black American
Thousands of protesters rallied in the Dutch and Irish capitals on Monday against the death of a black man during an arrest by police in the United States. Defying coronavirus restrictions, demonstrators in both Amsterdam and Dublin carried signs saying “Black Lives Matter”, referring to the death of George Floyd in Minnesota.
Looters clash with protesters as another night of chaos erupts in NYC 
Hundreds of looters stormed midtown Manhattan for a second night…on Monday, brazenly bashing through the windows of high-end stores and making off with stolen goods as police attempted to control the chaos. The roving gangs began their spree of rampage after a demonstration over George Floyd’s death earlier in the evening, at times clashing with peaceful protestors who desperately attempted to stop the looting and destruction.
China ‘considering plans to genetically-modify soldiers to make army of Terminator-style troops’
CHINA may be planning to genetically-modify its soldiers for an army of Terminator-style super troops, a defence think tank has warned. Experts at Rusi say GM soldiers could be faster, stronger and cleverer than their battlefield opponents and even feel no pain. Their DNA could also be adapted to help them recover more quickly from injuries or give them superior hearing and night vision.
DR Congo reports fresh Ebola outbreak
DR Congo reported a fresh Ebola outbreak in its northwest on Monday, the latest health emergency for a country already fighting an epidemic of the deadly fever in the east as well as a surging number of coronavirus infections. The 11th Ebola outbreak in the vast central African country’s history comes just weeks before it had hoped to declare the end of the 10th in the east.
Tropical Storm Amanda: At least 14 dead in El Salvador
Tropical Storm Amanda killed at least 14 people when it struck El Salvador, unleashing flooding and landslides, officials say. The president of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, has declared a 15-day state of emergency to deal with the effects of the deadly storm. He said it had caused $200m (£161m) worth of damage.
Five police shot during protests after Trump vows to bring in U.S. military
At least five U.S. police were hit by gunfire during violent protests over the death of a black man in police custody, police and media said, hours after President Donald Trump vowed to use the military to halt the unrest. Trump deepened outrage on Monday by posing at a church clutching a bible after law enforcement officers used teargas and rubber bullets to clear the way for him to walk there…
Dollar loses safe-haven shine, sends euro to 11-week high
The euro reached an 11-week high on Tuesday as the dollar lost ground, with investors maintaining their hopes for a global economic recovery. The optimism persisted within markets despite growing concern over U.S.-China tensions and mass protests across the United States over the death of a black man in police custody.
Gantz orders IDF to brace for possible partial West Bank annexation
Defense Minister Benny Gantz ordered the IDF on Monday to brace for a possible annexation of West Bank areas. He said he instructed IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi to prepare plans for this possibility and brief him on the range of scenarios that the situation could follow…Gantz also said that both himself and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are in touch with the Trump administration in the U.S. on bringing to life its Middle East peace plan.
Nisarga to intensify into severe tropical cyclone — the first such storm since 1891 to hit Maharashtra in June
A weather system in the Arabian Sea is forecast to intensify into a tropical cyclone — Nisarga — on June 2, 2020, turning severe into June 3, according to the India Meteorological Department (IMD). This will be the first tropical cyclone to form and make landfall near Mumbai or along the coast of Maharashtra during the month of June since 1891.
Trump vows to use military if governors don’t deploy National Guard to stop riots
President Donald Trump vowed Monday to mobilize all federal resources against those who are rioting, looting, and destructing public property.
President Trump Orders The Military To Immediately Deploy To Washington DC To Repel ANTIFA Forces, Says Will Deploy Nationwide If Needed
After an optically-disastrous weekend of sending  mixed messaging, President Trump today seems to have found his footing. In one of his shortest speeches on record, Trump announced that he is officially ordering active duty military be deployed to Washington, DC, to reclaim the streets from ANTIFA forces to stop the looting, rioting, arson and physical assaults that have been the hallmark of the ‘peaceful protests’ of the radical Left.
Millionaire Elites Like Steve Carell And Joe Biden Contribute To Fund That Is Bailing Out Ultra-Violent ANTIFA And BLM Anarchists From Jail For Assault
Binge-watched relentlessly on NetFlix, mega-hit show ‘The Office’ is one of the most-popular and most-beloved television shows of all time. The main character Michael Scott, played effortlessly by Steve Carell, is adored by millions. But now that Steve Carell is donating over $100,000 dollars to get ultra-violent ANTIFA and BLM domestic terrorists bailed out of jail, will his popularity take the same type of hit that small business owners have taken from ANTIFA and BLM?
These RIOTS are the attempted communist uprising against America, and all those who are complicit in the treason must be arrested and prosecutedOur sources are now confirming that a guard station outside the White House was torched last night by “rioters.” They’re really communist-led terrorist cells who are probing the White House as part of a sophisticated operation to overrun the property and attempt to assassinate President Trump.
 As ANTIFA Surrounds White House, Is There A Coup Underway To Forcibly Remove President Trump From Power?
This past weekend, the unthinkable happened. ANTIFA made it all the way to the White House, firebombed churches and businesses along the way, and nearly breached White House security. On Friday night, things were so bad that President Trump was taken to the emergency bunker for his own protection. If you’ve ever read about political coups, then you know what I am talking about.
SHOCK: Trump Spent Friday Night In Emergency Bunker As ANTIFA Raged Outside As It’s Becoming Obvious The Left’s Plan Is To Kill The PresidentIt breaks my heart to have to report this story to you today, as well as filling me with an undeniable sense of dread and foreboding for President Trump. It’s becoming clear now that, after all attempts by the radical Left to have Trump removed from office have failed, that the only option will be to take him out physically. I wrote about this back in 2016 well before the election took place, read that here. This story is verified, it is not fake news, the ANTIFA riots are so bad that the president of the most powerful nation on the face of the earth hid in the White House emergency security bunker n friday night. That’s how chaotic and in disarray the White House is right now. Let this all sink in for a moment.
Pro-Fascist Terrorist Group ANTIFA Reach Trump’s White House At Midnight, Setting Dozen Of Businesses On Fire All Around Washington DCIn the movie ‘Olympus Has Fallen’ it shows the gut-wrenching scene of the White House being taken over by outside forces as the military seem helpless to stop it. Tonight that scene came stunningly close to real life as pro-fascist terror group ANTIFA took over Washington, and came pretty close to breaching the line of defense at the White House. So close, in fact, that if ANTIFA keeps at just a few nights longer, they might just be able to get inside the White House. Impossible, you say? You need to take a look at the videos below to see how easy it was to set the town on fire without hardly working up a sweat.

This post first appeared on ARE WE LIVING IN THE END TIMES, please read the originial post: here

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6-2-20 Rapture Ready News


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